Title: Greenhouse Action in Newcastle
1Greenhouse Action in Newcastle
Newcastle City Council Pete Dormand Chanti
2Presentation Overview
- Council Action
- Community Action
3Dust Storms
Haymaking near Wellintong Jan 2003 www.noah.co.nz/
Gallery/ images/Rural/DSC_0035.jpg
5City Beach
6City Beach
7Weather Extremes
8The 1990s were warmer than at
anytime during the last 1000 years
9Council ActionLeading by Example
10Newcastle City CouncilQBL Organisational Chart
11Do we really need to use this much energy? -
Denis Hainsworth Works Manager 1990
12Turton Road Depot Electricity Costs 1990-2006
13City Hall
14Revolving Energy Fund
15City Administration Centre Electricity Costs
63 reduction
16If you cant measure it, you cant manage
it!Getting Better Information
Monthly Reports
17NCC Electricity Costs 1991-2006
Investment 1995 - 2004 1.6M Saving
against BAU 3.5M (ex. NPV) Total consumption
is lowest since 2001/02 however costs have
increased by 2 since last financial year
18(No Transcript)
19NCC Green Energy Team
205th Floor. Robyn Wallace - ELECTRICITY
PC on
Screensaver on
Energy Star activated
Monitor turned off
Development Environment
21Toilet lighting control system
22Pre-paint surface temperature 40.7º C
23Post-paint surface temperature 20.5º C
Ceramic Paint Trial
24Cites for Climate Protection - Australia and New
Milestone 1 Inventory of City and Councils
Greenhouse Gases Milestone 2 Set Emission
Reduction Targets Milestone 3 Develop a Local
Greenhouse Action Plan Milestone 4 Commence
Implementation of the Action Plan Milestone 5
Monitor and Review Progress
251998 - NCC Creates AMEIF
26November 1999NCC and University of Newcastle
Visit Rocky Mountain Institute
Amory Lovins
27Community Action
28Energy Town Meeting 1
29Greenhouse Action Partnership
30Energy Town Meeting 2
31Community Energy Workshops
32Greenhouse Action Plan
33www.ClimateCam.com Targets
36www.ClimateCam.com Targets
Projected emissions for 2005/06
37ClimateCam Billboard
38ClimateCam 14 Zones
39ClimateCam 14 Zones
Average Required to meet Target
Cumulative Graph Showing progress to date against
Daily Consumption Peak for each calendar month
40Solar Powered Fountain
41Partnerships 30kW Micro Turbine
42Water ConservationCouncil Facilities
262,000 invested120,000 pa saved
2.2 year payback
43Water Harvest and Reuse
50 million litres of town water used for
Foreshore irrigation Water Harvest Project
expected to reduce consumption by 25
44Energy and Water Audit
45Newcastle City Council Water Consumption 2004
400 Million Litres
46Amenity Block Audit Parks (sporting)
- 344 Showers
- 61 Hot Water Systems
- 280 Toilets
- 295 Hand Basins
- Total Water 83 ML 127,000
- Total Electricity 236,000 Kw/hr 30,000
47What you can now expect to see
Controlled Electric Storage
Sensor Time Controlled Lighting
Instantaneous Gas
Stainless Steel Dual Flush Toilets
Stainless Basin AAA Push Button Tap
New AAA Shower Head
48Eco Star Program
AAA Showers Taps
Dual Flush
Smart Hot Water
Water Harvesting
Smart Lighting
The ECOSTAR REFIT program aims to highlight the
environmental performance of our parks, beaches
and pools www.climatecam.com
50Eco Star Report Cards
51Alternative Fuels
Market Transformation
52(No Transcript)
53Biodiesel Study
5420 Biodiesel B20
55Business SectorCleaner Production Project
Industry Partnerships
56Cleaner Production Project
Emissions Profile for the City of Newcastle
57Community REFIT Program
Market Penetration 8500 installs as at May 06
58Community REFIT 9000 Installations
59Financial Loss Control
60(No Transcript)
61Thank you