Title: Cosmic Dust Experiment (CDE) Science and Calibration
1Cosmic Dust Experiment (CDE)Science and
- David James
- University of Colorado/LASP
- 303-492-5208
- david.james_at_lasp.colorado.edu
2Science Goals
Monitor the cosmic dust flux variability CDE
measures dust flux using an impact
detector. Measurement at S/C is directly related
to dust input to the mesosphere.
3Dust Detection using PVDF
Depolarization induced current
Al/Ni Contacts
4Calibration and Validation Plan
- Calibration is performed in two steps
- Electronics (DN to charge)
- Performed at LASP 9/16-9/20
- PVDF Detectors (Charge to mass, given velocity)
- SDC calibration with dust accelerator in
Heidelberg, Germany is complete - Proposed CDE calibration in early 2006
5E-box Calibration
- Calibration of Electronics was performed at LASP
before (abbreviated) and after the environmental
(full) testing - Tested full dynamic range of each signal chain
104-1010e charges at 21 individual values (100
events at each of the 21 values injected
externally). - Tested over full range of E-box temperatures (-26
to 50oC) - Full calibration at -26, 0, 15, 30, 50C
- Pre-Environmental Calibration at 20oC
- Repeated for all 14 channels
- Total Calibration generated 14 x 5 x 21 1476
data sets of 100 hits.
6Calibration Setup External Charge Injection
Environmental Chamber
Injection Circuit to Simulate Detector Signal
Data Collection
7Sample CDE Calibration Curves
8Simpson-Tuzzolino Curve
9CDE will maximize impact rates
CDE detector area 0.1 m2 300 hits/day _at_ 0.1 ?m
threshold 3 hits/day _at_ 1.0 ?m threshold Science
requirement 100 hits/week ? 0.7 ?m threshold
10PVDF Detectors
100 hits/day
15 km/s
To meet science requirement of 100 hits/week must
have a noise floor of 106 electrons.
100 hits/week on 0.1 m2
11CDE Noise Characterization
Noise floor well below required 106
electrons. CDE satisfies its science requirements!
9105 e level
12Calibration Summary
- Charge injection calibration has been completed
and is ready for integration into ground
processing software - Determination of noise floor via zero threshold
noise collection verifies that CDE meets science
requirements - CDE is ready to ship and meets science