Financial Innovation Securitization

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Financial Innovation Securitization


There is no equity investment by the airport authority. ... Secured by Facility Rental Payments made by the lessee JFK IAT to the Port ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Financial Innovation Securitization

Financial InnovationSecuritization
  • P.V. Viswanath
  • Summer 2007

  • The repackaging of receivables or other cashflows
    in a tradable form.
  • SEC definition "the creation of securities that
    are primarily serviced by the cashflows of a
    discrete pool of receivables or other assets,
    either fixed or revolving, that by their terms
    convert into cash within a finite time period
    plus any rights or other assets designed to
    assure the servicing or timely distribution of
    proceeds to the security holder
  • The goal is to sever the risk of originator
    insolvency from the risk of asset performance
    the investor can rely on asset risk rather than
    the general corporate credit of the originator.

Earliest examplesThe market for home mortgages
  • Banks provided loans for the purchase of homes.
  • Government agencies, such as the Government
    National Mortgage Association (GNMA), and the
    FHLMC (Freddie Mac) and private corporations,
    such as the Federal National Mortgage Association
    (FNMA) were charged with providing broader and
    more stable sources of capital to the residential
    mortgage market.

Mortgage Backed Securities
  • These agencies started securitizing mortgages by
    purchasing home mortgage loans from local lenders
    and guaranteeing securities backed by pools of
    residential mortgages.
  • Result
  • Volume of funds available for housing expanded.
  • Redistribution of mortgage funds from
    capital-surplus to capital-deficit regions.

An example GNMA pass-throughs
  • GNMA pass-throughs were issued by mortgage
    bankers and were backed by pools of newly issued
    FHA/VA single-family mortgages (i.e. loans
    guaranteed by the Farmers Home Administration or
    the Veterans Administration).
  • GNMA guaranteed the timely payment of scheduled
    monthly principal and interest.
  • These guarantees represent full faith and credit
    obligations of the US Government.

Structure of a GNMA Pass-through
Scheduled Principal (Amortization)
Servicing Fee/ Guarantee Fee
Credit Enhancements
  • The purpose is to improve the quality of the
  • External Enhancements
  • Corporate Guarantee
  • Letter of Credit (a commitment by a bank on
    behalf of a client to pay under specified
  • Pool Insurance covers losses due to borrowers
    economic circumstances, but does not cover fraud
  • Bond Insurance covers all types of losses
    unconditionally usually bond insurers will not
    take the first-loss position.

Credit Enhancements
  • Internal Credit Enhancements
  • Reserve Funds
  • Cash Reserves
  • Excess Servicing Spread Accounts
  • Overcollateralization
  • Establishing a pool of assets with principal ?
    principal amount of the securities issued.
  • Senior/Subordinated Structure
  • The subordinated class absorbs all losses on the
    underlying collateral, protecting the senior
  • A Shifting Interest Structure redirects
    prepayments disproportionately from the
    subordinated class to the senior class according
    to a pre-specified schedule.

Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
  • CMOs are bond classes (tranches) created by
    redirecting the cash flows of mortgage-related
    products so as to mitigate prepayment risk.
  • Sequential Pay tranches Principal payments are
    directed to the seniormost tranche until it is
    paid off, then to the next senior tranche, etc.
  • Accrual bond/tranche The interest for this
    tranche accrues until more senior tranches are
    paid off.

CMO Varieties
  • Floating Rate Tranches
  • can be created from fixed-rate tranches by
    creating a floater and an inverse floater.
  • Useful for financial institutions that have
    floating rate/short term liabilities.
  • Planned Amortization Classes (PAC) Bonds
  • Created with support bonds that absorb
    fluctuations in principal payments, upto certain
    limits (collars).
  • Targeted Amortization Classes (TAC) Bonds
  • Protects against contraction risk (rapid
    prepayment), but not against extension risk.
  • Very Accurately Determined Maturity Bonds
  • Protection against contraction and extension risk.

Mortgage Strips
  • Interest-Only CMOs All interest is allotted to
    these strips.
  • When interest rates rise, flows to IO CMOs rise.
    But these flows are discounted at a higher rate
    hence the IO CMO price could rise or fall. If
    interest rates fall, IO CMO prices usually fall.
    Hence IOs have negative duration.
  • Principal-Only All principal payments are
    allotted to these strips.
  • When interest rates rise, prepayments fall and
    flows to PO CMOs fall. Hence PO CMO prices fall.

Asset Backed Securities
  • Securities created by pooling loans other than
    first-lien mortgage loans
  • Auto-loan backed securities
  • Credit Card Receivable-backed securities
  • Home Equity Loan-backed securities
  • The underlying assets are purchased by a
    Bankruptcy-remote Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV),
    which issues the ABSs.
  • The SPV is typically a wholly-owned subsidiary of
    the seller of the collateral.

ABS structure resembling notes
  • Chase, in Sep. 1999 sold an 18.5bn pool of
    receivables to a master trust, which issued a
    certificate, conveying an undivided interest in
    the whole pool.
  • This certificate was placed in another SPV, which
    issued three tranches of bonds
  • 850m of 5-yr senior bonds, rated AAA, priced at
    98bp over Treasuries.
  • 48.295m of single-A paper at 128bp over
  • 67.615m BBB at 95bp over 1-month Libor.
  • The repackaging enabled the tranches to be called
    notes and hence all the tranches could meet ERISA
    investment guidelines followed by pension funds.

Securitization of RisksUsing Bonds to Buy
  • Insurance companies can go bankrupt traditional
    insurance requires a very large amount of
  • The problem is greater with insurance lines that
    have long tails policies where claims can be
    filed long after the policy is issued.
  • Insurance companies are locked into the deal for
    a long time. Investors in capital markets are
    more willing to hold these risks, because they
    can sell them off.
  • Specialized bonds, such as cat bonds may be able
    to resolve these problems.

Catastrophe Bonds
  • Oriental Land Company placed two 100 million
    catastrophe bonds with special purpose reinsurers
    to protect against earthquakes.
  • First bond has a five-year maturity. Payment
    depends upon magnitude, location and depth of
    earthquake, regardless of actual property damage.
    (Why? Auditing problems?)
  • Second provides post-earthquake financing
    Oriental Land will issue a 100 million 5-yr bond
    to the reinsurer with no interest for the first
    three years. (Put like?)

Weather Bonds
  • In Oct. 1999, Koch Ind., of Wichita and Enron
    Corp, of Houston issued 200 m. of weather bonds.
  • The interest on the Koch bonds depends on the
    weather in the 19 cities in which Koch operates.
  • If temperatures are similar to historical levels,
    the coupon is 10.5.
  • If temps are colder (warmer) by ¼ degree on
    average, the coupon is 10 (11).
  • Kochs objective Hedging
  • Value for investors Diversification

Alternatives to Securitization of Insurance Risks
  • Catastrophe Insurance
  • Catastrophe Derivatives
  • Pros and Cons
  • Information Costs versus Basis Risk

Securitizing future cash flow
  • This is the purpose of standard bonds. However,
    they draw upon the general cashflows of a
  • Project financing channels pre-specified subsets
    of a companys cashflows to bondholders.
  • More specialized projects like rock-n-roll

Rock-n-Roll bonds
  • David Bowie, issued February 1997, raised 55 m.
    by selling securities.
  • Backed solely by expected royalites from future
    sales of his first 25 albums.
  • 7.9 coupon, 15 yr maturity, 10 yr. av. maturity.
  • Investment banker on the deal was David Pullman
    at Gruntal Co.
  • Prudential Insurance Co. is purchaser.
  • Bonds guaranteed by EMI Group Plc.

Rock-n-Roll bonds
  • Ethan Penner, in Sept. 1997, set up Nomura
    Capital Entertainment Finance to be sole investor
    in making 1 billion in loans to musicians,
    actors and studio executives. (not quite
  • Bear Stearns is interested in securitizing the
    expected cash flows of existing and
    soon-to-be-released films.
  • Target Insurance companies looking for

  • What is the purpose of the loan for the issuer?
  • Consumption
  • Diversification
  • Artists might want to repurchase artistic works
    that they were forced to sell earlier in their
  • To buy other artists intellectual properties.
  • Tax reasons
  • What about the issue of Moral hazard?

Valuation of Rock-n-Roll Bonds
  • Actuarial approach is not possible.
  • The riskiness of cashflows from the asset itself
    as opposed to the issuer (e.g. if Citibank
    securitizes its credit card receivables)
  • Collection of cashflows (from the entertainment
    industry) will have to be more scientific and
  • How to evaluate cashflows that are projected to
    grow, rather than depreciate? (Lengthens the
    life of the asset.)

Rock-n-Roll Bonds
  • Possible solutions
  • Diversification of trust issuing the security.
    This is the Penner strategy.
  • Securitize cashflows from known artists and/or
    known works with a history.
  • Credit Enhancement

Tobacco Bonds
  • In 1998, 46 states settled a major case against
    the Tobacco industry. The agreement was for
    approximately 205 Billion for 25 years. It is
    referred to the Master Settlement Agreement (or
  • States, and various Counties in a few States,
    have opted to securitize their payments from the
    MSA. They have issued Municipal Bonds and taken
    an early lump sum payment instead of waiting for
    the Tobacco industry payments to come in over
  • The bonds secured by these tobacco settlement
    revenues are called tobacco bonds.
  • The risk for these bond investors is the strength
    of the Tobacco industry, cigarette sales and so

Train Securitization in the UK
  • Earliest deals securitized leases guaranteed by
    the UK government in 1994.
  • In 1998, Porterbrook securitized unguaranteed
    leases on trains still under construction.
  • In August 1999, the Royal Bank of Scotland placed
    480m to fund Virgin Rail Groups purchase of 53
    hi-tech trains that were custom-made.
  • The transaction cannot rely on the diversity of
    its obligors (as with credit card debt) or the
    transferability of the hard assets.
  • Also, the deal is non-recourse to Angel Trains.

Train Securitization in the UK
  • Porterbrooks deal comprised 140m. of Floating
    rate loans in three tranches.
  • Royal Bank of Scotlands financing wing West
    Coast Train Finance Plc offered one fixed class
    of bonds, to be amortized according a schedule
    between 2003 and 2015 av. life 10.4 yrs.
  • A rating from Duff and Phelps, AA from Fitch
    IBCA and A from SP.
  • The bonds are delinked from the credit risk of
    the company operating the trains permits a
    higher rating for the bonds than for the company.
  • There is an assurance from the Office of
    Passenger Rail Franchising to take over the
    trains even if Virgin fails.

Special Facilities Bonds
  • Most debt issued by airports represents long-term
    bonds secured by a pledge of general airport
  • Recently, however, more airports have been
    issuing special facilities secured debt where the
    lender has recourse only to revenues generated by
    the special facility.
  • There is no equity investment by the airport
  • General airport revenues can be reserved for
    projects that are more central to airport
    operations or can only be funded through
    traditional avenues.

JFK Intl Arrivals Terminal Bonds
  • Issued by the Port Authority of NY NJ
  • Secured by Facility Rental Payments made by the
    lessee JFK IAT to the Port Authority, the lessor.
    However, JFK IAT agrees to set rates to provide
    revenues ? 125 of debt service on bonds.
  • Bondholders have no recourse to JFK IAT, or the
    Port Authority, if the project fails to perform
    as projected.

Automobile ABS
  • Traditional Auto ABSs price up to 10 bp wider
    than credit card ABSs because auto deals have
    amortizing tranches that depend on prepayments.
  • In Aug. 99, GMAC securitized a pool of amortizing
    auto loans and created bullet maturity structures
    by having all the amortization that occurs
    between bullet payments get absorbed by a
    variable funding certificate.
  • This structure matches corporate bonds and makes
    it easier to construct swaps.

Pub Securitization
  • In June 1999, Pubmaster, a UK corporation that
    owns pubs securitized beer revenues.
  • This allows Pubmaster to tailor costs to
    revenues, and reduces the probability of
  • For the investors, its possible to obtain
    tighter covenants, because the source of the
    revenues is more defined.

Sport Securitization
  • Formula One, the British company that manages the
    international car-racing championship has issued
    1.4 b. in bonds securitized by all assets of
    Formula Ones business, including its TV and
    promotional contracts.
  • Shows that intangible assets and intellectual
    property rights can be the basis for
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