Title: Blackboard for Library Instructors
1Blackboard for Library Instructors
- JQ JohnsonDirector, UO Center for Educational
Technologiesjqj_at_uoregon.edu - http//www.uoregon.edu/jqj/presentations/
bb/bblib06.ppt - 9 Nov 2006
2This presentation
- Blackboard overview for library faculty
(followup to similar presentation 8 Sept 05) - Using Blackboard in library instruction
- Self-paced tutorials
- Teaching LIB courses
- Ways we can help other faculty use Bb
- Providing help and referrals
- Advising faculty on resources to include in their
coursesites - Integrating with other library services
3What is Blackboard?
- A commercial, web-based Course Management
System - An integrated, easy to use environment offering
wide variety of features for teaching - access control only enrolled students
participate in course - easy web publishing of syllabus, lecture notes,
etc. - asynchronous communication announcements,
threaded discussion, surveys - synchronous communication chat room, virtual
whiteboard - online quizzes, homework submission, and
gradebook - collaborative workgroups
- A UO Library service
4Blackboard usage consistent growth since 1999
- Statistics as of 31 Oct 2006
- 18,598 student users (85 of all students)
- 1369 active fall-term or fall-sem Banner (CRN)
coursesites - 1500 faculty, GTFs, and staff teaching using
Blackboard - Approx. 57,000 fall coursesite enrollments
(estimate at least 2/3 of all UO student credit
hours now have a Blackboard component) - Approx. 1,500,000 web server hits/day, 12,000
5The UO Blackboard home page --
6Typical UO Blackboard courses
- Courses in almost every discipline
- Large lecture, small seminar, and everything in
between, plus non-course uses - Some use for true distance ed and hybrid
courses, but most supplements face to face - Different instructors use different features
- Different instructors have different pedagogical
goals - Most instructors start slow first term teaching
with Blackboard use only a few features
7The Blackboard team at the Library
- Not shown
- CET Consulting (faculty support), esp. Nargas
Oskui - Library Systems
- ITCs (student support)
- Media Services, CETIM
- etc.
Tim Boshart Blackboard Coordinator and system
JQ Johnson Director, CET and project manager
8Blackboard users
- All instructors and students have accounts. Log
in as you would to wireless or to modem pool,
e.g. - Username jqj_at_uoregon.edu
- Password my darkwing password(dont know your
password? https//password.uoregon.edu) - Data in Blackboard is loaded from banner twice a
9Blackboard coursesites
- Coursesites are created automatically for
(almost) all UO CRN courses each term. - Instructors can request a merged site combining
CRNs - UO instructor of record is Blackboard
instructor - Default to unavailable to students instructor
must activate before use - Sites created starting beginning of registration
period for term, then twice a day - Also sites for department (staff) major
(undergrad) by request to courseinfo_at_blackboard
10Getting started
- Instructors edit coursesite via Control Panel
- Add material by filling out forms in web browser
or uploading files - Reuse material by copying a previous version of
the course - Change settings for appearance, functionality
- Invoke instructor tools (email, gradebook, etc.)
11Field trip
- A brief demo of blackboard with a focus on
library-centric features - Some typical existing CRN coursesites
- A support coursesite
- A brand new empty coursesite
12Using Blackboard in teaching
- LIB courses are UO courses, so automatically have
Blackboard sites - We can create additional special-purpose sites
for special populations - We can create publicly accessible sites, e.g.
library tutorials
13Some other sites
- Other sites also use Blackboard for library
tutorials - http//averett.blackboard.com/
- http//redlandsapps.redlands.edu/library/faculty/r
esearchcollegestudents.htm - http//www.asumh.edu/library/blackboard_course/ind
ex.htm - Etc.
Sent Monday, October 30, 2006 941 AMTo
Library Tutorials Northwest Nazarene University
conducts library orientations through Blackboard
for our fully online programs as well as a few
others. Students click links to library
databases, etc., and complete half a dozen or so
Assignments using the trackable assignment
feature. A librarian is enrolled in the course so
s/he can retrieve the assignments and answer
questions. Â For more info, contact Lance
McGrath at LRMcGrath_at_nnu.edu You can tell him I
sent you -) Â Regards, Crystal
14Helping faculty use Blackboard
- We can answer typical FAQs how to log in, where
to get help, where to send students for help - Blackboard HELP (many resources, including FAQ)
http//libweb.uoregon.edu/cet/blackboard/help - For faculty CET consulting (Knight 19) CETIM
Blackboard workshops (formerly IT Curriculum) - courseinfo_at_blackboard.uoregon.edu
- For students ITCs
- Computing Center micro support
15Helping faculty enhance their Bb sites
- Problem is identifying the faculty, but can use
Bb catalog, personal contacts - Most sites allow guests to browse portions
- Instructor of record owns the site, but can be
encouraged to add SS as teaching assistant, or
can simply take advice and do it him/herself
16Providing resources to enrich faculty Bb sites
- Some subject specialists are now providing custom
Blackboard materials for their clients - Providing course-specific research guides loaded
into Bb coursesite - Identifying/evaluating things to include or link
to (not just finding aids and research materials) - Identifying relevant RSS feeds
- Helping with mechanics of linking to library
resources - Providing advice on collaborative learning
17Some other sites
- Sites with online tutorials about integrating
library resources in blackboard - http//www.utexas.edu/academic/blackboard/tutorial
s/ - http//www.lib.utexas.edu/services/instruction/fac
ulty/blackboard - http//www.library.eku.edu/services/blackboard.php
- http//www.dowling.edu/library/services/articlelin
king.html - http//infodome.sdsu.edu/infolit/blackboard.shtml
- http//www.libraries.uc.edu/instruction/faculty/bb
oardlibguide.html - Google integrating library blackboard for many
18Integrating with other online Library resources
- We preload coursesites with
- Link to library home page
- Link to ereserves (with automatic login)
- Instructions, including a pointer to subject
specialist list
19Some typical course-specific information an
instructor could add
- External links to library resources
- Course-relevant databases and indices
- Specific articles in databases or online journals
(persistent URL) - Links to ejournals pertaining to the course
content - Direct links to credible websites
- Subject guides
- Streaming media
- Descriptions of library services (equipment
checkout, ITC, PP Room, et.c) - Name/contact info for relevant subject specialist
- Library research assignments
20Helping faculty find/evaluate other resources
- Other UO faculty using Blackboard
- Course-relevant free web links
- Learning objects
- Test banks
- Textbooks, especially ones with Blackboard course
21Learning objects
- What are these things?
- Finding them
- Merlot, SMETE, Maricopa Learning Exchange, etc.
- Coursesite collections, e.g., MIT Open Courseware
initiative - Course cartridges
- Evaluating them
- Intellectual appropriateness
- Quality
- Currency
- Access rights
- Helping develop new ones -- CETIM
22Learning Object Examples
- Merlot
- Coursesite collections, e.g., MIT Open Courseware
initiative - Textbook course cartridges
- CETIM projects