Employment strategies for Urban Youth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Employment strategies for Urban Youth


reports on young people at risk in the labour market ... Young people as a liability ... ample opportunities for young people to gain experience of paid ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Employment strategies for Urban Youth

Employment strategies for Urban Youth
  • Richard Curtain

Outline of paper
  • Why Invest in Young People
  • PRSPs and Young People
  • Programs for youth
  • Role of labour market intermediaries
  • Youth entrepreneurships opportunities and

Biographical note
  • Completed PhD at The Australian National
    University in 1980 with a thesis on rural urban
    migration and urban unemployment in Papua New
  • Visited Kenya for three weeks in 1979.
  • As a consultant since 1993 specialising in public
  • reports on young people at risk in the labour
  • In 1998, he was part of a five member team that
    evaluated emergency job creation schemes in
  • Since 2000, completed several reports for the UN
    on youth employment.

Public policy approach
  • a realistic discussion of opportunities must
    address not just the question of what should be
    done but also who should do it and why it is not
    already being done.

2. Why invest in young people?
  • Seven reasons or arguments offered
  • Giving young people their fair share of resources
  • MDGs
  • Young people as vulnerable
  • Economic benefits of investing in young people
  • Long term benefits available
  • Young people as a liability

Young people and the Millennium Development Goals
  • Five MDGs cover activities in which mostly young
    people are engaged.
  • education attainment,
  • gender balance in education,
  • improved maternal health,
  • combating HIV/AIDS and other diseases such as
    malaria and tuberculosis and
  • decent employment opportunities for young people.

  • Youth employment is seen as a by-product of Goal
    8 of developing a Global Partnership for
    Development to develop and implement strategies
    for decent and productive work for youth
  • Just who is responsible for achieving this target
    is not clear.

Other arguments
  • Economic benefits of investing in young people
  • Young people as vulnerable
  • Long term benefits available
  • Demographic bonus or dividend.

Young people as a liability
  • A greater chance of civil conflict for a poor
    country has also been linked to its young
    peoples lack of education and access to jobs.
  • Countries whose young people have low levels of
    participation in education are more likely, other
    things being equal, to be engaged in civil

PRSPs and youth employment
  • Cambodias PRSP (December 2002)
  • Republic of Djibouti (May 2004)
  • Cameroons PRSP (August 2003)
  • Zambias PRSP (March 2002, p 64)
  • The PRSP of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
    (March 2002)
  • Republic of Senegals PRSP (May 2002)

4. Programs for urban youth
  • Neglect of young people in the past
  • World Bank projects for urban youth
  • Projects highlighted by the Economic Commission
    for Africa

Information on cost effective initiatives is
  • In developing countries, there is very little
    evaluation of the effectiveness of existing youth
    programs. Where reliable estimates of
    effectiveness exist, the measurement is often
    over too short a period of time to be useful. In
    other cases, there is reliable information only
    on one or two effects of an investment ...
    Information on other effects, including many of
    those needed to obtain estimates of social
    benefits, is often lacking. This is clearly a
    major gap in the information base on investments
    in youth.
  • Knowles James C and Behrman, Jere R 2003, p23.

Programs for young people that have a broader
  • formal schooling where it is to improve the
    quality of schooling in general or through
    targeted scholarship programs aimed at
  • adult basic education and literacy targeted to
  • selected investments in school-based health
    services such as micronutrient supplements, and
  • investments designed to reduce the use of tobacco

5. A range of policy options
  • A youth friendly labour market
  • providing ample opportunities for young people to
    be trained within enterprises under wage
    arrangements and employment contracts that
    encourage their recruitment and training
  • providing ample opportunities for young people to
    gain experience of paid work while they are
    students and
  • limiting the restrictions that are attached to
    hiring them.

Some key considerations related to a youth
employment strategy
  • Promote youth entrepreneurship as a viable option
  • Link efforts to promote youth employment to
    information and communication technologies
  • Work through private/public partnerships where
  • Target the poor
  • Put young people in charge.

ICT as a job creator
  • The potential of information and communication
  • Challenges facing the use of ICT for young

6. Use of labour market intermediaries or brokers
  • Table 1 Proportion of employment gained through
    employment services agencies, EU 1999, USA, 2000
    and Australia 1999

Group training companies
  • Primary employer of apprentices and trainees, and
    then arrange placements or rotations with host
  • Host employers pay an all-up fee to the group
    training company for the hire of the apprentice
    or trainee
  • Their other role is to organise complementary
    off-the-job, classroom-based training with
    registered training providers

Employment and training outcomes
  • Apprenticeship completion rates are high relative
    to other forms of education and training.
  • Over 90 percent of group training apprentices and
    trainees who successfully completed their
    training achieved a successful employment
  • This outcome consisted of either retention as an
    ongoing employee by their host employer or
    alternatively, finding work with a new employer
    in an unsubsidised job within three months after
    completing their apprenticeship or traineeship.

Employer satisfaction
  • Table 2 Host employer levels of satisfaction
    with group training companies, Australia, 2001

Group training key lessons
  • Like apprenticeship systems in general, group
    training companies are not necessarily easy to
    transplant to other countries.
  • A range of supporting institutions and funding
    from governments needed
  • The idea is a valuable one, even if the
    implementation is more complex than the simple
    application of a template would suggest.

7. Entrepreneurship and urban employment
  • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research
    2002 and 2003
  • 40 countries surveyed
  • Representative national surveys

Gap between potential and actual prevalence of
  • In South Africa, for example, just a quarter of
    the population (26 per cent) they had the
    knowledge, skill and experience required to
    start a new business.
  • Adults who believed they had the requisite skills
    were eight times more likely to become involved
    in starting a business
  • Among the young Black population in South Africa
    with upper secondary schooling completed, a
    quarter of those aged under 23 years believe they
    have the requisite enterprise start-up skills.

South African results
  • The more formally educated the population, the
    more likely they are to see themselves as having
    the requisite skills to engage in entrepreneurial
  • Only 7 per cent of the population surveyed could
    be classified as entrepreneurs compared with just
    over a quarter of the population who said they
    had the knowledge, skill and experience required
    to start a new business.

Two types of entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial activity in South Africa and
  • Informal sector entrepreneurs in South Africa

Conclusion from South Africa survey of informal
  • To address the objective of maximising job
    creation, more resources should be targeted at
    formal entrepreneurs rather than informal
    entrepreneurs in the townships.
  • The informal sector remains enormously important
    in generating self-employment income for a large
    number of low-income households but is not
    generally important in the creation of employment
    for others.

Important Distinction
  • A distinction needs to be made between
    self-employment or entrepreneurship by necessity
    and opportunity oriented entrepreneurship.
  • The former activity, in common with most
    activities in the informal sector, is more likely
    to be focused on an individual and on his or her
    efforts to generate enough income to survive.
  • This type of activity has only limited prospects
    of growing sufficiently in turnover to employ

Important distinction
  • Fostering entrepreneurship in the sense of
    starting a new business with the potential to
    grow compared with self employment requires a
    different starting points and set of supportive
  • Running a business is much more complex an
    undertaking than being self employed.
  • It involves not only making a product or
    providing a service.
  • It also requires marketing to customers, dealing
    with suppliers, complying with regulations and
    supervising and paying employees.

Conditions needed to foster entrepreneurship
  • Self employed
  • Self financing
  • Demonstrated capacity to save
  • Loan to match savings
  • Loans matter only when skills and savings are
  • Business start up
  • Access to low cost loan for asset capital
    purchase only
  • 3 to 5 year repayment schedule, negotiable with
    debt manager
  • 18 month milestone for major repayment and
    release of next tranche of loan

Pathway in two steps
  • Need to view self employment as a stepping stone
    to the other two streams.
  • Specific incentives could be devised to encourage
    young people to move from self employment to
    economic or social entrepreneurship.
  • For example, a young person who has achieved
    certain savings benchmarks could be offered a
    loan related to an entrepreneurial activity on
    more favourable terms than other borrowers.

Different profile Training needs
  • Need to devise a risk profile to identifies
    what characteristics of young people are more
    likely to be associated with running a business.
  • A risk profile based on threshold education
    level (eg secondary school completed) and work
    experience, for example, could be developed.
  • Training needs of self employed are different to
    the training needs of business start ups

Micro credit
  • Training should be available in terms of content
    and timing on a as needed basis as determined
    by the self employed person or new business.
  • The management of loans and delivery of training
    need to done separately. Programs that mix loans
    and training are likely to find that good
    instructors are not always good lenders and vice
    versa. Borrowers are also likely to get mixed
    messages if the training is free but the loan has
    to be repaid with interest

8. Barriers to success
  • Who among young people to target?
  • Targeting young people who are poor is one

Changes needed at 3 levels
  • Micro grassroots eg training for self employed
  • Middle level institutions and processes eg type
    of training provided and who provides it
  • Macro operating framework

Need for supporting infrastructure
  • Lack of access to credit is one likely barrier to
    self employment.
  • Other major problems identified are lack of own
    transport, competition, theft, unavailability of
    electricity and lack of business skills.
  • Lack of a means of communicating with suppliers
    or customers as well as transport may be
    important barriers to operating a business.
  • Lack of knowledge about basic business practices
    may also be a major barrier to success.

Need to change education
  • Education systems at secondary and tertiary
    levels are too narrowly focussed on academic
    knowledge and skills
  • Need to promote, within education, opportunities
    to develop entrepreneurial skills
  • Practice firms at secondary and tertiary levels
    are one option students develop an enterprise
  • Business plan competitions are another way to
    promote an entrepreneurial culture

  • Importance of shift from a focus on supply side
    to demand side
  • role of intermediaries as risk deflectors
  • Distinction between self employment and business
    start up
  • Different needs in terms of training and support
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