Title: Shallow reflection pitfalls
1Shallow reflection pitfalls
- Acquisition, processing, and interpretation
- Requires high frequencies
- Ground roll aliassing
- Air-waves
- Refractions
- Processing artifacts
From Steeples and Miller, Geophysics, July 1998
- Conduct noise test (walkaway) move geophones
progressively farther from shot point - Use half spacing than planned for data
- Test longer offsets
- Try at least two types of sources, sizes, and
sweeps (weight drops, explosives, projectiles,
Vibroseis) - Usually use 40 Hz geophones - may need 100 Hz
- Amplitude of reflections to ground roll depends
on how well coupled geophones are good coupling
decreases ground roll relative to reflections - filter (frequency or fk) ground roll (surface
waves) as they are usually half the frequency of
reflections - data frequency too low direct waves
contaminate shallow reflections hard to filter
so use high frequencies.
Temporal alliassing occurs when frequency is too
high for sample rate (Nyquist) - Can also have
spatial aliassing when geophone interval is
longer than wavelength (especially with ground
roll) - aliassed ground roll may have moveout
similar to reflections - moving shotpoint 1
interval should not affect reflections but will
affect spatial aliassed waves - decreasing
geophone interval substantially improves
reflections but remove spatial alliasing -
frequency content of apparent reflectors is
much lower then that of first arrivals. - air
wave produced by source about 330 m/s
4Air wave
Ground roll
Interference from direct waves
Spatially aliassed ground roll and air wave
5Air waves - difficult to frequency or fk
filter - spatially aliassed and appears lower -
try surgical mute - signal/noise ratio may
decrease with fold
Stacked air waves Not a reflection!
- frequency similar to reflections - wide
angle refractions and shallow reflections may
interfere - look for rapid decrease of frequency
with depth - application of NMO and stack may
greatly decrease frequency of reflections due to
misalignment compare with gathers - dip
refraction may produce shingled effect -
misidentifying refraction as reflection is common
problem - major weakness of shallow reflection
is distinguishing reflections from refractions
7Top events lt 40 ms are refractions
Effect of a dipping reflector
As with all reflection work, can produce
artifacts Deconvolution may not help Reflections
should be visible on gathers Electronic noise
AGC affects appearance
9- Interpretation
- depends on processing
- use raw data (gathers) as well
Excessive AGC
Fault produced by incorrect processing (top is
Before (random data in middle)
After - apparent bed
From Hill (1999)
11Top events lt 40 ms are refractions
Effect of a dipping reflector
12Chirp seismic
13Chirp seismic
- High-resolution water profilers
- Vertical resolution less than 1 m
- Penetration 10s m
- Applications
- Sediment classification
- Pipeline laying
- Platform evaluation
- Differs from pinger in that chirp sends out a
range of frequencies - (this allows better resolution)
- 6. Differs from seismic in that it produces a
zero-offset section - with a fold of one (so does not pick up very weak
- Source is computer generated pulses with
amplitude - and phase control (like land vibroseis)
- 2. Recorded signal in then cross-correlated with
source to get wavelet.
15After correlation, this results in a Klauder
wavelet for each reflection.
Correlation is essentially the same as
convolution, but with a a reversed signal.
17What it looks like