Title: Alta Murrieta
1 Alta Murrieta
- Acquire The Alta Attitude
- Aspiring
- Learning
- Thinking
- Achieving
2RTI Model (What is it?)
- The process of providing high quality
instruction/intervention to match student needs - Gathering data to determine the effectiveness of
that instruction so new plans can be developed if
needed - A possible new way to determine eligibility for
specific learning disability
Bottom Line RtI is about Responsive Teaching
that Benefits All Learners
3RTI Core Principles
- Service Delivery
- Tier One Application of scientifically
researched based interventions in general ed. - Tier TwoPull-out supplemental instruction in the
area of need. - Tier threePull-out-Complete replacement
curriculum(could be special ed.) - Assessment and Progress Monitoring
- Measurement of student response to interventions
and modify instruction on a on-going basis - Collaboration Between Staff
- School staff collaborate for development and
implementation of RtI process at the site.
4RTI Tier Model
5Why is Alta embracing RTI?
- To provide students with the instruction they
need, when they need it - To utilize existing staff more efficiently
- To provide an environment where students can
succeed. - To improve test scores
- To provide collaboration and shared
responsibility with all school staff - To reduce special education referrals
6Brief History
- 2002-2005Provided interventions for
approximately 10 at-risk learners by allowing
them as guests in RSP intervention groups - 2005-2006Provided a pilot reading intervention
program for 15 at risk learners in 1st and 2nd
grade - 2006-2007Continued pilot reading intervention
for 1st and 2nd grade and added Read 180, a
replacement curriculum for 4th and 5th grade - 2007-2008Continued with Read 180 and added
Voyager for 1st-3rd grade, and Phonemic Awareness
for Kinder
History of RSP Caseload and initial Assessments
at Alta Murrieta School
Estimates Pilot Intervention Program
Read 180
8Altas Plan
- To provide a menu of interventions that meets the
needs of all students in our Learning Centers - To train staff in instructional programs, data
collecting processes and RtI in general - To formalize our referral process to our learning
centers and redesign our SST process to include
RtI components - To develop an RtI Professional Learning Community
to monitor and assess the effectiveness of the
learning center process - To rejoice in the fact that students are getting
what they need when they need it.
9Alta Murrieta Intervention MenuThe following is
a menu of intervention programs offered in the
Alta Murrieta Learning Center Tier OneT-1, Tier
TwoT-2, Tier ThreeT-3
10Alta Murrieta Intervention MenuThe following
is a menu of intervention programs offered in the
Alta Murrieta Learning Center Tier OneT-1, Tier
TwoT-2, Tier ThreeT-3
11 Alta Murrieta Intervention MenuThe following
is a menu of intervention programs offered in the
Alta Murrieta Learning Center Tier OneT-1, Tier
TwoT-2, Tier ThreeT-3
12Universal Access Times
- Proposed Universal Access Times
- Alta Murrieta
- 2008-2009
- The following times are times in which all
teachers in each grade level will conduct
differentiated instruction allowing students to
participate in interventions offered in the
learning center without missing any core
curriculum in the typical classroom. -
- 855-9402nd
- 940-10253rd
- 1045-11304th
- 1130-12155th
- 1215-145data collecting and progress
monitoring - 145-2301st
13Alta Murrieta Learning Center SchedulesLearning
Center I(Tier II Interventions)
14Alta Murrieta Learning Center SchedulesLearning
Center I(Tier II Interventions) Continued
15Alta Murrieta Learning Center SchedulesLearning
Center I(Tier II Interventions) Continued
16Alta Murrieta Learning Center
Schedule Learning Center II (Gold)(Tier III
17Learning Center III (Zarate)(Tier III
18A Day In The Life Of RTI Student
- Special Day Class Student
- Tier Three Student
- Tier Two Student
- Tier One Student
22Kinder Phonemic Awareness
23Next Steps
- Develop an RTI personal learning community (PLC)
- Train learning center staff in various
intervention programs - Establish learning center referral process
- Create a data collection process and communicate
data to all relevant personnel and parents. - Learning Center Coordinator to meet with
individual grade level teams and make
determinations for next years intervention
candidates. - Cross reference intervention candidates with
State and District test results.
24Our Vision
- To provide a learning environment where all
students receive the type of instruction they
need in order for them to make progress - To provide help to all students without the need
for a label - To provide an environment where all teachers and
support staff share in the responsibility of the
success of every child - To provide a system which allows teachers to
spend most of their time with students rather
than paperwork and testing - To continuously expand our menu of intervention
programs to meet the needs of students as they