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Searching for and optimal alternative with OptQuest. Simulation with Arena ... If not, call placed in (electronic) queue, subjected to annoying rock music ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Slide 1 of 88

Detailed Modeling and Terminating Statistical
  • Chapter 5

What Well Do ...
  • Explore lower-level modeling constructs
  • Model 5-1 A generic call-center system
  • Nonstationary arrival process
  • Balking, three-way decisions, sets, variables,
    expressions, submodels, and costing
  • Debugging
  • Model 5-2 Animating the call center model
  • Plots, global pictures, and storages
  • Model 5-3 The model with overall performance
  • Run conditions, model size and speed, overall
    performance measures

What Well Do ... (contd.)
  • Statistical analysis of simulation output
    (terminating systems)
  • Time frame of simulations
  • Strategy for data collection and analysis
  • Confidence intervals
  • Comparing two alternatives
  • Comparing many alternatives via the Arena Process
    Analyzer (PAN)
  • Searching for and optimal alternative with

Generic Call Center(Model 5-1)
  • Single telephone number, 26 trunk lines
  • If all 26 lines busy, caller gets busy signal and
    goes away
  • Answered call gets recording asking
  • Technical support? (76 of callers choose this)
  • Sales information? (16)
  • Order-status inquiry? (8)
  • Time for caller to choose UNIF (0.1, 0.6)
  • All times are in minutes in this model

Technical Support Calls
  • Get second recording asking
  • Product type 1? (25 of tech support callers
    choose this)
  • Product type 2? (34)
  • Product type 3? (41)
  • Recording and choosing takes UNIF(0.1, 0.5)
  • If a qualified tech-support person is available
    for chosen product, call routed for immediate
  • If not, call placed in (electronic) queue,
    subjected to annoying rock music
  • All tech support conversations TRIA (3, 6, 18)
  • When call done, customer exits system

Technical Support Calls (contd.)
  • 4 of tech support calls need further assistance
    after completion of their call
  • Questions forwarded to another tech group that
    prepares a response time to prepare this
    response EXPO (60)
  • Response sent back to the same tech-support
    person who took the original call
  • This person calls the customer back and talks,
    which lasts TRIA (2, 4, 9)
  • These calls require one of the 26 trunk lines and
    take priority over incoming calls
  • If return call not completed on same day, its
    carried over to the next day

Sales Calls
  • Call automatically routed to sales staff
  • Sales staff is separate from tech-support staff
  • If a sales-staff person is available, call gets
    immediate service
  • If not, call placed in (electronic) queue,
    treated to soothing new-age space music
  • All sales conversations TRIA (4, 15, 45)
  • When call done, customer exits system

Order-Status Calls
  • Automatically handled by phone system no people
  • No limit on number handled at a time (but still
    limited by the 26 trunk lines)
  • Time for conversation TRIA (2, 3, 4)
  • After call, 15 take option to talk to a real
    person (the rest exit the system)
  • These calls are routed to sales staff
  • Have same priority as incoming sales calls
  • Conversation durations TRIA (3, 5, 10)
  • Then exit the system

Call Arrivals
  • Calls accepted from 8 AM until 6 PM
  • Some staff available until 7 PM
  • Incoming calls shut out after 6 PM
  • But all calls that entered before 6 PM are
  • Call arrival rate varies substantially over the
  • Data on rate (calls per hour) for each half-hour

  • Sales staff 7 people with staggered schedules
  • 3 on duty for first 90 minutes (notation 3_at_90)
  • Then 7_at_90, 6_at_90, 7_at_60, 6_at_120, 7_at_120, 4_at_90
  • Tech support staff 11 people variously
    qualified for the three different product lines
  • Work eight-hour days plus 30 minutes off for
  • Some people only qualified on one line
  • Some people qualified on two or maybe all three
  • Detailed staffing description and schedule ...

Technical-Support Staff Schedules
New Modeling Issues
  • This is a service (not manufacturing) system
  • But can use same modeling capabilities
  • Nonstationary arrival process
  • Arrivals occur one at a time and are independent
    of one another
  • Average rate varies over time (would be constant
    for a stationary Poisson process)
  • Built into Create module (beware of
    popular-but-wrong methods details in book)
  • Balking
  • Required because there are only 26 trunk lines
  • Entity arrives at queue, which is full (capacity
    is 0 here)
  • Entity departs from system count these

New Modeling Issues (contd.)
  • Three-way decisions
  • Entity or call can go to one of three places in
    model based on call type
  • Similarly, tech-support calls can go to one of
    three places based on product type
  • Capability available in Decide module
  • Sets
  • Groups of similar objects
  • Can be referenced by a common set name and index
    (1, 2, 3, ) into the set
  • Can also be referenced by original name,
    independent of set
  • Technical-support staff requires sets
  • An object can be a member of more than one set
  • Sets data module

New Modeling Issues (contd.)
  • Variables and Expressions
  • Can be referenced in model by name
  • Can be one- or two-dimensional arrays, indexed by
    one or two integers
  • User-defined Variables
  • Store some numerical value (not a formula)
  • Can be initialized in Variable data module
  • Can be used, reassigned during the simulation run
    by any entity
  • User-defined Expressions
  • A name defined by a mathematical expression
  • This name can be references anywhere in the model
  • Can use constants, Variables, Attributes, system
    state variables, values from distribution
    connected via mathematical operations
  • Can use Expression Builder to help define
  • Defined in Expression data module (Advanced
    Process panel)

New Modeling Issues (contd.)
  • Submodels
  • Partition simulation model into several smaller
  • Can link them together, more manageable pieces
  • Just like a normal model view within a submodel
  • Submodels can also contain further submodels,
    etc. hierarchical structure
  • Submodels can be externally connected to other
    modules or submodels
  • Navigate panel in Project Bar shows submodels,
    under Top-Level Model
  • Costing
  • Automatic time and cost information for entities
  • Wait, value-added, non-value-added, transfer,
  • You must enter cost information Entity and
    Resource data modules

Key Output Performance Measures
  • Count balks no. of attempted incoming calls
    sent away due to all 26 trunk lines being busy
  • Will not model reneging customers in queue
    leaving the system if they get sick of waiting
  • Total time in system, by customer type
  • Time waiting for a real person, by customer type
  • Contact time, by customer type
  • Number of calls waiting, by customer type
  • Personnel utilization

Animation Requirements
  • No entity movement to animate here
  • Can still display queues
  • To see how well staffing matches up with load,
    craft appropriate plots vs. time
  • Number of calls balked
  • Lengths of queues
  • Number of idle staff
  • Strategy to improve performance alter the
    staffing schedule, see if it produces a better
    matchup of the plots

System or Simulation Type
  • Terminating
  • Known starting and stopping conditions part of
  • Time frame is known (and finite)
  • Steady-State
  • Initial conditions are not always well defined
  • No defined stopping condition (theoretically
  • Interested in system response over the long run
  • Call-center model
  • Start at 8 AM and end at 7 PM
  • Some Technical support calls are held over, but
    not many well ignore this aspect (sort of
    fixed below)
  • Treat the system as terminating (sort of see

Arena Modeling Panels
  • Basic Process panel
  • Highest level of modeling
  • Advanced Process panel
  • More detailed (and different) modeling
  • Advanced Transfer panel
  • Material-handling, entity-movement capabilities
  • Blocks, Elements panels
  • Lowest level of modeling capabilities the
    underlying SIMAN simulation language itself
  • Other panels are created using modules from these
  • Occasionally needed, but not very often

Building the Model
  • Defining the Data
  • Submodel Creation
  • Divide model in sections or submodels
  • Increment the Time Period
  • Create Arrivals and Direct to Service
  • Technical Support Calls
  • Technical Support Returned Calls
  • Sales Calls
  • Order-Status calls
  • Well discuss each of these in turn

Simulation Replication Data
  • Project replication parameters
  • Run/Setup dialog Replication Parameters tab
  • 10 Replications of 11 hours each
  • Four options for Initialization Between
  • Initialize system (yes), initialize statistics
  • 10 independent and identical replications no
    calls carried over
  • Reports for each day separately
  • Initialize system (yes), initialize statistics
  • 10 independent and identical replications no
    calls carried over
  • Cumulative summary reports (day 1, days 1-2, days
    1-3, , days 1-10)
  • Initialize system (no), initialize statistics
    (yes) Selected
  • 10 continuous days calls carried over
  • Reports are by replication (day)
  • Initialize system (no), initialize statistics
  • 10 continuous days calls carried over
  • Cumulative summary reports

Schedule Data
  • Schedules
  • Enter into Schedule data module
  • 13 schedules required
  • One for each of the 11 technical-support people
  • One for the sales staff overall
  • The arrival process (Type Arrival, not
  • Use Graphical schedule editor (initially)
  • Use Edit via Dialog (or Edit via Spreadsheet) if
    you need trailing zeros in the capacity to fill
    out the cycling time window
  • We need this in this model due to not
    Initializing System between replications see
    book for details

Resource Data
  • Define resources
  • Use Resource data module
  • 13 resources
  • Sales staff
  • 11 technical support staff
  • Trunk Line (single resource with 26 units)
  • Enter Schedule Name for all but Trunk Line
  • For resources on a Schedule, use Ignore option
    for Schedule Rule to ensure correct cross-day
    modeling details in book
  • Add hourly wage under costing data

Sets Data
  • Use Set data module (Basic Process panel)
  • Develop three Resource sets for technical support
  • Product 1
  • Charity, Noah, Molly, Anna, Sammy
  • Product 2
  • Tierney, Sean, Emma, Anna, Sammy
  • Product 3
  • Shelley, Jenny, Christie, Molly, Anna, Sammy
  • Note that Anna and Sammy are in all three sets
  • Consistently listed the more versatile staff at
    the end of the list in each set save them
    discussed later

Sets Data (contd.)
  • Develop two Tally sets
  • Tech Calls
  • Product 1 Call, Product 2 Call, Product 3 Call
  • Returned Time
  • Return 1 Call, Return 2 Call, Return 3 Call
  • Sets used to collect statistics by product type
  • Develop a Counter set
  • Keep track of number of balks per half-hour
  • 22 counters one for each half-hour period
  • First defined 22 counters in Statistic data
    module (Advanced Process panel)

Variables and Expressions Data
  • Variables
  • Use Variable data module to define thee variables
  • Period (the current time period)
  • Busy Per Period (busy signals in current time
  • Per Period Balk (total balks for last completed
    time period)
  • Note explicit use of Variables module is
    required only if you want a Variable to have a
    non-zero initial value
  • Expressions
  • Use Expression data module to define three
  • Returned Tech Time, for duration of returned
    tech-support calls TRIA(2, 4, 9)
  • Tech Time, for duration of tech-support calls
    TRIA(3, 6, 18)
  • Available 1, Available 2, and Available 3
  • Sum of currently available, but idle, resources
    by product type, for staffing plots
  • Use Expression Builder details in book, model

Submodel Creation
  • Object/Submodel/Add Submodel menu option to
    create a submodel well use six submodels
  • Define (right-click, then Properties)
  • Name
  • Number of entry, exit points (could be 0 if
    theres no flow interaction)
  • Move between submodels Navigate panel, Named
    Views, or mouse
  • Double-click on a submodel to open it
  • When in a submodel, right-click in an empty
    place, then Close Submodel, to go up

Time Period Counter Submodel
  • Increments the time period counter
  • No entry or exit points interacts via
    Variables, not flow
  • Create Counter Entity Create module
  • Time Between Arrivals 660 minutes (constant)
  • Assign Period Assign module
  • Initialize Period variable value to zero

Time Period Counter Submodel (contd.)
  • Assign Variables Assign module
  • Increment Period variable for the next half-hour
  • Assign Per Period Balk to Busy Per Period
    variable value (number of calls balked during
    previous half hour)
  • Set Busy Per Period variable to zero to start
    balk counting during the half hour starting now
  • Check Period Decide module
  • 2-Way by Condition
  • Determine if there are still more periods in this
    day (i.e., if Period lt 22)
  • Yes Delay for a half hour Delay module, then
    loop back
  • No Dispose of entity Dispose module

Create and Direct Arrivals Submodel
  • Creates arrivals, checks for available trunk
    line, and directs to appropriate type of service
  • No entry points
  • Three exit points
  • Tech Call, Sales Call, Order Status Call

Submodel Logic
  • Create arriving calls
  • If a trunk line is available seize one
  • Assign Arrival Time attribute (for use
  • Delay to listen to recording
  • Determine call type
  • Direct call and assign entity type
  • Else (all trunk lines are busy)
  • Count balked call
  • Increment Busy Per Period counter
  • Dispose of call

Develop Submodel
  • Create arriving calls Create module
  • Time Between Arrivals
  • Type Schedule
  • Schedule Name Arrival Schedule
  • Was defined when we defined the data for the
  • Check for available trunk line
  • Queue/Seize module combination (Blocks panel)
  • Set queue capacity to zero
  • If trunk line available, resource seized in
    following Seize module
  • If no truck line available, entity will
    automatically balk

Develop Submodel (contd.)
  • Assign arrival time Assign module
  • Use Arena variable TNOW current simulation
  • Delay for Recording Delay module
  • Used Delay module from Blocks panel
  • Be careful of units no choice here (uses Base
    Time Units)
  • Direct call Decide module
  • Use N-way by Chance option
  • Enter probabilities as percents (0 100)
  • Assign call type Assign module
  • Assign entity type to call type
  • Three modules

Develop Submodel (contd.)
  • Balking entities
  • Count balked call Record module
  • Record into counter set Busy Lines
  • Set index is the variable Period
  • Increment Busy Per Period variable Assign
  • Dispose of balked call call Dispose module

Technical Support Calls Submodel
  • Logic for servicing technical support calls
  • One entry point
  • One exit point follow-up calls

Submodel Logic
  • Delay to listen to recording Delay module
  • UNIF(0.1, 0.5) minutes
  • Determine product type Decide module
  • N-way by Chance
  • Seize technical support person
  • Seize module Advanced Process panel
  • Request from appropriate set for product type
  • Preferred order within the set
  • Save more versatile employees for other things
  • Save set index (particular tech-support person)
    in attribute Tech Agent Index
  • In case returned tech call is needed get same
    tech-support person to call customer back

Submodel Logic (contd.)
  • Save product type and call start time Assign
  • Save type (1, 2, or 3) in attribute Product Type
  • Assign value from TNOW to attribute Call Start
  • Delay for call Delay module
  • Use value from expression Tech Time
  • Release tech-support person and trunk line
  • Release module Advanced Process panel
  • Use set index in attribute Tech Agent Index to
    release the particular tech-support person
    assigned from set
  • Release the seized unit of Trunk Line resource

Submodel Logic (contd.)
  • Record call and line time Record module
  • Time Interval type
  • Tally set Tech Calls
  • Set index Product Type
  • Records only the time spent during the
    tech-support conversation (necessary?)
  • Record tech line time Record module
  • Time Interval type
  • Tally Tech Support Line Time (not a Tally set)
  • Use Arrival Time attribute set when call first
    arrived, so this records the total time in the
    system so far
  • Direct to exit point

Returned Tech Calls Submodel
  • Logic for returned tech calls
  • One entry point, no exit points

Submodel Logic
  • Check for returned call Decide module
  • If no returned call is needed
  • Dispose of entity
  • If a returned call is needed
  • Entity Type set to Returned Call Assign module
  • Delay for response time Delay module
  • Direct by product type
  • N-way by Condition based on attribute Product
  • Seize tech-support person and trunk line
  • Seize module Seize specific member of
    appropriate Resource set
  • Use Set Index Tech Agent Index attribute
  • Seize Trunk Line

Note use of to check for equality.
Submodel Logic (contd.)
  • Delay for call time Delay module
  • Expression Returned Tech Time
  • Release tech person and trunk line Release
  • Record returned time Record module
  • Use beginning-time attribute Arrival Time,
    defined when call first arrived, so this records
    total time in system
  • Use Tally Set Return Time indexed by Product Type
  • Dispose of entity Dispose module

Sales Calls Submodel
  • Logic for sales calls
  • One entry point, no exit points
  • Uses a Shared Queue
  • Single queue
  • Shared by two or more seize activities
  • In this case, the real incoming sales calls, as
    well as those order-status calls requiring more
    than just the automated response

Submodel Logic
  • Seize sales person Seize module
  • Shared queue declared in Queue data module
  • Delay for call Delay module
  • Release sales person and Trunk Line Release
  • Record call time Record module
  • Records elapsed time from calls original arrival
    until now
  • Dispose of entity - Dispose module

Order-Status Calls Submodel
  • Logic for order-status calls
  • One entry point, no exit point
  • Shared queue used when sales person required

Submodel Logic
  • Delay for call Delay module
  • Decide if Sales person required Decide module
  • If sales person is required
  • Seize sales person Seize module, shared queue
  • Follow-up delay Delay module
  • Release sales person Release module
  • Record call Record module
  • Elapsed time from calls arrival to system up to
  • Release trunk line Release Module
  • Dispose of entity Dispose module

Finding and Fixing Model Errors
  • Arena picks up simple errors in Check phase,
    and leads you to them via Find and Edit buttons
    in Errors/Warnings windows
  • Undefined variables, attributes, resources
  • Unconnected modules
  • Duplicate module names
  • Typos
  • Other kinds of errors are more complex, cant be
    detected without trying to run options on Run
    Interaction toolbar or on Run menu
  • Only mention capabilities here see text for

Finding and Fixing Model Errors (contd.)
  • Run Controller Command-driven window to
    control, display details about model operation
    and underlying SIMAN code
  • Trace Follow active modules, selected variables
  • Highlight active module highlights the active
    module during the simulation run
  • Layers gives control over what you see during
    the simulation run

Finding and Fixing Model Errors (contd.)
  • Break on Module Break stop run when entity
    hits a selected module, at a specific time, or
    when a selected entity is about to become active
  • Watch select expressions to display in a window
    as model runs
  • Look at reports when model is running or paused
  • Remember to close reports windows

Model 5-2 Animating the Model
  • No normal entity animation just plots,
    queues, a few other data animations
  • Plots (all vs. time on horizontal axis)
  • Queue lengths (as in earlier models)
  • Balks per period reason for variable Per Period
  • Number of tech support people available for each
    product type reason for the Available
    expressions defined in Expressions module
  • With multiple plots, configure first one, then
    copy/edit for others to get consistent look and
    feel snap to grid to align
  • Variable animations for Period and Day

Animating the Model (contd.)
  • Created digital clock by hand (details in text)
  • Why not ready-made animated clocks? We didnt
    reset the system state between replications, so
    internal clock just keeps increasing
  • Resource and queue animations
  • Just for realism doesnt add any analysis value
  • Resource button from Animate toolbar
  • Take pictures from libraries (.plb files),
    different states
  • Queue button from Animate toolbar
  • Add various text annotations, boxes, etc.

Animating the Model (contd.)
  • Storages for further animation
  • Requires using Delay modules from Blocks panel,
    not Advanced Process panel
  • We did this only for the delay listening to the
    first recorded message
  • Enter a Storage name in the Blocks Delay module
    (Message 1)
  • Storage button from Animate Transfer toolbar
  • Animated variables
  • Number of available trunk lines
  • Number of available salespeople
  • Number of sales calls in progress

Model 5-3 Model for Analysis with Overall
Performance Measure
  • Modify the call-center model for intensive study
  • Different run conditions to allow valid
    statistical analysis
  • Smaller size to continue to fit in academic
    version and make room for other enhancements
  • Faster to allow for extensive analysis
  • New overall performance measures to consider both
    resource costs and customer-oriented performance
  • Base on Model 5-1 rather than Model 5-2 since the
    latter adds only animation and were now
    crunching numbers

Run Conditions
  • Want valid terminating statistical analysis
  • New replications must start independently with no
    model-state carry-over
  • Run/Setup/Replication Parameters
  • Check Initialize System Between Replications
  • Still check Initialize Statistics Between
  • Get truly independent and identically distributed
  • Unreturned tech-support follow-up calls lost
  • Compromise redefine a replication to be a
    five-day work week Monday-Thursday returned
    tech-support calls carried over, Friday-night
    ones lost
  • Run/Setup/Replication Parameters Replication
    Length 5 Days, specify 11 Hours Per Day
  • Run/Run Control Batch Run (No Animation)

Slimming Down and Speeding Up
  • Academic version places several different kinds
    of limits on model size
  • Max of 150 concurrent entities though millions
    could pass through this limit is not a problem
  • Max of 150 module instances includes
    flowchart modules, and each entry (line) in data
    modules this limit is a problem
  • Also need room to add new output performance
  • Reduce number of module instances
  • Eliminate many statistical accumulators
    included getting rid of lines in data modules,
    entire flowchart modules, and unchecking
    stat-collection boxes details in book
  • This also increased speed by factor of 3 to 4
  • Important since this model will be exercised

Overall Performance Measures
  • Form an overall cost measure reduce, minimize
  • What controllable input parameters affect cost?
  • Two components to cost
  • Due to staffing and resources tangible,
  • Due to poor customer service intangible, hard
    to measure
  • Staffing and resource costs
  • Hourly salaries 18 for sales, 16 to 20 for
    tech-support depending on training (see Resource
    data module)
  • Salaries paid whenever person is on duty, whether
    busy or not
  • Get current weekly payroll of 13,110 Staff
    Cost variable

Generalize for More Staff
  • Try to improve service via more staff
  • Will certainly increase staff cost
  • Try to improve customer service to make it
  • Base-model results worst staffing shortfalls
    are between 1130AM and 330PM
  • Add sales and tech-support staff for that
    four-hour period (half-hours 8 through 15)

Additional Sales Staff
  • Add variable New Sales to be the number of
    additional salespersons to add in periods 8-15
  • Define in Variable data module
  • Use in Schedule data module (under Sales
    Schedule) add to number of sales staff in base
    model in periods 8-15
  • Must use Edit via Dialog or Spreadsheet since
    Graphical Schedule Editor cannot handle Variables
  • Cost for each new salesperson 15/hour
  • Each will work 20 hours/week, so cost 300/week
  • Variable New Sales Cost set to 300
  • Additional cost is (New Sales) (New Sales
    Cost), used in Expression for for new resource
    cost (New Res Cost)

Additional Tech-Support Staff
  • Possibly add new tech-support staff for products
    1, 2, 3 (only), and for all products
  • Variables New Tech 1, New Tech 2, New Tech 3
  • Named Larrys, Moes, and Curlys, respectively
  • Each paid 14/hr 20 hrs/week 280/week
    (variable LMC cost)
  • Variable New Tech All
  • Named Hermanns
  • Each paid 17/hr 20 hrs/week 340/week
    (variable Her cost)
  • Resource data module define resources Larry,
    Moe, Curly, Hermann and hourly costs for them
    (not used)
  • Set data module add Larry, Moe, Curly, Hermann
    to appropriate resource sets
  • Schedule data module add Larry, Moe, Curly,
    Hermann schedules cant use Graphical Schedule

Changing the Number of Trunk Lines
  • Each trunk line costs a flat 89/week, including
    all calls (even long-distance)
  • Is 26 the right number?
  • To change it, just edit the Capacity entry in the
    Resource data module
  • Add variable Line Cost to be 89, multiply by
    number of trunk lines (MR(Trunk Line)) to get
    weekly cost of trunk lines

Total New Resource Cost
  • Define an Expression called New Res Cost
  • New Sales New Sales Cost
  • (New Tech 1 New Tech 2 New Tech 3) LMC
  • New Tech All Her Cost
  • Line Cost MR(Trunk Line)
  • Does not depend on what happens during simulation
    used only at end in Statistic module
  • Does not include cost of the base-model human
    staff (sales, tech-support) viewed as sunk, and
    constant for all variants of staffing changes

Costs for Putting Customers on Hold
  • Impute a cost for making customers wait on hold
  • Trade off against resource costs
  • Use model to understand, improve, optimize this
  • Such customer-dissatisfaction costs are hard to
  • People have a tolerance for holding
  • Tech-support calls 3 minutes (variable Tolerance
  • Sales calls 1 min. (Tolerance Sales)
  • Order-status calls 2 min. (Tolerance Order
  • Beyond the tolerance point, system incurs cost of
  • Tech-support calls 1.67/min. (variable TWT
  • Sales calls 3.72/min. (SWT Cost)
  • Order-status calls 1.58/min. (OSWT Cost)

Costs for Putting Customers on Hold (contd.)
  • Accumulate excess waiting time (time past
    tolerance) for each call type
  • Assign module when call is done
  • Use built-in Arena attribute ENTITY.WAITTIME
  • Accumulates total of times in queues as entity
    goes along, and other Wait-allocated times
    but there are none upstream in this model so this
    attribute will have the waiting time on hold
  • Requires that Costing box be checked in
    Run/Setup/Project Parameters
  • Variable Excess Tech Wait Time accumulates via
    adding in for each tech-support call
  • MAX( ENTITY.WAITTIME - Tolerance Tech, 0 )
  • At end of run, multiply Tech Wait Time by TWT
  • Similarly for Sales, Order-Status calls

Total Cost
  • Adding together all the costs, get the overall
    economic (cost) performance measure
  • Total Cost New Res Cost
  • Excess Sales Wait Time SWT Cost
  • Excess Status Wait Time OSWT
  • Excess Tech Wait Time TWT Cost
  • Staff Cost
  • This is defined in Statistic data module
  • Type Output already being computed, just
    report it
  • In Category Overview Report, get via User
    Specified ? Other ? Output

Percent-Busy Requirement
  • Above cost performance measure ignores calls
    balked away due to no trunk line busy signal
  • Clearly, undesirable very hard to put a cost on
  • Instead, have a strong goal to limit this to no
    more than 5 of incoming calls a model
    configuration not satisfying this will be deemed
    unacceptable no matter how attractive (low) the
    cost may be
  • Like a constraint except its on an output, not
    an input call it a requirement
  • Compute via two Record modules in arrival
    submodel to count incoming and balked calls and
    Percent Busy line in Statistic module

Aside Generality of Models
  • We could have done a lot of things in very
    different ways in this model
  • Using Arenas costing functions more and doing
    fewer of our own external calculations
  • Reparameterize using only primitive parameters
    (e.g., hourly wage rates) and programming Arena
    to do the calculations
  • How much of this you do depends on models
    intended use and users
  • Tradeoff between generality (elegance?) vs. time
    spent building the model

  • Base case (no more people, 26 trunk lines)
  • Total cost (for the week) 34K
  • Percent busy signals 11 (unacceptable)
  • Added one resource unit for each type
  • New Sales, New Tech 1, New Tech 2, New Tech 3,
    New Tech All, and go to 27 trunk lines
  • Total cost (for the week) 28K
  • Added resources reduced customer waiting time by
    more than enough to cover their cost
  • Percent busy signals 3 (acceptable)
  • Extra trunk line, plus added resources to move
    calls through
  • Is the modification truly and reliably better???

Statistical Analysis of Output from Terminating
  • Random input leads to random output (RIRO)
  • Run a simulation (once) what does it mean?
  • Was this run typical or not?
  • Variability from run to run (of the same model)?
  • Need statistical analysis of output data
  • From a single model configuration
  • Compare two or more different configurations
  • Search for an optimal configuration
  • Statistical analysis of output is often ignored
  • This is a big mistake no idea of precision of
  • Not hard or time-consuming to do this it just
    takes a little planning and thought, then some
    (cheap) computer time

Time Frame of Simulations
  • Terminating Specific starting, stopping
  • Run length will be well-defined (and finite)
  • Steady-state Long-run (technically forever)
  • Theoretically, initial conditions dont matter
    (but practically they usually do)
  • Not clear how to terminate a simulation run
  • This is really a question of intent of the study
  • Has major impact on how output analysis is done
  • Sometimes its not clear which is appropriate
  • Here Terminating (steady-state in Section 6.3)

Strategy for Data Collection and Analysis
  • For terminating case, make IID replications
  • Run/Setup/Replication Parameters Number of
    Replications field
  • Check both boxes for Initialize Between
  • Separate results for each replication Category
    by Replication report
  • Model 5-3, base case, 10 replications

Strategy for Data Collection and Analysis
  • Category Overview report will have some
    statistical-analysis results of the output across
    the replications
  • How many replications?
  • Trial and error (now)
  • Approximate number for acceptable precision
  • Sequential sampling (Chapter 11)
  • Turn off animation altogether for max speed
  • Run/Run Control/Batch Run (No Animation)

Confidence Intervals forTerminating Systems
  • Using formulas in Chapter 2, viewing the
    cross-replication summary outputs as the basic
  • Possibly most useful part 95 confidence
    interval on expected values
  • This information (except standard deviation) is
    in Category Overview report
  • If gt 1 replication specified, Arena uses
    cross-replication data as above
  • Other confidence levels, graphics Output

Half Width and Number of Replications
  • Prefer smaller confidence intervals precision
  • Notation
  • Confidence interval
  • Half-width
  • Cant control t or s
  • Must increase n how much?

Want this to be small, say lt h where h is
Half Width and Number of Replications (contd.)
  • Set half-width h, solve for
  • Not really solved for n (t, s depend on n)
  • Approximation
  • Replace t by z, corresponding normal critical
  • Pretend that current s will hold for larger
  • Get
  • Easier but different approximation

s sample standard deviation from
initial number n0 of replications
n grows quadratically as h decreases.
h0 half width from initial number n0 of
Interpretation of Confidence Intervals
  • Interval with random (data-dependent) endpoints
    thats supposed to have stated probability of
    containing, or covering, the expected valued
  • Target expected value is a fixed, but unknown,
  • Expected value average of infinite number of
  • Not an interval that contains, say, 95 of the
  • Thats a prediction interval useful too, but
  • Usual formulas assume normally-distributed data
  • Never true in simulation
  • Might be approximately true if output is an
    average, rather than an extreme
  • Central limit theorem
  • Issues of robustness, coverage, precision
    details in book

Comparing Two Alternatives
  • Usually, want to compare alternative system
    configurations, layouts, scenarios, sensitivity
    analysis here just two alternatives
  • Base case of Model 5-3, vs. adding one resource
    unit for each type
  • New Sales, New Tech 1, New Tech 2, New Tech 3,
    New Tech All, and go to 27 trunk lines
  • Earlier, one run of each suggested big
    differences real?
  • Reasonable but not-quite-right idea Make
    confidence intervals on expected outputs from
    each alternative, see if they overlap
  • Doesnt allow for a precise, efficient
    statistical conclusion

Compare Means via the Output Analyzer
  • Output Analyzer is a separate application that
    operates on .dat files produced by Arena
  • Not installed by default from book CD need
    custom install
  • Launch separately from Windows, not from Arena
  • To save output values (Expressions) of entries in
    Statistic data module (Type Output) enter
    filename.dat in Output File column
  • Just did for Total Cost, not Percent Busy
  • Will overwrite this file name next time either
    change the name here or out in Windows before the
    next run
  • .dat files are binary can only be read by
    Output Analyzer

Compare Means via the Output Analyzer (contd.)
  • Start Output Analyzer, open a new data group
  • Basically, a list of .dat files of current
  • Can save data group for later use .dgr file
  • Add button to select (Open) .dat files for the
    data group
  • Analyze/Compare Means menu option
  • Add data files A and B for the two
  • Select Lumped for Replications field
  • Title, confidence level, accept Pared-t Test,
    Scale Display

Compare Means via the Output Analyzer (contd.)
  • Results
  • Confidence interval on difference misses 0, so
    conclude that there is a (statistically)
    significant difference

Evaluating Many Alternatives with the Process
Analyzer (PAN)
  • With (many) more than two alternatives to
    compare, two problems are
  • Simple mechanics of making the possibly many
    parameter changes, making the runs, keeping track
    of the many output files
  • Statistical methods for drawing reliable and
    useful conclusions
  • Process Analyzer (PAN) addresses these
  • PAN operates on program (.p) files produced
    when .doe file is run (or just checked)
  • Start PAN from Arena (Tools/Process Analyzer) or
    via Windows
  • PAN runs on its own, separate from Arena

PAN Scenarios
  • A scenario in PAN is a combination of
  • A program (.p) file
  • Set of input controls that you choose
  • Chosen from Variables and Resource capacities
    think ahead
  • You fill in specific numerical values
  • Set of output responses that you choose
  • Chosen from automatic Arena outputs or your own
  • Values initially empty to be filled in after
  • To create a new scenario in PAN, double-click
    where indicated, get Scenario Properties dialog
  • Specify Name, Tool Tip Text, .p file, controls,
  • Values of controls initially as in the model, but
    you can change them in PAN this is the real
    utility of PAN
  • Can duplicate (right-click, Duplicate) scenarios,
    then edit for a new one
  • Think of a scenario as a row

PAN Projects and Runs
  • A project in PAN is a collection of scenarios
  • Program files can be the same .p file, or .p
    files from different model .doe files
  • Controls, responses can be the same or differ
    across scenarios in a project usually will be
    mostly the same
  • Think of a project as a collection of scenario
    rows a table
  • Can save as a PAN (.pan extension) file
  • Select scenarios in project to run (maybe all)
  • PAN runs selected models with specified controls
  • PAN fills in output-response values in table
  • Equivalent to setting up, running them all by
    hand but much easier, faster, less error-prone

Running Model 5-3 with PAN
  • Scenarios
  • Base case (no additional resources)
  • Imagine 1200/week to spend on each additional
    resource type, one at a time (no mixed
  • 7 scenarios in all (details in book)
  • Select all to run (click on left of row,
    Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click for more)
  • To execute, or Run/Go or F5

Statistical Comparisons with PAN
  • Model 5-3 alternatives were made with 10
    replications each
  • Better than one replication, but what about
    statistical validity of comparisons, selection of
    the best?
  • Select Total Cost column, Insert/Chart (or
    or right-click on column, then Insert Chart)
  • Chart Type Box and Whisker
  • Next, Total Cost Next defaults
  • Next, Identify Best Scenarios
  • Smaller is Better, Error Tolerance 0 (not the
  • Show Best Scenarios Finish

Statistical Comparisons with PAN (contd.)
  • Vertical boxes 95 confidence intervals
  • Red scenarios statistically significantly better
    than blues
  • More precisely, red scenarios are 95 sure to
    contain the best one
  • Narrow down red set more replications, or Error
    Tolerance gt 0
  • More details in book

Searching for an Optimal Alternative with OptQuest
  • The scenarios just considered with PAN are just 7
    of many, many possibilities
  • Try to find input-control values that minimize
    Total Cost while keeping Percent Busy lt 5
  • Formulate as an optimization problem
  • Minimize Total Cost
  • Subject to 26 ? Trunk Lines ? 50
  • New Sales, New Tech 1, New Tech 2, New Tech
    3, New Tech All ? 0
  • New Sales New Tech 1 New Tech 2 New
    Tech 3 New Tech All ? 15
  • Percent Busy lt 5
  • Reasonable starting place best acceptable
    scenario so far Add 3 New Tech All
  • Where to go from here? Explore all of feasible
    six-dimensional space exhaustively? No.

  • OptQuest searches intelligently for an optimum
  • Like PAN, OptQuest
  • Runs as a separate application can be launched
    from Arena
  • Takes over the running of your model
  • Asks that you identify the input controls and the
    output (just one) response objective
  • Unlike PAN, OptQuest
  • Asks that you specify constraints on the input
  • Asks that you specify requirements on outputs
  • Decides itself what input-control-value
    combinations to try
  • Uses internal heuristic algorithms to decide how
    to change the input controls to move toward an
    optimum configuration
  • You specify stopping criterion for the search

Using OptQuest
  • Tools/OptQuest for Arena
  • New session (File/New or CtrlN or )
  • Make sure the desired model window is active
  • Select controls Variables, Resource levels
  • Trunk Line, New Tech 1, 2, 3, and New Tech All
  • Bounds 26 ? Trunk Line ? 50, others between 0
    and 15
  • Type is Discrete for all, Input Step Size 1
  • Constraints enter
  • New Sales New Tech 1 New Tech 2 New Tech 3
    New Tech All lt 15
  • Objective and Requirement
  • Total Cost Response Select Minimize Objective
  • Percent Busy Response Select Requirement, enter
    5 for Upper Bound
  • Reorder

Using OptQuest (contd.)
  • Options window computational limits, procedures
  • Time tab accept Run for 10 minutes default
  • Precision tab vary number of replications from
    3 to 10
  • Preferences tab various settings (accept
  • Can revisit Controls, Constraints, Objective and
    Requirements, or Options windows via
  • Run via wizard (first time through a new
    project), or Run/Start or
  • Open View/Status and Solutions and
    View/Performance Graph to watch progress
  • Cant absolutely guarantee a true optimum
  • Usually finds far better configuration than
    possible by hand
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