All About Learning Curves - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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All About Learning Curves


Nifty Results. Nifty results of the relationships defined on the previous chart (see paper for ... Math Form of Nifty Results. Nifty results on the previous ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: All About Learning Curves

All About Learning Curves
  • Evin Stump P.E.
  • SCEA Conference 2002

This Presentation vs. the Paper
  • Due to limitations of time, this presentation can
    only scratch the surface of the information
    provided in the paper on which it is based
  • The paper develops 22 useful learning curve
    equations, has 41 fully worked examples, and
    illustrates about a dozen useful learning curve

  • Learning effect first noted by T.P. Wright in
    1936 he created a learning curve math model
  • Used to estimate aircraft production labor in WW
    II, and since then to estimate many kinds of
    repeated activities
  • First example of true parametric estimating??
  • Basic idea
  • As people repeat a task again and again, the time
    it takes to do the task gradually decreases due
    to learning
  • Rate of learning is greatest at first when
    ignorance is greatest rate of learning
    decreases as ignorance decreases

  • At first, learning was attributed to increased
    motor skills in the workers as they repeated
    their tasks
  • Later it was realized that management also could
    contribute to learning with better tools and
  • This led to new names being applied to the
    curves, e.g., improvement, progress, startup,
    efficiency, etc.
  • In this presentation we will stick with the
    original name learning curves (management can
    learn too)

Critically Important in Industrial Cost Analysis
  • The learning effect can lead to very large
    reductions in cost as production progresses
  • Finding ways to make learning faster can result
    in a huge competitive advantage
  • Starting production ahead of your competitors
  • Finding better processes and being faster to
    implement them
  • Butany proposal to improve the learning rate
    usually involves an investment
  • The cost of the investment should be traded off
    against the savings caused by faster learning

Some Industrial Uses
  • Manufacturing labor of a repeated product
  • Construction (repeated structures like spans of a
    bridge or tract houses)
  • Creation of documents (e.g., engineering specs
    and drawings, manuals)
  • Boring of tunnels
  • Drilling of wells
  • Upgrades of existing products
  • Purchase or raw materials (improved yield,
    decreased scrap)
  • Component procurement (suppliers have learning,
  • Negotiations

Not Useful when
  • production is sporadic
  • Random overhauls
  • Small lot job shops
  • work is fully automated and there is no way to
    improve the production rate
  • rules regulations limit the production rate
  • production quantities are very small
  • each item produced is significantly different
    from the preceding item (custom products)

Popular Models
  • Many learning models proposed, but only two in
    common use
  • Wrights original model, called the unit (U)
  • A later model due to Crawford called the
    cumulative average (CA) model
  • FAQ which is best?
  • Properly used, roughly equal in accuracy
  • Main difference is in difficulty of the math, but
    computers make this difference almost trivial
  • Which one has the most difficult math depends on
    what you are doing
  • For simple estimating, the CA model is easiest to

Underlying Power Law
The power law formula is the basis of both
b is called the natural slopeit represents the
rate of learning always a negative number except
for (rare) forgetting
y axb
The two models differ in their interpretation of
y (next chart)
a always represents the theoretical labor hours
required to build the first unit produced (a
positive number)
x always represents the number (count) of an item
in the production sequence (unit 1, 2, 3,
Interpretation of y
  • Unit (U) model
  • y is the labor hours required to build unit x
  • Because of negative b, y decreases as x increases
  • This decrease represents the learning effect
  • Cumulative average (CA) model
  • y is the average labor hours per unit required to
    build the first x units
  • Because of negative b, y decreases as x increases
  • This decrease represents the learning effect

Power Law Plots
  • In log-log coordinates, a learning curve plots as
    a straight line
  • This is usually the best way to plot one because
    it is easier to read
  • The plot below is of the power law y 100x-0.25

Notation for the U Model
  • A helpful notation for the U model is

Hn H1nb
Hours to build unit n
Note the notation T1 is commonly used for what
is here designated H1. In the paper, T is
reserved for total hours.
Notation for the CA Model
  • A helpful notation for the CA model is

An H1nb
Average hours per unit to build the first n units
Natural vs. Percentage Slope
  • Learning curve calculations generally (but not
    always) require a value for b
  • b is typically a negative number between 0 and 1
  • b is a mathematically appropriate but
    non-intuitive number for describing slope
  • For convenience, analysts universally use (in
    conversations as opposed to calculations) another
    expression called percentage slope, where slope
    is a number between 0 and 100 (except that if
    forgetting occurs, percentage slope can exceed
  • We use S as a symbol for percentage slope

Relationship Between S and b
  • Relationship between S and b is defined as

The basic relationship
b log(S/100)/log(2) (logarithms to any base)
Solving for S yields
S 10b log(2)2 (logarithm to base 10)
  • Although these relationships appear a bit
    unfriendly, there is at least one good reason for
    them (as you will soon see)

Understanding S
  • In industry, S typically ranges from 70 to 100
  • Its counterintuitive, but 100 does not mean
    furiously rapid learningit means no learning at
    all (dont blame me, I didnt do it!)
  • The highest rate of learning achieved in most
    industrial situations is about 70
  • A later chart will show some typical percentage
    values realized in practice

Nifty Results
  • Nifty results of the relationships defined on the
    previous chart (see paper for proof)

U Model If the slope is S, any doubling of the
production quantity from some unit n to another
unit 2n results in a reduction in labor hours
from Hn to S of Hn.
CA Model If the slope is S, the average hours
for units 1 through 2n are S of the average
hours for units 1 through n.
Math Form of Nifty Results
  • Nifty results on the previous chart can be
    expressed mathematically as follows

These relationships are very useful in fitting
learning curves to unit historical production
What You Can Do with Learning Curves
  • Subsequent charts will illustrate important
    considerations in using learning curves and
    valuable uses of learning curve relationships
  • Due to limitations of time, these cannot be fully
    explored in this presentation, but all are
    explored in detail in the paper
  • All illustrated uses can be done with either the
    U or the CA model, as is demonstrated in the paper

Areas We Will Review Here
  • We will look briefly at each of the following
    areas that are discussed in detail in the paper
    (the paper looks at a few more)
  • Lore of the slope
  • Error analysis
  • What you can estimate
  • Interruption of production
  • Fitting learning curves to production data
  • Tradeoff analysis with learning curves

Lore of the Slope-1
  • Fit learning curves to historical data when
  • This is usually the best source, but not always
  • Guidelines for use when historical data are not
  • Operations that are fully automated tend to have
    slopes of 100, or a value very close to that (no
    learning can happen).
  • Operations that are entirely manual tend to have
    slopes in the vicinity of 70 (maximum learning
    can happen). (cont.)

Lore of the Slope-2
  • Guidelines (cont.)
  • If an operation is 75 manual and 25 automated,
    slopes in the vicinity of 80 are common.
  • If it is 50 manual and 50 automated, expect
    about 85.
  • If it is 25 manual and 75 automated, expect
    about 90.
  • The average slope for the aircraft industry is
    about 85. But there are departments in a
    typical aircraft factory that may depart
    substantially from that value.
  • Shipbuilding slopes tend to run between 80 and

Lore of the Slope-3
  • Guidelines (cont.)
  • The following typical values assume repetitive
    operations. They are not valid if operations are
    sporadic, as in a job shop environment.

Lore of the Slope-4
  • Guidelines (cont.)
  • A slope of 93-96 is often applied to raw
    materials, based on increasing procurement
    efficiencies, higher yields, and lower scrap
    rates as manufacturing progresses.
  • A slope in the 80s is typical for purchased
    parts, with 85 a reasonable average value.

Lore of the Slope-5
  • Guidelines (cont.)
  • When very large quantities will be built, slopes
    tend to flatten, because manufacturing planners
    depend on economies of scale to build better
    tooling and use more automation.
  • The flattening of slopes for large quantities is
    typically accompanied by a reduction in first
    unit hours. This effect has been used to
    estimate the amount that can be spent on
    automation. The answer sometimes comes out in
    favor of automation, but that is not always the

Lore of the Slope-6
  • Guidelines (cont.)
  • Slopes tend to be flatter if a project is closely
    similar to a previous project, the time gap
    between them is not too large, and many of the
    same people will be involved. This is sometimes
    called the heritage effect.
  • Experienced crews tend to have lower first unit
    costs than inexperienced crews, and since they
    are already knowledgeable, their learning rate
    tends to be less. Inexperienced crews tend to
    have higher first unit costs, and higher learning
  • For more lore of the slope, see the paper

Error Analysis-1
  • Most common learning curve analysis errors
  • Choosing wrong value of H1
  • Choosing wrong value of S (with resultant wrong
    value of b)
  • H1 is always a simple multiplier
  • The percentage error in the hours estimate is the
    same as the percentage error in H1
  • b is an exponent it can create a much larger
    error in hours than the error in b, especially
    at large production quantities

Error Analysis-2
  • It can be shown (see paper) that the hours
    estimate error due to a one percentage point
    error in S is given approximately by the
    following curve
  • Example if you choose S90 when you should have
    chosen S91, and your production quantity is
    1,000, your hours estimate will be about 12 too
    low (R-1 in plot)

Curve valid for both U and CA models
What You Can Estimate-1
  • The quantities listed here can all be estimated
    with either the U or the CA model
  • They assume the slope is known or can be

What You Can Estimate-2
  • Quantities you can estimate
  • Labor hours for any unit given hours for any
    other unit
  • Labor hours for any contiguous block of units
    given the hours for any single unit
  • Labor costs given labor hours and a labor rate
  • Material costs if they follow a learning curve

What You Can Estimate-3
  • Quantities you can estimate (cont.)
  • Labor profiles given a production scenario
  • Effects of breaks in production
  • Trading off design and production alternatives

Interruption of Production-1
  • Production is interrupted for many reasons
  • When this happens, learning can be lost
  • The learning curve that was being followed is no
    longer validwhat to do?
  • An answer has been provided by George Andelohr,
    an industrial engineer
  • His structured process provides a realistic basis
    for negotiations about the cost of interruption

Interruption of Production-2
  • Andelohr hypothesizes five components of learning
    that can be differently affected by various
    interruption scenariosthey are
  • Personnel learning
  • Supervisory learning
  • Continuity of production
  • Methods
  • Special tooling

Interruption of Production-3
  • Each of these components is assigned a weight,
    and a loss of learning in hours is computed based
    on both objective fact and subjective opinion
  • The lost hours are added to the first unit after
    the interruption, and the learning is backed up
    the curve to the unit that had that number of
  • Production follows the new curve thus defined

Interruption of Production-4
  • Here is a typical result from an Andelohr

Fitting Learning Curves to Production Data-1
  • If previous production data are available it is
    often the best source for learning slope for
    future projects
  • Two types of data are encountered in practice
  • Unit data
  • Block data
  • Either a U or a CA model can be fitted to either
    type of data

Fitting Learning Curves to Production Data-2
  • Typical unit data

Fitting Learning Curves to Production Data-3
  • Typical block data

Fitting Learning Curves to Production Data-4
  • Unit data is best but not always available
  • A simple technique for unit data that works for
    both U and CA models is looking at doublings of
    productions quantity, and averaging
  • This technique relies on two equations previously
    shown (see paper for details)

Fitting Learning Curves to Production Data-5
  • A learning curve cannot be fitted to one block of
    datathere must be at least two
  • Fits for only two blocks are relatively simple,
    using derived formulas for total hours (see
  • Fits for three or more blocks generally employ
    regression analysis
  • A special technique is demonstrated in the paper
    for the fitting the U model to three or more
    production blockstoo complex to describe here

Tradeoff Analysis with Learning Curves-1
  • Tradeoff analysis is a powerful way to use
    learning curves, probably not used as much as it
    should be
  • An obvious application is to trade off
    manufacturing methods and materials
  • Different methods may have significantly
    different first unit costs and learning
    slopesother aspects may be different as well,
    such as labor rates
  • Casting vs. machining
  • Aluminum vs. composites
  • Make vs. buy

Tradeoff Analysis with Learning Curves-2
  • More sophisticated tradeoffs involving learning
  • Target cost
  • Time to market
  • Labor skill mix
  • Introduction of product changes
  • All of these can be done using formulas from the

  • Background
  • Importance uses
  • Models (U CA)
  • Power law
  • Typical slopes
  • Error analysis
  • Things you can estimate
  • Interruption of production
  • Fitting to production data
  • Tradeoffs using learning curves

Thank you!
Evin J. Stump Galorath Incorporated 310-414-3222
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