Title: Pulp and periapical pathosis
1Pulp and periapical pathosis
- (Principles and Practice of Endodontics, Walton
and Torabinejad) - Powerpoint 2002 presentation
- www.konfog.sote.hu
- /Klinika bemutatása/munkatársaink/Vág
2The aim of the diagnosis is to determine
- Necessity of medicaments (antibiotic prevention)?
- Which tooth should be treated?
- What treatment should be applied?
- Making a filling
- Root canal treatment
- Extraction of the tooth
3Basic principle of the diagnosis
- Anamnesis - Health history (medical, dental) -
1., 3. - Fever
- Pain (subjective examination, tentative
diagnosis) - Oral investigation
- Inspection (fistula, swelling, open pulp
chamber) - 2., 3. - clinical tests
- vitality tests -
2., 3. - percussion
- 2., 3. - Mobility
- 2., 3. - X-ray
- 2., 3. - selective anesthesia - 2.
- Necessity of antibiotic prevention?
- Which tooth should be treated?
- What treatment should be applied?
- Making a filling
- Root canal treatment
- Extraction of the tooth
4Vitality test
5Aetiology of the pulp and periapical pathosis
- Microbial dental caries
- Mechanical operative procedure (iatrogenic),
trauma - Chemical pulpal (acid etching, bond), periapical
6The pathway of the pulp and periapical pathosis
set out from caries
7Pulpal pathosis
- General symptoms of the inflammation
- rubor
- calor
- tumor (oedema)
- dolor
- functio laesa
- The special anatomical aspects of the pulp
enclosed chamber
8Classification of pulpal diseases(according to
symptoms and treatment)
- Reversible pulpitis
- Irreversible pulpitis
- Hyperplastic pulpitis
- Pulpal necrosis
9Reversible pulpitis
- Anamnesis
- pain stimulated by cold and sweet, tooth can be
fixed - Clinical examination
- vitality test positive, short respond
- Treatment
- removing of the exciting agent
- making a filling (or pulp capping)
10Irreversible pulpitis
- Anamnesis
- generally asymptomatic
- or mild or severe spontaneous pain
- difficult to localise
- Clinical examination
- vitality test long, sharp respond
- Treatment
- root canal treatment
11 Hyperplastic pulpitis- in young people,
chronically inflammed pulp
- Anamnesis
- asymptomatic
- Clinical examination
- vitality test positive
- open pulp chamber within polypous tissue
- Treatment
- root canal treatment
12Pulpal necrosis
- Anamnesis
- asymptomatic
- Clinical examination
- vitality test negative
- Treatment
- root canal treatment
13Does any radiological symptom link to simple
pulpal pathosis?
No, it doesnt
- Rare exceptions calcification and internal
14Periapical pathosis
- non-treated pulpal disease
- trauma (hyperocclusion)
- irrigants
- instrumentation
16Symptoms of periapical pathosis generally
- Anamnesis
- acute pain, swelling
- chronic mild or no symptoms
- Clinical examination
- vitality test usually negative
- Radiological symptoms
17Classification of periapical pathosis
- Acute apicalis periodontitis
- Chronic apical periodontitis
- Condensing osteitis
- Acute apical abscess (closed)
- Suppurative apical periodontitis (open)
18Acute apical periodontitis
- Anamnesis
- symptoms of pulpitis or necrosis pain on bite
- Clinical examination
- pain on percussion
- X-ray
- thickening of periodontal ligament space
- Treatment
- root canal treatment, (adjustment of occlusion)
19Chronic apical periodontitis
- Anamnesis
- asymptomatic or slight discomfort
- Clinical examintaion
- little or no pain on percussion
- X-ray
- interruption of lamina dura or apical
radiolucency - Treatment
- root canal treatment
20Radiogram of healthy periodontium and chronic
apical periodontitis
21Acute apical abscess (closed)
- Anamnesis
- severe discomfort, swelling, fever
- Clinical examination
- swelling, localisation?
- X-ray
- radiolucent lesion (localisation)
- Treatment
- root canal treatment, drainage, (antibiotics)
22Suppurative apical periodontitis (open)
- Anamnesis
- asymptomatic (drain), swelling
- Clinical examination
- fistula, swelling
- X-ray
- radiolucent lesion (localisation with
guttapercha) - Treatment
- root canal treatment