Developments in Criminal Law - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Developments in Criminal Law


Look to whether a bolt on/further actus reus element is present. Heard the limits ... Actus reus. An act, capable of encouraging, includes hostile or friendly ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Developments in Criminal Law

Developments in Criminal Law
  • David Ormerod

Sources of Criminal Law
  • Pepper v Hart (that a Govt Ministers statements
    may be used to assist interpretation)
  • Should not be applied in construing an ambiguous
    criminal provision to enlarge the scope of
    liability Thet v DPP
  • May be prayed in aid by the defence R v Tabnak

  • No defence of de minimis in criminal law Scott
  • Partnership - possible for partnership to be
    criminally liable in its own right separately
    from individuals

Manslaughter drugs
  • D prepares syringe, V self injects what
    liability for D?
  • HL
  • If V is fully informed responsible adult there is
    never any liability on D (apart from supply)
  • D has not administered the drug
  • Principle that Vs voluntary act breaks the chain
    is fundamental
  • D not liable for s 23 OAPA as Vs act breaks
    chain of causation.
  • No unlawful act manslaughter charge.

Kennedy No 2 in House of Lords
  • Crown could not establish that D administered
    (that requires actual injection)
  • D holding tourniquet for V will not render D
    liable Rogers wrongly decided.
  • NB Burgess 2008 D liable if he assisted in
    finding Vs vein.
  • Nothing said casts doubt on gross negligence
    manslaughter still available if D leaves V in
  • Empress Cars restricted to environmental crimes.

Mens Rea
  • G (2003) HL subjective test of recklessness
    being widely applied.
  • G is not to be restricted so as to require D to
    have foreseen an obvious and serious risk

G, strict liability Article 6
  • Art 12 Sexual Offences NI (Order) 2008
  • Penile penetration of a child under 13 a strict
    liability offence, and belief in consent or the
    age of V has no application.
  • Even where D reasonably believed that the child
    was over 16 he commits the offence.

  • Duress is tested almost exclusively by objective
    standards Hasan
  • Duress is no defence to murder even if killer is
    acting as a secondary party and is a child
  • Law Comm - recommend that it should be possible
    for the jury to acquit of homicide if D proves
    that he took part in a killing only in response
    to an imminent threat of death or
    life-threatening injury (duress).

Voluntary exposure to threats
  • Ali 2008 EWCA Crim 716
  • Robbery by D who pleaded duress
  • D had got in with bad company
  • D was denied the defence if he had or ought to
    have realised that he was exposing himself to the
    risk of threats of violence.
  • No need to prove D was joining a criminal gang

Doli Incapax DPP v P
  • Presumption that child 10-14 has no mischievous
    discretion abolished by Art 3 of the Crim Justice
    NI Order 1998
  • Is the defence itself still available for D
    (10-14) who raises some evidence that he did not
    know what he was doing was seriously wrong. Crown
    must disprove defence.
  • NO ! R v T (2008)

Intoxication R v Heard
  • Section 3 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (E W)
    / Art 7 Sexual Offences (NI) Order 2008
  • creates an offence of intentional sexual
  • Voluntary intoxication is no defence to s 3 SOA
    2003 (intentional touching)
  • Wide impact as most SOA cases are intentional
    touching/penetration etc

Heard not so basic?
  • Majewski
  • Problematical case
  • Not clear that all cases can be divided into pure
    recklessness or intent
  • Specific intent is a crime where the intent goes
    beyond the immediate actus reus (eg criminal
    damage with intent to endanger life).
  • Look to whether a bolt on/further actus reus
    element is present

Heard the limits
  • Person who flails around when drunk and touches V
    does so accidentally
  • Consider liability of
  • D who is on LSD trip and touches V ?
  • D who makes a drunken error about how close he
    will come to touching V?
  • Does Heard undermine Majewski?

Private defence
  • D can plead a genuine mistake as to the need to
    use force in expelling what he thinks is a
    burglar. The amount of force used must be
    reasonable Faraj (2007)

Insanity Johnson
  • If D knows his act is legally wrong he cannot
    plead insanity
  • CA rejects argument for extending the scope of
    the defence of insanity to include acts D knew to
    be legally wrong, but thought were morally
  • The law remains as settled in R v Windle 1952 2
    Q.B. 826.

Joint Enterprise Liability
  • Powell and Daniels, English (1999)
  • D, secondary party, liable for murder if
  • realised that the principal might kill with
    intent to do so, or
  • realised there was a risk that the principal
    might cause gbh with intent.
  • If fundamentally different acts by P, D not
    liable English

Joint enterprise - issues to resolve
  • (i) When does the fundamentally different rule
    bite? Is it only when D has not foreseen that P
    might kill?
  • What does fundamentally different mean?
  • What effect has a change of mens rea by P?

  • Murder if D intended that P would kill V
    intending to kill him
  • OR
  • D realised that P might kill V with intent to
    kill him
  • 2. Did D realise that P might kill V with intent
    to cause gbh?
  • OR
  • Did D intend that gbh would be caused to V
  • OR
  • Did D realise that P might cause gbh to V
    intending to cause him such harm
  • 3. What was P's act which caused the death of V?
  • 4. Did D realise P might do this act? If yes,
    murder. If no, go to Q 5.
  • 5. What act or acts did D realise that P might do
    to cause V gbh?
  • 6. Are you sure that the act which D realised P
    might do is not fundamentally different to P's
    act which caused Vs death?
  • If yes, guilty of murder. If no, not guilty of

  • P1 and P2 kill V by drowning. D participate in
    earlier gbh attack on V.
  • D not guilty as a principal as his acts at the
    gbh had no causal connection to death
  • P1 and P2s act was independent and unforeseen
  • D not liable as a secondary party
  • P1 and P2s act of drowning is fundamentally
  • D had withdrawn by leaving the scene

(No Transcript)
  • D by text message incites V to engage in sexual
  • V is undercover officer so not under 13
  • D thinks and intends V is under 13
  • D has committed the act of incitement
  • But offence entirely in Ds mind?
  • D denied defence under s 10 because undercover
    officer claims to be under 13

  • Serious Crime Act 2007 Part 2
  • Abolishes common law incitement
  • Replaces with three new offences
  • Incredible complexity and technicality
  • Very strange overriding defence of reasonableness
  • Not yet in force
  • A sign of things to come?

Section 44
  • Doing an act capable of encouraging or assisting
    the commission of an offence, with intent.
  • Actus reus
  • An act, capable of encouraging, includes hostile
    or friendly encouragement
  • Mens rea
  • D intends to assist or encourage
  • D reckless as to whether E will have mens rea
  • D believes or intends circumstance and
    consequences of the full offence

Section 44
  • Defences
  • No defence of ignorance of criminal law
  • No defence that full crime not committed
  • Defence for D to prove he acted reasonably
  • Defence if D is the victim of the crime he
    intends E to commit
  • Procedure
  • Triable either way
  • D can be convicted under s44 even if D is
    principal offender

Section 45
  • Doing an act capable of encouraging or assisting
    an offence, believing that the offence will be
    committed and act will encourage or assist.
  • Actus reus
  • An act, capable of encouraging..
  • Mens rea
  • Belief acts will assist/encourage
  • Belief offence will be committed
  • Belief or recklessness as to Es state of mind
  • Mens rea as to consequences and circumstances of
    the full offence

Section 46
  • Doing an act capable of encouraging or assisting
    the commission of one or more of a number of
    offences believing one or more will be committed
    that act will encourage or assist one or more
    of them.
  • Actus reus
  • Doing an act capable of encouraging
  • Mens rea
  • Belief one offence will be committed
  • Belief Ds act will assist/encourage one offence
  • Belief or recklessness as to Es mens rea for one
    of the offences
  • Belief or recklessness as to consequences or
    circumstances of one offence

Attempt by omission?
  • CA suggests that cannot have attempted murder by
    D trying to divert emergency services from V whom
    he has injured
  • Nevard
  • Why? This looks like an act by D.

Solicitation to Murder Abu Hamza
  • Incitement or solicitation of murder triable here
    even if
  • V is foreigner
  • D is foreigner
  • Incitee is a foreigner
  • Proposed killing is to be committed abroad

Causing/allowing death of child etc
  • D must be member of same household as V in
    frequent contact with V (s.5(4)).
  • V must be at a significant risk of serious
    physical harm (s.5(6)) Significant is an
    ordinary English word Mujuru
  • (i) Causing death
  • Unlawful act (ie offence s.5(5))
  • (ii) Allowing death
  • Death from unlawful act
  • D aware of/ought to have been aware of risk
  • D failed to take such steps as he could
    reasonably have been expected to take to protect
    V from the risk

  • There is no requirement that all the ingredients
    of an offence of murder be proved before a
    defendant could be convicted of infanticide
    contrary to s.1(1) of the 1938 Act. /Art 1
    Infanticide Act (NI) 1939
  • "notwithstanding that the circumstances were such
    that but for this Act the offence would have
    amounted to murder",
  • Notwithstanding means despite, not provided
  • Gore (2007)

Corporate Manslaughter
  • Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act
  • Too late!
  • Too little symbolic but will it work?
  • Senior managers ill defined
  • Duty concept unnecessary exclusions too wide
  • Too complex
  • Duty, civil law, exclusions

Offences Against the Person
  • Meachen
  • D who causes abh/gbh will not be guilty if
  • He has genuine belief that V consented to assault
  • D intends no harm greater than assault
  • D not reckless as to greater harm than assault
  • What level of harm was caused
  • what level of harm was intended/foreseen
  • does V consent in fact to the level intended
  • Is consent to that level of harm in that activity

  • Hendy Freegard
  • D who takes and carries V away by fraud not
    guilty of kidnap unless
  • D also deprived V of her liberty
  • Ds fraud sufficient to vitiate consent?

Art 10 Sexual Offences (NI) Order 2008
  • Consent
  • Bree
  • Where V is intoxicated and sexual activity occurs
    the question is whether V retained capacity to
  • H
  • It was for the jury, not the judge, to decide,
    on the basis of the evidence called, whether,
    the complainant had the capacity to consent
    and/or in fact consented to intercourse or not.

Frauds and consent to sex
  • Jheeta
  • Deception as to the reason for the act is not
    sufficient to trigger s 76
  • Nature?
  • Purpose?
  • What does purpose mean in cases of sexual
  • Should parliament have distinguished penile
    penetration cases from others?

Deception as to purpose
  • Piper (2007)
  • V thought she was modelling D thought otherwise
  • Devonald (2008)
  • D causes 16 year old to engage in sex on a
    webcam. V thinks D is a 20 year old busty blonde
    D is a 31 year old vengeful father.

  • Hamilton
  • Outraging public decency can be committed even if
    no one saw what D was doing.
  • Provided there were indeed others present, and
    Ds conduct was capable of being seen by them.

Indecent child images
  • Protection of Children (NI) Order 1978
  • Harrison
  • H possessed images if
  • he knew that any images he accessed would be
    copied made in terms of legislative language
    and stored automatically
  • and
  • knew the likelihood that in accessing certain
    sites, illegal material would in this way be
    accessed (ie pop up).

Dishonesty offences
  • Theft and dishonesty rare example of a case in
    which no reasonable tribunal could conclude not
    dishonest Gohill v DPP
  • Robbery does not require proof that V was
    actually put in fear. Otherwise the commission of
    the offence would turn on the courage of V.
  • But is it necessary for V to apprehend that force
    will be used?
  • Where the allegation is that D put any person in
    fear of being then and there subjected to force,
    in that form of the offence, it would seem to be
    a necessary element.

Money Laundering or handling
  • Rose
  • D acquired a childs motor bike
  • D claims not criminal property since he does not
    have an interest in it if stolen
  • CA- thief acquires a limited interest in the
  • Can be liable under s 329 for possession of
    criminal property.

Fraud Act 2 glitches
  • Section 11 does not work in cases where D makes
    unauthorised use of a credit card to obtain
  • There must be a failure to pay
  • No transitional jurisdictional provisions seem to
    have been included.
  • If D commits a deception offence abroad before
    1st Jan 2007 1993 Act seems not now to apply

Fraud Act 2 glitches
  • Section 11 does not work in cases where D makes
    unauthorised use of a credit card to obtain
  • There must be a failure to pay
  • No transitional jurisdictional provisions seem to
    have been included.
  • If D commits a deception offence abroad before
    1st Jan 2007 1993 Act seems not now to apply

Public Order
  • Police cell is not a home R v Francis
  • Racially aggravated offences are
  • (i) desirable to reflect the qualitatively
    distinct harm
  • (ii) capable of commission by use of the words
    bloody foreigners R v Rogers
  • Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 creates
    offences akin to inciting racial hatred

  • The offence will be established only if what is
    done or said is such as to induce a reasonable
    reaction involving civil strife, damage to the
    fabric of society or their equivalent.

  • Deyemi Firearms Act
  • Rejected defence argument that D should be
    allowed to prove that he was not aware of the
    nature of the article he possessed.
  • Weaver
  • Prohibited weapon is necessarily a firearm though
    not necessarily a lethal barrelled weapon

  • Salih
  • Possession for self defence
  • if D was acting in self-defence at the moment
    when he was alleged to be in possession of a
    firearm, then not guilty.
  • But if the possession with intent to endanger
    life was alleged to have occurred at some time
    before that moment and at a time when he or she
    was not in immediate fear of attack, then, the
    defence was not available.

  • New Protocol
  • Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000 offences
    involving threat of action designed to influence
    a government of a country other than the United
    Kingdom (s.1(4))
  • Includes dictatorships such as Libya

  • Section 57 - Zafar
  • S 57 to be read restrictively
  • Applies only where
  • D possess an article
  • Which gives rise to reasonable suspicion
  • That he intends it to be used
  • for the purpose of commission/preparation etc of
    act of trerrorism.

Road Safety Act 2006
  • A person is to be regarded as driving without due
    care and attention if (and only if) the way he
    drives falls below what would be expected of a
    competent and careful driver.
  • regard shall be had not only to the circumstances
    of which he could be expected to be aware but
    also to any circumstances shown to have been
    within the knowledge of the accused.

Road Safety Act 2006
  • S 20 - causing death by careless or
    inconsiderate driving (5 yr max).
  • 21(1) creates offences of causing death by
    driving when
  • unlicensed,
  • disqualified
  • uninsured
  • (2 yrs max)

Computer Misuse
  • Denial of service attacks may be prosecuted under
    CMA 1990 DPP v Lennon
  • Computer Misuse Act extended by Police and
    Justice Act 2006
  • Unauthorised act with intent/recklessness as to
    impairing operation of computer
  • Making or supplying articles for use in computer
    misuse offence
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