Postmodern Moulin Rouge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Postmodern Moulin Rouge


... turns out to be Satine (object) in the underworld of Paris. ... Just One Night - * Pride (In The Name Of Love) Don't Leave Me this Way - * Silly Love Songs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Postmodern Moulin Rouge

Postmodern Moulin Rouge

Henri Ramone de Toulouse-Lautrec At the Moulin
Rouge (1895)
  • 1. Introduction
  • A. Starting Questions
  • B. Setting Plot
  • C. Major Argument
  • 2. Structuralist?Marxist Approach
  • Binaries
  • Plot and Motif ? Toulouse roles
  • Actants ? Who is the real opponent?
  • 3. Semiotic Approach -- MR as a postmodern
    pastiche on love
  • Songs in the Musical Scenes
  • Self-Reflexive Signs
  • Signs of Minorities
  • 4. Moulin Rouge in Todays Context
  • Next Time

Starting Questions
  • Do you like the film? Is it a great love story?
    How is it compared with some other famous love
    stories, such as Titanic?
  • What patterns have you found in the story?
    (plot, intertext, genre, irony, pun and innuendo,
  • How do you relate the film to contemporary views
    of love?

Introduction Fin-de-siecle Setting
  • Montmarte -- Many artists, from Berlioz to
    Picasso, lived, worked, and played here. These
    creative spirits (and their cafe, the Lapin
    Agile) helped keep this area the city's
    intellectual and artistic center up until the
    first World War.
  • Moulin Rouge (The Red Windmill) A kingdom of
    night-time pleasures where the rich and powerful
    came to play with the young and beautiful
    creatures of the underworld.

A. Setting (2)
  • Bohemian spirit
  • The state of mind and way of life began in about
    1830 and continued until 1914. It was a time and
    place where misfits spent their lives outside
    society, choosing penury, squalor and freedom
    over prosperity and convention. They protested
    against the bourgeois, against a social structure
    based on money, against the increasing uniformity
    and drabness of existence. Bohemia had always
    been a lotus land for misunderstood and
    unproductive genius it had given an artistic
    aura to vagrants without talent.

B. Plot
  1. narrator (1) Toulouse narrator (2) Christian
  2. Story Christian/Satine vs. the Duke
  3. The story within the story Indian
    courtesan/penniless sitar player vs. maharaja
  4. Intertexts the myth of Orpheus, La Bohème
    courtesan story Madame Butterfly, Dumas
    Camille/Verdis La Traviata ??? more later

  • Orphean myth Orpheus, the son of Apollo and
    Calliope, has the power to enchant with his
    music. When his love, Eurydice was killed,
    Orpheus descended into the Underworld to plead
    for her return. Enchanting Hades, monarch of the
    Underworld, with his music, Orpheus is permitted
    to leave with Eurydice on condition he does not
    look back to see if she is following him. When
    Orpheus nears the entrance to the underworld,
    fear overpowers him, he turns back to see if
    Eurydice is following, and he loses her forever.

Main Idea Postmodern Pastiche of Love
  • a story about love. A love that will live
    forever. The end.
  • Love cannot be represented except with pastiche
    (all-in-one) and repetition.
  • Pastiche paintings, musical, melodrama,
    burlesque, dances, animation, songs
  • Repetition and punning funny feeling inside
    The greatest thing youll ever learn Is just to
    love and be loved in return, death of the
    outcast and loyal woman.

Structuralist Analysis (1) Binaries
  • 1.  Bohemia underworld (Toulous) vs. Bourgeois
    world (The duke).
  • 2. Idealistic/Love (Christine) vs.
    Practical/Money (Zilder)
  • (Satine) in between
  • 3. The romantic or melodramatic vs. burlesque
  • 4. The black and white vs. the colorful vs. the
    surreal (artificial) colors

Structuralist Analysis (2) Plot
  • Motifs
  • misidentification ? recognition, attraction ?
    commitment? trial (Duke) the supper, the ending
    ? jealousy and misunderstanding ? love
  • Repetitions of Children of the Revolution and
    Nature Boy
  • Bohemian spirit wins over materialism?
  • No. The use of Toulouse is only
    superficialfor plot development and setting.
    --one that confirms love, and has his paintings
    set the tone of Moulin Rouge (see images of
    posters in Zidlers office)

  • 1. introduce the nature boy, 2. undercuts the
    love scene, 3. confirms Satines love, 4. reveal
    the dukes plot.

Biography of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
  • His stunted physique earned him laughs and scorn,
    and kept him from experiencing many of the
    physical pleasures offered in Montmartre, a
    sorrow that he drowned in alcohol. At first it
    was beer and wine. Then brandy, whiskey, and the
    infamous absinthe (???, the green fairy) found
    their ways into his life.
  • Art and alcohol were his only mistresses, and
    they were mistresses to which he devoted all of
    his time and energy. He was doing one or both
    almost every day of his life until he died.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Lautrec dressed as a clown circa 1895
Moulin Rouge A Structuralist Analysis (3)
  • 3 Quests and 2 Missions
  • The Bohemian artists want their play "Spectacular
    Spectacular" accepted. They sends Christian to
    persuade Satine.
  • Christian (subject) searches his ideal love, who
    turns out to be Satine (object) in the underworld
    of Paris.
  • Zidler (sender) sends Satine to persuade the Duke
    to support their show, promising that she will be
    a real actress.

Moulin Rouge A Structuralist Analysis (3)
  • B. Quests and 2 Mission Frustrated or in
  • The play becomes an arena for battle between the
    Duke and Christianeach wanting their script
  • The intersection of the two stories e.g chap 22
    C because she doesnt love you Duke
    accept this as a gift to the courtesan from the
    maharajah (she is mine)
  • Ideal love faces the trial of money
  • Dream of becoming a real actress vs. the Dukes
    desire for possessing her. neither realized

Moulin Rouge A Structuralist Analysis (3)
  • 3.    Helper and Opponent
  • Nini Opponent
  • This endings silly. Why would the courtesan go
    for the penniless writer? Whoops! I mean sitar
  • Dont worry Shakespeare, youll get your ending,
    once the Duke gets his end in.
  • Chocolate Helper -- saves Satine twice
  • when Satine falls down from a Trapeze
  • when the duke (opponent) wants to rape her.

Moulin Rouge Who is the real opponent?
  • 3.    Zidler?
  • Helps Satine -- chap 19
  • Wavering,
  • calling her little pumpkin, little sparrow,
  • Why does he have to tell Satine that she is to
    die? To save Christian?
  • He insists that the show must go on. Another
    hero, another mindless crime Behind the curtain
    in the pantomime. On and on, Does anybody know
    what we are living for? (chap 27)

Moulin Rouge Who is the real opponent?
  • 4. The illness revealed at the beginning,
    confirmed when S is faced with the first choice,
    terminating her life at the end.
  • Never fall in love with a woman who sells
    herself. It always ends bad. (tango dance chap
    23 a contrast to the use of tango in Rent.)
  • 5.    Pastiche style
  • Meant to foreground the love, but also undermines
  • e.g. after loud and frivolous burlesque in the
    elephant room ? chap 13 One day Ill fly
  • e.g. after Chap 21 Come what may

MR Postmodern Pastiche of Love
  1. Songs
  2. Self-Reflexive Signs
  3. Signs of the Exotic

The Songs Musical Scenes
  • All the Songs
  • Chap 8 innuendo
  • woman as muse to inspire artistic creation and
    sexual act ?
  • funny feeling of sex, of love, of suspicion
    and jealousy
  • (later) Nini Christian can have his ending if
    the Duke has his end in.
  • Your Song--Christian to Satine
  • Your Song--Satine to the Duke

A. Songs Love Medley chap 14
  1. Love Is Like Oxygen
  2. Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
  3. Up Where We Belong
  4. All You Need Is Love -
  5. Lover's Game
  6. I Was Made for Lovin' You
  7. Just One Night -
  8. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
  9. Don't Leave Me this Way -
  10. Silly Love Songs
  11. (Repeated) Up Where We Belong -
  12. Heroes -
  13. I Will Always Love You -
  14. Your Song

What do you think?
B. Songs
  • a. American songs V.S. English songs
  • ref. (the point of a group of students)
  • songs performed by American singers represent
  • songs performed by English singers represent
    the theme of love

B. Myths within the songs (2)
  • 2. the example of Hindi
  • lyrics? She is mine male dominance
  • ?Satines part yielding to the domination
  • Hindi melody? exotic, dangerous, tension,
    sexual, male dominance

C. language (songs) meanings arbitrary
  • . a. Emptied out and filled with a new concept
  • In the Name of Love, Nirvana, Roxanne
  • b. Meaning changes according to different
  • Its a little bit funny, this feeling
  • c. Songs with different meanings are combined to
    present a new theme
  • Elephant Love Medley

Self-Reflexive Signs stylistic pastiche
  • Genre musical cartoon styles (green fairy like
    Tinkerbelle) the gold flakesrepresents dream,
    magic and money
  • camera styles e.g. changes from the romantic to
    the comic/burlesque
  • music video (fast-changing scenes)
  • theatrical showswhirling
  • Burlesquequick cuts matching quick actions fast
    zoom-in and zoom-out,
  • Melodramatic aura around the protagonists and
    clouds underneath them
  • architectural styles
  • gothic tower
  • elephant house
  • combination of the realistic and artificial
    (including the colors and the words
  • Lamour, love, besides Christians attic.)

Self-Reflexive Signs of the Theatric and Writing
  • Typewriter A red velvet curtain framed by a gilt
    proscenium arch.

Signs of the Theatric Another Stage
CHRISTIAN Love lifts us up where we belong. .
. SATINE Get down, get down! CHRISTIAN Where
eagles fly on a mountain high.
Signs of the Digitally Animated

Signs of the Exotic
  • The Bohemian and the Argentinan
  • The Indian (Bollywood) and the blacks

Moulin Rouge Pastiche Today
  • Courtesan The Story of a Geisha the issue of
  • Moulin Rouge -- Dinner, Show and Souvenir
    (Toulouse-Lautrec Menu)
  • Hollywood films pastiche
  • ??????. Date Movie
  • Shrek
  • Is pastiche the language of love?

Next Time
  • Chap 12
  • Morning
  • Notes on a Scandal
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