Title: From the place where we are right
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2- From the place where we are right
- Flowers will never grow
- In the spring.
- The place where we are right
- Is hard and trampled
- Like a yard.
- But doubts and loves
- Dig up the world
- Like a mole, a plow.
- And a whisper will be heard in the place
- Where the ruined
- House once stood. Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai
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History/ The world
5Platonic Ideal
Platonic Ideal
Atonement, purification
Fall Into Aristotelian Real
Aristotelian Real
6Exodus Liberation Formation
7Exodus Liberation Formation
Genesis Creation and Reconciliation
8Isaiah Peaceable Kingdom - Justice and Mercy
Exodus Liberation Formation
Genesis Creation and Reconciliation
Isaiah Peaceable Kingdom - Justice and Mercy
Exodus Liberation Formation
10Spiral dynamics Integral thinking Emergent
11Coral one with God __________ Turquoise
holistic, unifying Yellow integral, systemic,
otherly __________ Green pluralist, relativist,
globalist Orange individualist, rationalist,
ideologue Blue nationalist, rules, codes Red
feudal, power-oriented Purple tribal, magical,
animist Beige survival, instinctual, reptilian
12Coral one with God __________ Ultraviolet
holistic, unifying Violet integral, systemic,
otherly __________ Indigo pluralist, relativist,
globalist Blue individualist, rationalist,
ideologue Green nationalist, rules,
codes Yellow feudal, power-oriented Orange
tribal, magical, animist Red survival,
instinctual, reptilian
13Coral Quest for theosis __________ Ultraviolet
Quest for sacredness Violet Quest for ubuntu
(otherliness) __________ Indigo Quest for
honesty Blue Quest for Individuality Green
Quest for Independence Yellow Quest for
power Orange Quest for security Red Quest for
14Coral Quest for theosis __________ Ultraviolet
Quest for sacredness Violet Quest for ubuntu
(otherliness) __________ Indigo Quest for
honesty Blue Quest for Individuality Green
Quest for Independence Yellow Quest for
power Orange Quest for security Red Quest for
15Coral Quest for theosis __________ Ultraviolet
Quest for sacredness Violet Quest for ubuntu
(otherliness) __________ Indigo Quest for
honesty Blue Quest for Individuality Green
Quest for Independence Yellow Quest for
power Orange Quest for security Red Quest for
16Cultures may include two or more zones, but will
have a center of gravity in one. They may regress.
17- Development
- Differentiate/Transcend
- Integrate/Include
18- If we dont differentiate or transcend, we
experience stagnation, fixation and stuckness. - If we dont integrate and include, we experience
disassociation and a backward attack-focus.
19Coral Quest for theosis __________ Ultraviolet
Quest for sacredness Violet Quest for ubuntu
(otherliness) __________ Indigo Quest for
honesty Blue Quest for Individuality Green
Quest for Independence Yellow Quest for
power Orange Quest for security Red Quest for
20First tier zones think in terms of right/wrong
and good/evil. Other zones are evil/wrong our
zone is good/right.
21Second tier zones think in terms of appropriate
and adequate. Other zones are adequate for
their times and situations we seek the zone that
is appropriate for us here and now.
22Think of climbing a ladder. You gain a new and
wider view from each rung. Your earlier view was
not wrong - only partial. Early zones truly
describe the way the world looks to people at
that vantage point. You couldnt get to the
higher rungs if it werent for the lower rungs.
23This approach is not absolutist. It doesnt claim
one view is right and previous (or later) ones
are wrong. Nor is it relativist. It doesnt say
that no views are truly right, but only think
they are. It says all views are partial and that
greater wholeness is better than lesser wholeness.
24St. Paul seems to agree When I was a child, I
spoke and thought and reasoned like a child, But
when I became an adult, I gave up childish ways.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, But then
face to face. Now I know in part then I shall
understand fully, Even as I have been fully
25 So faith, hope, and love abide, these three
But the greatest of these is love. I will show
you the most excellent way. Follow the way of
love. Amen.
26Exercise Consider the following in light of the
spiral dynamics schema Your life Your
church Your denomination Your nation The
world Where is the center of gravity? Where are
the points of tension? Where are breakthroughs
Coral one with God __________ Ultraviolet
holistic, unifying Violet integral, systemic,
otherly __________ Indigo pluralist, relativist,
globalist Blue individualist, rationalist,
ideologue Green nationalist, rules,
codes Yellow feudal, power-oriented Orange
tribal, magical, animist Red survival,
instinctual, reptilian
27Coral one with God __________ Ultraviolet
holistic, unifying Violet integral, systemic,
otherly __________ Indigo pluralist, relativist,
globalist Blue individualist, rationalist,
ideologue Green nationalist, rules,
codes Yellow feudal, power-oriented Orange
tribal, magical, animist Red survival,
instinctual, reptilian
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