Assessing Future technologies and Infrastructure T - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Assessing Future technologies and Infrastructure T


San Antonio,Texas. October 30 2003 ... with ever declining share of the ... How politics affect research funding *The economics of alternative mechanisms ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Assessing Future technologies and Infrastructure T

Assessing Future technologies and Infrastructure
(TI) investments
  • David Zilberman
  • University of California Berkeley
  • C-FARE planning for Priorities workshop
  • San Antonio,Texas
  • October 30 2003

Technological change a key driver of the
evolution of agriculture
  • Technological innovations and capital investments
    were crucial contributors to increased
    agricultural productivity that enabled feeding
  • a fast growing global population
  • with ever declining share of the population in
  • With a smaller expansion of the agricultural land
    base thus protecting environmental amenities

Science economics and Technological progress
  • Innovations do not evolve randomly-they are
    induced by economic realities-
  • Labor scarcity led to labor saving innovation
  • Water scarcity led to water conservation
  • Research and education policies and investments
    in infrastructure contribute to productivity

Innovation Productivity infrastructure major
areas of agricultural economic research
  • Key areas of Production and farm economics
  • Production functions estimation (relations
    between input outputs)
  • Factor productivity
  • efficiency of resource allocations
  • Adoption of new technologies (reflecting the
    emergence of discreet choice technique and Panel
    data sources)
  • Studies are at different levels of aggregation
  • Farm
  • Region
  • nation

Major areas of innovation research
  • Study of innovations as economic activities
  • Analysis of factor that contribute to research
  • Analyzing allocation of research funding.
  • Rate of return(ROR) studies
  • Ex ante is used for project selection
  • Ex post studies find ROR of public research
    higher than interest rate.Thus ,Under-investment
    in research
  • There is a distinction between public and private
    rate of return

Research on research policy
  • Role of public research-when is it appropriate
  • Distributional effects of public research
  • Between consumers and producers and among regions
  • Political economy of research
  • -Why there is under investment in research
  • How politics affect research funding
  • The economics of alternative mechanisms
  • competitive funding vs.
  • formula funding vs
  • Performance based mechanism

Research on Technology transfer and IPR
  • Use and ownership of IPR of public sector
    research results
  • What is done and what should be done
  • Properties and performance of Public vs private
  • University research frequently identify concepts
    but requires investment in development and
    commercialization by private sector
  • Rights to university IPR is sold to private
    sector, professors as entrepreneurs -university
    becomes part of industrial educational complex
  • The economics and productivity of extension

Research on Public investment infrastructure
  • Evaluation of infrastructure project considering
  • Dynamics including Irreversibility
  • Uncertainty
  • Finance of infra structure investments
  • Role of public and private sectors
  • Alternative mechanisms for public good finance
  • Specific public good investments
  • Roads and communication infrastructure
  • Storage facilities
  • Water resource infrastructure(Dams, canals)
  • Pest-control and food security systems

Factors affecting research on TI-I
  • Information and communication technologies (IT)
  • Internet and web
  • Wireless telephony
  • GIS and GPS
  • Bio-technology
  • Expansion of agriculture
  • Farming medicines and chemical products
  • Environmental and health concerns
  • Diversity of attitudes about farm technologies
  • Regulation of waste and pollution
  • Promotion of resource conservation

Institutional changes research on TI
  • Consumerism -desire for convenience quality
  • Industrialization
  • Contracting and vertical integration
  • Transition from commodities to differentiated
  • branding and proprietary food products
  • Privatization
  • Transfer of patents rights to private sector
  • Emergence of private consultant sector
  • Persistent Low farm incomes

Priorities for Research on TI The
  • The changing institutional and technological set
    up provides many research opportunities
  • We will select some of the ones that seems to
    have high rate of return and signify new avenues
    in terms of methods

The economics management of information
technology (IT) in farming
  • Establishing decision-making rules for precision
    farming systems
  • Precision farming is long on Hardware and short
    on software-
  • Precision farming systems generates much
    data-economics method can put it to good use.
  • Methods for estimation with mass data
  • Methods for adaptive decision making

The economic impact of IT in farming
  • The private and public benefits to precision
    farming -including impacts on environment
  • Sorting out various new IT -what to adopt
  • Actual adoption patterns of Precision farming and
    other information intensive technologies
  • Impacts of these technologies in terms of
    yields, costs profitability and the environment
  • Factor affecting extent and intensity of adoption

IT and marketing
  • IT potentially expands marketing opportunities in
    ag. We need
  • Adoption of IT agricultural marketing
  • Does the technology benefits farmer?others?
  • To what extent farmers sell and buy online
  • The use and impacts of electronic exchanges
  • The distribution impacts of information
  • how it affects various farm sizes and region,
  • its contribution to industrialization
  • New institutional set ups for ag marketing
    resulting from the IT revolution

IT and ag information networks
  • The economics and performance of the agricultural
    information sector
  • Benefits from investment in and subsidization of
    information infrastructure
  • Methodology and estimates of return to extension
    and technological information
  • IT and redesign of extension
  • What type of informational infrastructure are
    needed to be developed?-who should pay?
  • .

Biotechnology in agriculture
  • Adoption of biotech in plants and livestock,
    domestically and internationally
  • Gainers and losers from ag biotech Impacts in
    terms of profitability, yields costs,distribution
    and the environment
  • The Economics of non-traditional agricultural

Regulations of Ag biotech and their impacts
  • Impacts of alternative regimes of registration
    labeling and regulation on evolution of
    bio-technologies and their adoption
  • Assess the role and impacts of alternative IPR
    arrangements- on various type of products.
  • Provision of IPR and regulation of biotech in
    specialty crops

Public research in era of privatization and
industrialization -I
  • Contracting and vertical integration dominate the
    production of poultry, swine, fruits and
    vegetables. Agribusiness develop proprietary
  • Do these industries under or over invest in RD?
  • What are the patterns of transfer use of public
    research results by private sector? What are
    public and private rates of return to public
    research in these cases?
  • To what extent public RD subsidized
    industrialized agriculture?

Public research in era of privatization and
industrialization -II
  • What are the ag research gapes to be pursued by
    public sector and their rates of return?
  • Evaluate public research on environmental
    impacts of industrial ag and for regulatory
  • What is the role and productivity of extension
    in industrialized sectors of agriculture
  • To what extent public research and extension
    serve the fringe ands specialized niches of
    agriculture-organic etc.
  • What are public and private rates of returns?
  • How to improve access and utilizations of public
    research results?

The stewardships of innovation from the
laboratory to the field
  • Stages of innovation-research-development-producti
    on marketing adoption
  • Productivity of research depends on the system
  • Optimal division of responsibility to product
    development between public and private sectors.
  • Relation between private marketing extension
  • Transfer of rights of technology from public to
    private sector
  • Identification of Niches for public support for
    product introduction

Needed improvements in research on research
  • More Interdisciplinary cooperation-
  • Cooperation with scientists will provide
  • better understanding of alternative research
  • Improve management stategies
  • Will lead to more inclusion of economic
    principles in research management
  • Increased Policy relevance
  • More familiarity of economists with problems of
    research policy making may lead research to
    answer more relevant question

Feed back and learning in research on research
  • We should evaluate performance of ex-ante studies
    and modify methods accordingly
  • Develop impact studies of various duration
  • Produce non-technical output for policy makers
    and establish a dialogue to understand their
  • Compare performance of alternative mechanisms to
    finance research

Funding ag econ research
  • Our bread and butter is the AES and USDA Formula
    and competitive grants
  • Cooperative agreements with ERS
  • EPA non ERA agencies in USDA,interior
  • EPA,Intrior
  • NIH
  • States
  • Private sector
  • Intellectual agencies
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