Title: Suspended Sediment Loads from Bay Area Small Tributaries
1Suspended Sediment Loads from Bay Area Small
Item 3a
- Mikolaj Lewicki and Lester McKee
- Sources Pathways and Loading Workgroup
- May 14th 2008
2Project Impetus
- Hg and PCB load calculations in the TMDLs are
based on estimates of suspended sediment loads - Krone 1979 (750,000 t)
- Davis et al., 2000 (320,000 t)
- Bay modeling would benefit from accurate
spatially explicit estimates - Wetland restoration projects also require
sediment source information
3 Available Data Sets
Item 3a
- 29 USGS Sediment Gages
- 135 years of record for all the stations
- Does it mean that we have enough information ?
- Is the field data collected in the locations that
provide the most information - Is the distribution of sampling stations dense
enough to include the diversity in land use,
lithology, or physiography?
4Suspended Sediment Discharge from the Ungaged
Item 3a
- Potential statistical relationships between a
watershed characteristic and suspended load - Drainage Area
- Annual Discharge
- Annual Peak Discharge
- Land Use
- Geology
- Slope
- Other
5Drainage Area vs. Suspended Load
Item 3a
- There is a weak relationship between drainage
area and the load. Correlation is better for more
uniform geomorphic/climatic provinces
6Which variable is statistically the most
significant for the total annual load
Item 3a
- Watershed average slope ?
- Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load
7Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load East Bay
Item 3a
Very Good correlation R2 0.94
8Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load North Bay
Item 3a
- Very Good correlation R2 0.92
9Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load San Francisco Peninsula
Item 3a
- Correlation could be improved by low
discharge sampling and better understanding of
urban watersheds sediment loads
10Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load San Francisco Bay
Item 3a
11Other Statistical Correlations
Item 3a
Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load for Each of the SF Bay Counties
12Item 3a
Other Statistical Correlations
Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load for Each of the SF Bay Counties
13Other Statistical Correlations 2
Item 3a
Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load for different types of Geology
(classified based on the rock formations
resistance to erosion)
14Item 3a
Other Statistical Correlations 2
Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load for different types of Geology
(classified based on the rock formations
resistance to erosion)
Lower sediment discharge from resistant geology
15Item 3a
Other Statistical Correlations 2
Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load for different land use types
- Each watershed was divided into fife generalized
land use classes (based on NLCD data set) - Natural
- Agriculture
- Low density urban
- High density urban
- Industrial
16Other Statistical Correlations 238
Item 3a
Unit Annual Peak Discharge Correlated with Unit
Sediment Load for different land use types
Natural land use type has lower sediment
discharge compared with urban land use type
17Remaining Work
Item 3a
Correlate Unit Annual Peak Discharge with Unit
Sediment Load for different median watershed
Correlate Unit Annual Peak Discharge with Unit
Sediment Load for areas with high number of
construction sites
Log Ys 0.059C-0.047 Ys suspended sediment
yield in tons / acre C percentage of land
under construction
18Item 3a
Remaining Work
Correlate Unit Annual Peak Discharge with Unit
Sediment Load for mature urban watersheds
Croplands 3.6 tone / acre/year
Grass Areas 0.2 tone / acre/year
Natural Areas Sediment yields 0.02 - 0.03 tone
/ acre/year
Urban / Residential Areas 3.9 tone / acre/year
Correlate Unit Annual Peak Discharge with Unit
Sediment Load for watersheds with land slides or
forest fires
Both processes are expected to increase sediment
loads at least 30 times compared to the
background values
19Questions / Comments
Item 3a