Title: CCC conference
1Agro/Biofuels- a climate disaster in the making
Biofuelwatch working withGlobal Forest
Coalition, Global Justice Ecology Project, Grupo
de Reflexion Rural (Argentina), FERN, Watch
Indonesia, Rettet den Regenwald e.V., Econexus,
Munlochy Vigil, and Noah (Friends of the Earth
Denmark), Corporate Europe Observatory, and Gaia
Foundation and World Rainforest
Movementintroduced by Dr Andrew Boswell,
biofuelwatch and UK Green Party councillor
- US / EU Policy WHY?
- Voices from the South
- Food, social, land disruption
- Neo-colonial agenda
- Do Agrofuels save or create more emissions?
- 2nd generation
- Food security
- The climate context
3Exponential Growth
4US / EU Policy going off the graph
EU 10 by 2020 (1 now)
US 20 by 2020 (4 now)
5Mega-scale Agrofuel drivers
- Government and corporate subsidy and promotion
- Fits Business as usual policies and paradigms
- Year-on-year economic growth
- Avoid unpopular demand reduction politics
- Short term energy security fix
- Less pressure on Oil hotspots Mid-East/Iraq
- Stabilising Oil price?
- EU / US Oil independence
- New global mega-industry
- agribusiness, biotech, and chemical sectors
- refining, tankage and shipping sectors
- commodity markets (eg Palm Oil, sugar)
6Massive land-use change in global South, and
crop commodity traffic
7- Step change in agriculture and global biosphere
use - Limited (or No) environmental and scientific
8- Hundreds of NGOs in Latin America, Asia and
Africa have spoken out against large-scale
biofuel monocultures.
9from a declaration by Latin American NGOs
- We want food sovereignty, not biofuelsWhile
Europeans maintain their lifestyle based on
automobile culture, the population of Southern
countries will have less and less land for food
crops and will loose its food sovereigntyWe are
therefore appealing to the governments and people
of the European Union countries to seek solutions
that do not worsen the already dramatic social
and environmental situation of the peoples of
Latin America, Asia and Africa. Â
10Sawit Watch, Indonesian NGO
- Palm oil for biofuels increases social conflicts
and undermines land reform in IndonesiaIt is
unavoidable that, as a consequence of Europe's
biofuels policy, the land rights of indigenous
peoples and local communities will be
relinquished further, and that food security will
be undermined and lands for agricultural purposes
and subsistence livelihoods will diminish.
11Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth
- It is a push by industry to make another
scramble for Africa, grab the land and continue
with business as usual. The industrial
bio-energy push to do increased bio-energy demand
will be nothing other than an effort at extending
the frontiers of neo-colonialism in its continued
march on the back of the fabled market forces
12Landless Movement of Brazil (MST)
- We can't call this a bio-fuels program. We
certainly can't call it a bio-diesel program.
Such phrases use the prefix bio- to subtly
imply that the energy in question comes from
life in general. This is illegitimate and
manipulative. We need to find a term in every
language that describes the situation more
accurately, a term like agro-fuel. This term
refers specifically to energy created from plant
products grown through agriculture.
13Biofuel Refugees
- U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
recently highlighted biofuels - 5 million people at risk in West Kalimantan,
Indonesia - 60 million worldwide
- Pushed off land, culture destroyed, refugees go
to big city slums - 'The speed with which this is happening we don't
really realize in our part of the world because
the technology we have today and the economic
resources that are at stake are so big, it
happens overnight. Ida Nicolaisen, UNPFII
14Emission trickery
Exporting emissions from Northern transport to
Southern agriculture and landuse
NB Soil Peat not included
15Do Agrofuels save emissions?
- What is the whole life-cycle?
- Built on Fossil Fuels
- Intensive agriculture fossil fuel based
fertilisers, farm equipment, Nitrous oxide
emissions (300 CO2), soil carbon emissions - Feedstock transport, shipping
- Refining (coal, gas fired plants!) process
chemicals - Lifecycle studies dont scale up
16Savings in isolation?
- Corn Ethanol 13 savings Berkeley 2006 study
- Patzek actually 50-100 more CO2 for ethanol
than for fossil fuels - Deforestation biodiesel
- Peat drainage long term timebomb
- 2-8 times as much CO2 biodiesel cf fossil
17Peat Destruction 1
- Drainage the dry peat - oxidises and emits
carbon dioxide. - Very rapidly in the tropics, and is often
accelerated by wildfires. - Peat fires in South-east Asia can burn millions
of hectares in one dry season and can last for
weeks, sometimes even months, burning thick
layers of peat and covering the region in thick
smoke. - Of the 21 million hectares of peatland in
Indonesia 9 million hectares are drained and are
decomposing or even burning.
18Peat Destruction 2
19Any Savings are diluted at system level
- THE DILUTION FACTOR - 1 biofuels today
- Assume 10 C emissions savings litre for litre
- Total saving 0.1 saving globally
- Most optimistic 2020 5 BFs 0.5 savings
- Same savings can be made by
- Each driver driving 0.5 less (ie 50 miles for UK
driver) - Each driver goes 2 mph slower
- Tyres inflated properly
- gt20 transport sector savings can be achieved in
10-20 years - Sustainable transport, modal shift, social
planning - work-home relocation etc
20What about second generation?
- Ligno-cellulosic
- Use stalks and other plant parts
- Plus massive GM tech
- Cf First generation simple chemistry
21Extra Energy Steps (1)
22Extra Energy Steps (2)
- 500,000,000 years evolution
- Biological splitting atom?
- Plants protective structure
23Full spectrum GM
- GM is being developed
- For plants
- Weakened lignin (floppy trees)
- Processing
- GM enzymes, yeasts, fungi
- Synthetic Biology
- Biohazards on unprecedented level
24The deep cuts we really need
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20
UK emissions
2010 Govt. target 20 reduction
The GAP which must be closed
2050 Govt. target 60 reduction
---- Government target ____ Friends of the
Earth Big Ask 3 annually ____ George Monbiot
near linear gt4 (90 by 2030) ____ George
Monbiot 7 front-loaded (90 by 2030) ____
George Monbiot 10 front-loaded (90 by 2030)
1990 2000 2010
25- 2nd generation cant deliver deep cuts to
transport emissions. Even if it could, they
would not be soon enough
26Food security
- The US case
- Direct food / fuel competition
- World grain reserves lowest in 30 years - 14mt
used to fuel US cars in 2006. - 60 rise in grain price in 2006 - Speculators
entering market - Jan 2007 Mexican food protests
- Diversion of US corn to ethanol
- Global South
- Cash crops /Exports vs. local food supply
27The Climate Context
- 1st generation biofuels
- Very little climate benefit
- Often a climate disaster
- Eg Indonesian peat lands
- Deforestation tropics
- Yet being delivered massively before
- 2nd generation biofuels
- 15-20 years to develop
- BUT emissions must be cut now
- Biohazards (even now in RD)
- Deforestation boreal and temporate
- ? ? Transport sector DEMAND REDUCTION
28What you can do
- Show solidarity with communities in the global
South - Sign up to the biofuelwatch yahoo group - send a
blank email to biofuelwatch-subscribe_at_yahoogroups.
com - www.biofuelwatch.org.uk ALERTS and RESOURCES
- UK government consultation on RTFO
- sign a petition to Tony Blair
- write to Tesco
- Ugandas Mabira rainforest - sugar cane
plantations - Email us at info_at_biofuelwatch.org.uk if you would
like to get more involved in the campaign.