Title: HOW TO DEVELOP RUNNING SPEED Mike Antoniades Performance
Performance Rehabilitation Director
2Mike Antoniades
- Football Coaching
- Speed Coaching
- Sport Dimensions
- Speed Workshops
- University Lectures
3Who are Sport Dimensions what do we do?
4Who are Sport Dimensions?
- Performance Training (Speed, Strength Power
Conditioning) - Individual
- Team training
- Coach the Coaches
- Rehabilitation Training
- Knee, Back, Shoulder, Lower Limb
- Protocol Development
- Prevention
- Movement Training
- Biomechanical Analysis Correction
- Performance Rehabilitation Team
- 3 Physios, 4 Performance Rehab Trainers, MA
5Who do we work with?
- Professional athletes from football, rugby, track
field - Chelsea FC, Chelsea Academy - Stoke
City, Fulham, Tottenham- Ipswich Town, West
Ham- Crystal Palace- Blackburn- QPR- Wolves-
Bath Rugby- WASPS- Harlequins - USA, Europe
- Recreational Athletes
- Non - Athletes
- What are talking about?
- What do we want?
7Sprinting or Sports Speed?
- Coaches Conditioning experts
- Biomechanics of the sport
- Straight Line Sprinting
- Multi-directional Speed
- Differences between Sprinting Sports Speed?
- All movements pre-planned
- No unknowns
- ONE Reaction Time
- No Contact
- Explosiveness
- Acceleration-Maximum Velocity
- Forward Movement
9Multi-directional Speed
- Movements not planned Mostly Reactive
- Football, Rugby, Gaelic
- Reaction times
- Change of Direction every 4-6 secs
- Planting Pivoting
- Acceleration Deceleration Acceleration
- Jumping Landing
- Four Components of Speed
- Quickness, Reactive, Active, Complex
- Maximum velocity?
10Sport Specific Speed
- Sport is a series of Movements
- Pre-planned Track Field
- Reactive in Multi-directional sports
- Speed most valuable of qualities
- Speed is series of Motor patterns
11Speed is a Skill!!
- Dispel some Myths
- Not something you are born with?
- Genetics
- Speed is a skill you can develop
- Athletic development
- Sport Specific development
- Can be taught from the age of 7!
12Running Sprinting Technique
- Sport Specific - Running Biomechanics
- Similarities in running Style
- Football, Rugby, Hockey, Gaelic, Basketball
- Creates Muscle Imbalances
- Affected by Injury
- Junior athletes
- Not Taught biomechanics
- Sport Specific Speed
13Running Sprinting Technique
- What can you see?
- Biomechanical Analysis
- Video Analysis
- Video Clips
14Common Running/Speed Weaknesses
- Bouncing
- Heavy landing
- Arm movement
- Over-striding
- Using the Hamstrings (Not!)
15Common Multidirectional weaknesses
- Muscle imbalances
- Dominant to Non-dominant
- Heavy landing
- Arm movement
- Turning preference
- Planting Preference
- Using the Hamstrings (Not!)
- Slow feet Quickness
16Key factors in developing Fast Athletes?
- The Optimal training Period
- Who
- When
- Why
- How
- The Neural Stimulus
- Training the neuromuscular system
- Motor Development
- Movement Patterns
- Sport Specific Speed Training
- Quality of Technique Intensity
17Training the Neuromuscular system
- Positive Movement patterns
- Motor engrams
- Quality of movement
- Technique of the movement
- High velocity movements
- Fatigue of the CNS
- Muscle imbalances
18Quality of Movement
- Quality of movement
- Running Technique
- Multi-directional Technique
- Train the movement not the muscle!
19How do you develop Sport Speed?
- Correct biomechanics for the sport
- Neuromuscular development
- Increase in coordination agility
- Increase in functional strength
20Relationship between Speed Injury Reduction
- Biomechanics Injury
- Speed Biomechanics
- - Speed Injury Reduction
- Sports Specific Speed
- How you train SSS
- Low load V High Load
- Static V Dynamic
21Learning Process
- Motor Patterns
- 400-500 Hours for Unconscious Comp.
- Neural Maps
- Phantom Limb Phenomenon
22Coaching Children U14
- Children are not mini adults
- Optimal Age for movement training
- Coordination Agility
- Lactate runs
23Coaching Vs Training
- Coach to improve!
- Quality not Quantity!
- Correct Bad movement.
- Coaching Attitude
- Focus on the positive.
- Know how we learn.
24Stages of Learning
- Unconscious Incompetence
- Conscious Incompetence
- Conscious Competence
- Unconscious Competence