Title: Konsep B2B
1Konsep B2B
2Tujuan pembelajaran
- Memahami konsep dan karakteristik B2B
- Menggambarkan tipe model B2B
- Menggambarkan karakteristik marketplace sell-side
dan buy side
3Konsep dan Karakteristik EC B2B
- Definisi EC B2B
- Suatu transaksi bisnis yang dilakukan secara
elektronik melalui jaringan Internet, Extranet,
Intranet, private network (Contoh EDI). - Suatu Transaksi dapat dilakukan antara bisnis dan
anggota supply chain-nya, seperti melakukan antar
bisnis. - Suatu bisnis bisa suatu organisasi, umum atau
swasta, untuk kepentingan profit / non profit - Karakteristik B2B adalah perusahan yang melakukan
otomatisasi proses jual-beli / trading
4Konsep dan karakteristik EC B2B
- Ukuran dan isi pasar
- Diperkirakan tumbuh dari 1.1 juta di 2003 sampai
10 juta di 2005 - Persentase of Internet-based B2B dari 2.1 di
2000 sampai 10 di 2005 - Private and public e-marketplace
- Privateone-to-many mode
- Publicmany-to-many mode
5Konsep dan Karakteristik EC B2B
- Bagaimana B2B bisa berjalan ?
- Bisa Secara langsung antara pembeli/buyer dan
penjual/seller melalui perantara / intermediary
online. Intermediary dapat berupa organisasi,
orang, atau sistem elektronik - Biasanya Melalui supply chain dengan atau tidak
melalui perantara-perantara/ intermediaries - Tipe transaksi B2B
- Spot buying / pembeli spotberdasarkan pembelian
barang dan jasa pada pasar harga/market price
yang ditentukan oleh dynamic supply dan
permintaan pasar /demand. Penjual dan pembeli
biasanya tidak saling kenal. Contoh stock
exchange dan commodity exchange (minyak
gula,jagung) - Strategic sourcing/sumber strategikmelibatkan
kontrak jangka panjang biasanya berdasarkan
negosiasi antara penjual dan pembeli.
6Figure 6-1B2B Supply Chain
7Konsep dan Karakteristik EC B2B
- Hubungan Supply chain
- Saling berhubungan subproses dan aturan-aturan
- mendapatkan material
- memroses produk dan jasa
- Menuju distributor
- Dibeli oleh pelanggan
- Proses Traditional diatur melalui transaksi
kertas - Aplikasi B2B menawarkan keuntungan competitive
untuk supply chain management (SCM)
8Konsep dan karakteristik EC B2B
- Entitas B2B
- Selling company / Perusahaan penjualperspektif
manajemen marketing - Buying company / perusahaan pembeli perspektif
manajemen pengadaan - Electronic intermediaries / perantara
elektronikoptional third party directory service
provider (scope of service may be extended to
order fulfillment) - Trading platformspricing and negotiation
protocol (auctions, reverse auctions)
9Konsep dan Karakteristik EC B2B
- Payment servicesmechanism for transferring money
to sellers - Logistics providerslogistics to complete
transaction (packaging, storage, delivery) - Network platformsInternet, VAN, intranet,
extranet - Protocols of communicationEDI or XML
- Back-end integrationconnecting to ERP systems,
databases, functional applications
10Konsep dan Karakteristik EC B2B
Information processed in B2B
- Product
- Customer
- Supplier
- Product process
- Transportation
- Inventory
- Supply chain
- Competitor
- Sales and marketing
- Supply chain process and performance
11Konsep dan Karakteristik EC B2B
- Electronic intermediaries in B2B
- Pelanggan dan bisnis bisa saling berbagi
perantara/intermediaries - Bisnis dapat menggunakan intermediaries yang
berbeda dengan supplier yang berbeda - Keuntungan model B2B
- Menghilangkan sistem yang menggunakan kertas
- Mempercepat waktu siklus
- Mengurangi kesalahan
- Meningkatkan produktifitas karyawan
- Mengurangi biaya
- Meningkatkan pelayanan pelanggan dan manajemen
partnership / kerjasama
12Model B2B
- Company-centric models
- Sell-side marketplace (one-to-many), satu
perusahaan melakukan semua penjualan - Buy-side marketplace (many-to-one), satu
perusahaan melakukan semua pembelian - Many-to-many marketplacesthe exchange
- Buyers and sellers meet to trade
- Trading communities
- Trading exchanges
- Exchanges
13Model B2B
- Other B2B models and services
- Tujuan penjualan / selling
- Tujuan pembelian / buying
- Integrator Value chain
- Service provider Value chain
- Information brokers
14Arsitektur Sell-Side Marketplace
15Sell-Side MarketplacesOne-to-Many
16Sell-Side CaseCISCO Connection Online (CCO)
- Benefitssaves the company 363 million per year
in - Technical support
- Human resources
- Software distribution
- Marketing material
17Cisco Connection Online (CCO) (cont.)
- Benefits to Cisco
- Reduced operating costs for order taking
- Enhanced technical support and customer service
- Reduced technical support staff cost
- Reduced software distribution costs
- Lead times reduced fro 4-10 days to 2-3 days
18Cisco Connection Online (CCO) (cont.)
- Benefits to customers
- Quick order configuration
- Immediate cost determination
- Collaboration with Cisco staff
19Buy Side One-from-Many,E-Procurement
- Purchasing agents (buyers)
- Direct purchasing
- Use of material is scheduled
- Not a shelf item
- Indirect purchasing
- MROs
- Nonproduction materials
- Inefficiencies in procurement management of
indirect materials
20Figure 6-3A Traditional Purchasing Process Flow
Source ariba.com, February 2001.
21Figure 6-4Buy-Side B2BMarketplace Architecture
22Procurement Revolution at GE
- TPN at GE Lighting Division
- Purchasing was inefficienttoo many
administrative transactions - Process for each requisition took 7 days
- Complex and time-consuming
- Could only send out bids for 2 or 3 suppliers
- Trading Process Network (TPN)electronic bids
- Entire process takes 7 days (for suppliers to
bid) - 2 hours to send information to suppliers
- Evaluate and award bids same day
23Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.)
- Benefits to GE
- Involvement in procurement process
- Labor declined 30
- Material costs declined 5-20--wider base of
suppliers online - Redeployment
- 60 of the staff
- Sourcing department concentrates on strategic
activities instead of paperwork, etc.
24Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.)
- Benefits to GE
- Time to identify suppliers, prepare a request for
bid, negotiate a price, and award the contract - Was 18-23 days
- Now 9-11 days
- Invoices automatically reconciled reflecting
modifications - GE procurement departments share information
about their best suppliers across the world
25Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.)
- Benefits to buyers
- Worldwide supplier partnerships
- Current business partners
- Strengthen relationships
- Streamline sourcing process
- Rapid distribution of information
- Transmit electronic drawings to multiple
suppliers - Decrease sourcing cycle time
- Quick receipt and comparison of pricing bids
26Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.)
- Benefits to suppliers
- Increased sales volume
- Expanded market reach, finding new buyers
- Lowered administration costs for sales and
marketing activities - Shortened requisition cycle time
- Improved sales staff productivity
- Streamlined bidding process
27Procurement Revolution at GE (cont.)
- Deployment strategies
- Start EC in one division and slowly go to all
divisions - Use the site as public bidding marketplace to
generate commission income to GE
28B2B Infrastructure
- Server to host database and applications
- Software for executing sell-side (catalogs)
- Software for conducting auctions and reverse
auctions - Software for e-procurement (buy-side)
29B2B Infrastructure (cont.)
- Software for CRM
- Security hardware and software
- Software for building a storefront
- Telecommunications networks and protocols
30Extranet and EDI
- Secure interorganizational networks
- Traditional EDI limits accessibility of small
companies - Internet-based EDI offers wide accessibility to
companies around the world
31Figure 6-7 Intelligent Agent-Based Commerce
B2B Agents
Source J. K. Lee and W. Lee (1997).