Title: Have the cake
1Have the cake eat it
Business Solutions to Sustainability Challenges
Monika Weber-Fahr Business Line Leader General
Manager Sustainability Business Innovator
2Advisory Services Support Private Sector
Firms need 3 things to flourish
The right laws and structures Money Knowledge
to succeed
Business Enabling Environment
Access to Finance
Corporate Advice
PP Interface
for Infrastructure
Environmental and Social Sustainability
3What if
- Privately run and financed firms could build
their profitability around the promise to protect
natural resources - (? Whole Foods, Patagonia)
- their market size around affordable products
and services - (? Walmart, IKEA)
- their operational efficiency around low-carbon
energy solutions - (? Amazon.com, eBay)
What if such solutions would become the norm?
4Think about it
- When a well-run business applies its vast
resources, expertise and management talent to
problems it understands and in which it has a
stake, it can have a greater impact on social
good than any other institution or philanthropic
organization. - Michael Porter and Mark KramerHarvard Business
Review, 2006
5Sustainability Complementary Approaches
- Sustainability
- .. as good management
- as an (up-) market niche
- .. to identify new markets
- to re-organize markets?
Design, test, refine replicate business models
and technologies that promise to deliver social
and environmental benefits while also increasing
firm value.
IFCs Advisory Work
6Making the Private Sector Work forClimate Change
The Problem
A Solution
- Creating markets for EE lending
- Train small firms on energy efficiency
- Explain to banks the credit risk of such lending
- Use guarantees to share the risk
- Provide a dedicated credit line
- Energy inefficiency
- Small firms are one of the largest consumer of
energy and drive the economy in most emerging
markets - They use energy least efficiently.
- They dont invest in efficiency improvements.
Donors have funded Training and outreach
efforts and the partial credit guarantee Markets
changedRussia, China, Southern Europe
7Making the Private Sector Work forWorkers in a
Globalizing Economy
The Problem
A Solution
- Creating market-based solutions
- Buyers roundtable One standard
- Standard enterprise assessments linked to
immediate training on how to change things - Tripartite dialogue with employers, employees,
- Labor standards
- are a concern for many international buyers
particularly in consumer goods (e.g. textiles) - are assessed and enforced through many individual
firm audits - No time for change or dialogue.
Donors have funded ILO/IFCs training and
outreach efforts and the design of global
tools Markets changed Cambodia Beginning
8Making the Private Sector Work forBiodiversity
The Problem
A Solution
- Creating market-based solutions
- Showcase and rewardbetter management practices
- Encourage adoption by large players.
- Reward the offset of biodiversity loss in a
different location.
- Biodiversity depletion
- can happen because of large- scale agriculture of
commodities. - is sometimes inevitable around a specific
Donors have fundedGlobal program to reward
showcase better management practices Markets to
changePalm oil, soya, cocoa, sugarcane
9Business Solutions to Sustainable Development
- Efficiencies for the Real Sector
- Efficiencies for the Financial Sector
- Long-term solutions instead of short-term risk
management - Labor standards Community investment
- Natural resources management standards
- Resource efficiencies
- Cleaner production
- Sustainable energy
- Long-term solutions as new markets
- Gender-specific credit lines
- Access to finance for energy
- Mobilizing innovative capital
- Sustainability indices
- Innovative financial instruments
- Clean tech investments
International Development Priorities
Climate Change Food Security Millennium
Development Goals Frontier Countries
10Portfolio of ProjectsBy Practice Areaas of June
30, 2008
11Portfolio of Projects By Regionas of June 30,
12Innovation Efforts Are Starting to Show Results
Energy Finance
Sustainability Investing
Cleaner Production
Labor Standards
NRM Standards
Gender Entrepreneurship
Human Rights
Indicative examples shown here. In total, there
are over 12 innovation efforts in the Innovator
13Financial Partners - Commitments
75.3 million 18 financial partnersAverage
contribution 3.6 million per donorGEF
contributions 215.8 million
Data as of November 12, 2008Cumulative since 1997
14Budget Expenditures FY08 (25 million)
15Have the cake eat it
Business Solutions to Sustainability Challenges
Monika Weber-Fahr Business Line Leader General
Manager Sustainability Business Innovator