Title: Announcement
- For Wed., read 539 to 558 only
- Other pages are optional
- What is personality?
- Personality disorders
- Rigid, maladaptive traits
- Adjustment problems, distress
- Axis 1 vs. Axis 2 of DSM-IV-TR
- 0.5 to 5 of population for each disorder
3Paranoid Personality Disorder
- Whats paranoia?
- Unjustified distrust, suspicion
- Hidden meanings in others comments
- Spouses/partners fidelity
4Paranoid Personality Disorder
- Not as severe as paranoid schizophrenia
- No hallucinations, no cognitive disorganization
- Delusions are not full blown
5Prevalence Course
- Prevalence
- 0.5 to 2.5 of population
- Course
- Childhood Poor relationships, social anxiety,
hypersensitivity, underachievement, teasing
6Causes Treatment
- Biological psychological unknown
- Parental teaching?
- Treatment seeking uncommon
- Cognitive restructuring?
7Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Detachment from social relationships
- Flat affect
- Prevalence
- Extremely uncommon
- Course
- Early childhood difficulties like paranoid PD
8Causes and Treatment
- Childhood shyness?
- Treatment seeking uncommon
- Social skills training
- Role playing
9Schizotypal Personality Disorder
- Symptoms
- Discomfort with close relationships
- Social anxiety
- Lack close friendships
- Cognitive or perceptual distortions
- Odd beliefs
- Odd thinking
- Paranoia
- Odd speech
10Prevalence Course
- Prevalence
- 3 of population
- Course
- Early childhood problems
- Stable
- MZ correlations around .50 to .60 DZ around .25
to .35 - Childhood hypersensitivity to criticism
- Depression treatment
- Antidepressants
- Antipsychotics
- Accept solitary lifestyle?
13Cluster A Summary
- All involve odd or eccentric behavior
- Little known about causes or treatment
- Uncommon
14(No Transcript)
15Cluster B
- Cluster B
- Dramatic
- Emotional
- Erratic
16Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Lack conscience, remorse
- Violation of social norms
- Must be 18
17Case Example George
- Comment on Georges overall demeanor/appearance
- How might you help him as his therapist?
18Prevalence Course
- Prevalence
- 3-5 of males
- 1 of females
- Course
- Childhood conduct problems (kicking, hitting)
- Chronic but may remit after 40
19Causes Genes Environments
- Genes 40 to 50
- Shared environment 15 to 20
- Unshared environment 30
- G x E interactions
20Genetic Influences
21Gene x Environment Interactions
- Sample Cadoret et al. (1983)
- 367 adoptees with biological vulnerabilities
(separated at birth) - Dependent measure
- Adoptive parent interviews about truancy, trouble
with the law, lying
22Gene x Environment InteractionsCadoret et al.
- Genetic variables
- Antisocial background in family
- Alcoholism background in family
- Environmental variables
- Adoptive parent psychopathology
- Adoptive parent divorces
23Gene x Environment InteractionsCadoret et al.
- Treatment seeking uncommon
- Incarceration common
- Parent training based on operant conditioning
- Improved behavior
- High dropouts
25Borderline Personality Disorder
- Instability of
- Affect (emotions, moods)
- Interpersonal relationships
- Self-image
- Views of others
- Self-Injury Common
- Suicidal thoughts
- Suicide attempts (6 to 9 commit suicide!)
- Cutting
- Impulsivity
27BPD Commorbidity
- Drug abuse common
- Major depression common
- Many Bulimics have BPD
28Prevalence Course
- Prevalence
- 2 to 3 of population
- Female male ratio is 31
- Course
- Some improvement during 30s and 40s
- After ten years, half may not meet diagnostic
- 91 recall childhood abuse!
- Form of PTSD?
- Biological causes unknown
- Little known
- Antidepressants ineffective
- Any treatment with marginal utility is welcome
- Marsha Linehans dialectical behavior therapy
- Dialectic philosophy Value of synthesizing
natural tensions to bring change - Thesis
- Antithesis
- Synthesis
32DBT for BPD
- Diathesis x stress model
- Biological diathesis to emotional instability
- Invalidating child environment
- BPD is a disorder of emotion regulation
33DBT for BPD
- Therapist validation
- Mindfulness focus
- As needed 24 hour phone contact
- Except within 24 hour of self-injury
34DBT Outcomes
- Seven independent randomized controlled trials
reductions in - Self-injurious behavior
- Suicidal behavior
- Suicidal ideation
- Hopelessness
- Depression
- Anger
35Case Example of DBT for BPD Hannah (hand-out)
- How does the therapist balance the thesis
(change) and anti-thesis (acceptance)? - Look for examples of each
36Histrionic Personality Disorder
- Excessive emotionality
- Attention seeking
- Interpersonal manipulation
- Prevalence
- 2-3 of population
- Comorbidity
- 67 also have antisocial personality disorder
37Causes and Treatment
- Little known
- Modify attention-seeking behavior (Kass et al.,
1972)? - Operant conditioning
- Show long-term costs of interpersonal
manipulation (Beck Freeman, 1990)?
38Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Excessive unstable self-worth
- Need for admiration
- Lack of empathy
- Sense of entitlement
- Tendency to lash out when self is threatened
39Prevalence Course
- Prevalence
- Less than 1 of population
- 50 to 75 of those with antisocial PD are male
- Course
- Begins in early childhood, continues in adulthood
40Causes Treatment
- Poor parental modeling of empathy (Kohut, 1971)?
- Cognitive therapy
- Accept criticism
- Empathy
- Little known about treatment effectiveness
41Cluster B Summary
- Dramatic, emotional, or erratic
- Beginning to learn about etiology and treatment
42Cluster C
- Cluster C
- Anxious
- Fearful
43Avoidant Personality Disorder
- Social inhibition
- Inadequacy
- Hypersensitivity to criticism
44Prevalence Course
- 0.5 to 1.0 of population
- Course
- Starts as childhood shyness
- Increases during adolescence
- May remit with age (later in adulthood)
- Parent rejection
- Those with avoidant PD recall rejecting,
unaffectionate parents - Low self-esteem?
- Biological?
- Behavioral treatments used for social phobia
- Systematic desensitization
- Behavioral rehearsal
- Intentional social mishaps
- Cognitive restructuring
- Significant but modest improvement
47Dependent Personality Disorder
- Excessive need to be taken care of
- Submissiveness, clinging
48Prevalence and Couse
- Prevalence
- 2 to 3 of population
- Course
- Begins in childhood, continues in adulthood
49Causes and Treatment
- Early death of a parent?
- Fear of abandonment
- Treatment effects unknown