Title: ABCs of College Planning
1ABCs of College Planning
- Brophy College Preparatory
- Brophy Counseling Department
- September 19, 2005
- brophyprep.org
What to do to prepare for College in 9th 10th
grade When a student becomes a freshman or
sophomore, everything starts to count. Grades
are used in determining GPA and activities,
honors, and awards can be listed on college and
scholarship applications. Student courses,
grades, and credits all become part of the
students transcript. ACADEMICS ? Make
sure you are doing you personal best and passing
all classes. ? Get help from tutoring if
necessary (STEP PROGRAM). STEP is after/before
school program offered at Brophy. ? Try to
keep at least a 3.0 (B) average. Aim for a
minimum3.5 GPA if possible. ? BE
RESPONSIBLE!! Do not assume that someone will
contact you if there is a problem. Take control
of monitoring your own grades. (Progress reports,
e-mail) ? Make an appointment with your
counselor to obtain extra help or monitoringor
just to check progress. ? READ
- Get involved in a wide variety of activities
(e.g.) sports, scouting, Church community, music,
clubs. -
- ? Become a leader. Develop leadership skills
by becoming an officer, captain, squad leader.
Depth of involvement in any activity (e.g., four
years in band, soccer, etc) is also important
because it shows focus and commitment. -
- ? Plan meaningful activities for summer
vacation. Some activities that might be
considered are employment, volunteer work,
community activities. Many excellent programs
are available on college campuses. Check out the
programs in your area and be sure to register on
- Fall Check your schedule for correct
academic courses - Take the PSAT
- Get involved or stay involved in
extracurricular activities - Winter/Early Spring
- Discuss results of the PSAT with your
counselor - Meet with counselor for next years
schedule - Continue to monitor your grades
- Start a folder for colleges that interest
you - Stay involved and out of trouble
- Late Spring
- Register for June SAT II Subject Tests
- Register for Advanced Placement exams
- Finish strong
5Application Process
- In State
- Out of State
- Important Considerations
- Recognize your values
- Consider all colleges of interest, regardless of
cost! - Programs Offered
- Location, Size and Climate
- Cost and Financial Aid
6Military Academies
Make an appointment with Mr. Antonioli (602)
264-5291 ext.6274 fantonioli_at_brophyprep.org
7Admissions Process
- www.collegeboard.com SAT Question of the day
- Research www.princetonreview.com
9Financial Aid Plan
- Calculate Institutional Costs
- Investigate All Possible Resources
- Savings
- Summer Earnings
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Grants
- Loans
- Work Study
- Other sources
- Secure Necessary Forms Note Deadlines
www.fafsa.ed.gov - Apply for Financial Aid As EARLY As Possible
- Dont Eliminate Any College Because of Costs!
- Attend Financial Aid workshop Wednesday, January
4 2006 _at_ 7 PM in Brophy Black Box Theater
11Advanced Placement Classes
- www.collegeboard.com
- College Credit
- CLEP Testing
12Questions and Answers!!!