Title: Survey on Services Trade Policy 20072008
1Survey on Services Trade Policy 2007-2008
- Measures Affecting International Trade in
Services - (100 countries)
- World Bank, Development Research Group, Trade
Unit - 19 May 2009
2(No Transcript)
3Sector Coverage
- Financial - banking and insurance (modes 1 3)
- Basic telecommunications fixed and mobile (mode
3) - Transportation maritime shipping and auxiliary
services, air passenger, road and rail freight
(modes 1 3) - Retail distribution (mode 3)
- Professional accounting and legal (modes 1, 3
4Policy dimensions
- Barriers to entry licensing, ownership, legal
form (mode 3), quotas (mode 4) - Restrictions on operations
- Regulatory environment
5Data collection methodology
- Developing countries legal firms in each
country completed detailed questionnaires - OECD countries comparable information from
public sources and through commissioned research - Verification of findings by delegations to the
WTO and World Bank country economists
6Preliminary quantification strategy
- Wanted Services Trade Restrictiveness Index
(STRI) - Bottom-up vs top-down approach
- One possibility expert judgment
- For each sector and mode, policy information was
summarized - Each summary obtains a score of restrictiveness
- 5 discrete scores 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00
- Exception air passenger transport
- Aggregation by weights
- Modal weights sector-specific
- Sector weights value added-based, same sector
weights across countries - Country weights equal weights for countries
within the region
7Overall Services trade restrictiveness index
(STRI) by region
Note SAR-3, MENA-5, EAP-7, LAC-9, AFR-6, ECA-6,
OECD-20, World-56 countries
Source Gootiiz, Mattoo 2009
8STRI by region and sectors
Source Gootiiz, Mattoo 2009
9Comparison of UR commitment, Doha Offers, and
policies by region
Note SAR-3, MENA-5, EAP-7, LAC-9, AFR-6, ECA-5,
OECD-20, World-55 countries excluding Russia
Excluding air transport sector
Source Gootiiz, Mattoo 2009
10Comparison of UR commitment, Doha Offers, and
policies by Sector
Source Gootiiz, Mattoo 2009
11Looking ahead
- Present results in narrative and quantitative
form - Form partnerships to generate updates
- We need
- Better understanding of relationship between
modes of supply - Better understanding of regulatory discretion
- Better data on market structure
- Better measures of performance