Title: New Generation ChromeFree Primer Development
1New Generation Chrome-Free Primer Development
- E. Morris1, Lt. S. Chupp2, L. Triplett3, R.
Patel4 and J. Stoffer5 - 1Deft Coatings
- 2Materials Directorate-Air Force Research
Laboratory - 3Boeing-St. Louis
- 4Boeing-Mesa
- 5University of Missouri-Rolla
- May 12, 2004
- Introduction
- UMR, Boeing, Deft, WPAFB Consortium / AFOSR
Funded Project - Non-Chrome Primer Development
- Classical vs Non-Classical
- Deft Salt Spray Data
- Summary Boeing-St. Louis Results
- Identification of Commercial Source
- 3000-Hour Salt Spray Commercial Pigment
- Deft Experimental Research
- Fleet Implementation Strategy
- Future Directions
- Chrome Removal ? Primer
- Chrome Removal ? Pretreatment
3Project Overview_________________________________
- AFOSR Funded Research at UMR
- Initiated as a Chrome-Free Conversion Coating
Project - Cerium Oxide Coatings for Aluminum Alloys
- Still in Research Phase
- Chrome-Free Primer Development
- Successful Project
- Implementation Ready
- Successful Transition from Academia to Industry
- Deft, UMR, WPAFB, Boeing-St. Louis Consortium
- UMR Developed and Licensed Technology
- Defts Coating Systems / Industrial Manufacturer
- WPAFB Technical Assistance
- Boeings Evaluation and Guidance
4Non-Chrome Primer Development____________________
- Objectives
- Develop NC Primer per MIL-P-85582/23377
- Compatible with Current Alloys and Pretreatments
- Approach
- Initially Used Classical Approach
- Inhibitor Chosen Based on Solubility
- Similar to Chromates
- (K2Cr2O7) Too Soluble ? Blisters
- (SrCrO4) Good Solubility ? Protection
- Complex to Appropriate Solubility
- Complexing Agents
- Exchange Resins
5Non-Chrome Primer Development____________________
- Several Problems with Classical Approach
- Appropriate Solubility Difficult
- 500 Hrs. S.S.
3000 Hrs. S.S. - CrCC Al 7075-T6 CrCC Al
7075-T6 - Type I, Class N MIL
P-85582 C2
6Non-Chrome Primer Development____________________
- Several Problems with Classical Approach
- Alloy Dependence
- 2000 Hrs. S.S.
2000 Hrs. S.S. - CrCC Al 2024-T3 CrCC Al
7075-T6 - Type I, Class N
Type I, Class N
7New Generation Primer Development
- Current State of the Art
- Improved Inhibitor Response / Minimized Alloy
Dependence - 3000 Hrs. S.S.
3000 Hrs. S.S. - CrCC Al 2024-T3 CrCC Al
7075-T6 - Type I, Class N Type I,
Class N
8New Generation Primer Development
- Current State of the Art
- Film Properties
- Adhesion (Boeing-St. Louis)
- Flexibility (Boeing-St. Louis)
- SkydrolTM Resistant (Deft)
9Boeing-St. Louis Evaluation _____________________
- Bare, CrCC Al 7075-T6 after 3000 Hours Salt Spray
- 44W033 44W034
44GY32A MIL P-85582 C2
10Boeing-St. Louis Evaluation _____________________
- Bare, CrCC Al 2024-T3 after 3000 Hours Salt Spray
- 44W033 44W034
44GY32A MIL P-85582 C2
11Boeing-St. Louis Evaluation _____________________
- Bare, SAA/Cr Seal Al 7075-T6 after 3000 Hours
Salt Spray - 44W033 44W034
44GY32A MIL P-85582 C2
12Boeing-St. Louis Evaluation _____________________
- Bare, SAA/Cr Seal Al 2024-T3 after 3000 Hours
Salt Spray - 44W033 44W034
44GY32A MIL P-85582 C2
13Boeing-St. Louis Evaluation _____________________
- Alclad 2024-T3 Filiform
- 44W033
MIL P-85582 C2 - Pass Pass
14Boeing-St. Louis Overview________________________
- 3000 Hrs. S.S.
- Deft 44W033
- 3000 Hrs. S.S.
- MIL P-85582 C2
15Boeing-St. Louis Overview________________________
- 5000 Hrs. S.S.
- Deft 44W033
- 5000 Hrs. S.S.
- MIL P-85582 C2
16Deft Non-Chrome Primer Sampling__________________
____________ __ __________________________________
- Facilities Currently Evaluating Deft Non-Chrome
Primers - Boeing Co.
- - St. Louis - Mesa - Long
Beach - - Seattle - Huntington Beach
- Lockheed Martin
- - Dallas/Fort Worth
- Northrop Grumman
- - El Segundo - Long Island
- U.S. Air Force
- - WPAFB - Dayton
- U.S. Navy
- - Patuxent River
17Boeing-Mesa Evaluation __________________________
- Bare, CrCC Al 2024-T3 Tested to 3600 Hours Salt
Spray - 44W033 44GN098
MIL P-85582 C2
18Boeing-Mesa Evaluation __________________________
- Optical Corrosion Mapping Analysis
19Identification of Commercial Source
- Previously from Specialty Supplier
- Identified Commercial Supplier
- Provided Pigment Specifications
- Toll Manufactured (Deft Only)
- Laboratory Scale Production
- 1-lb Pigment Batches
- Pigment Production Parameters
- Well-Defined / Controlled Process
20Screening of Commercial Pigment__________________
- Incorporation into Primers Boeing-St. Louis
Evaluation - Commercial Pigment Performs Well
- 1000 Hrs. S.S.
1000 Hrs. S.S. - 44W034 Specialty
44W034 Commercial - CrCC 2024-T3
CrCC 2024-T3
21Primer Production Strategy_______________________
_______ __ _______________________________________
- Screening of Commercial Source Pigment Completed
- 1-lb Pigment Batch / Lab Scale Primer Batch
- 3000 Hours at Boeing-St. Louis
- Prepare Small Scale Primer Production
- 50 - 100 lbs Pigment Batch / 25 Gallon Primer
Batches - Multiple Independent Batches if Necessary
- May
- Review Status
- August
- Begin Initial Production
- August / September
22Implementation Strategy__________________________
____ __ __________________________________________
- Implementation of Chrome-Free Primer
- Air Force Evaluation
- Lt. Stephen Chupp / CTIO
- Deft Chrome-Free Solvent-Borne Primer
- As Chrome-Free System with Deft APC Topcoat
- F-15
- John Stevens
- SMSgt Morales
23Explanation of Coloration in Scribes
- Coatings that Allow Corrosion
- Scribe Darkens
- Due to Nucleation of Pits / Finely Divided
Aluminum (Dark) - Formation of Corrosion Salts
- Al/OH/Cl Corrosion Product (White)
- Image of
24Explanation of Coloration in Scribes
- Protective Coatings that Contain Chromates
- Typically Shiny Scribe
- Reduction of Cr6 to Cr3 in the form of Cr2O3
(Clear/Transparent) - Formation of Mixed Al/Cr Oxide (Transparent/Tarnis
h) - Image of
- Scribe Region
25Explanation of Coloration in Scribes
- Deft Non-Chrome Primers
- Scribe Darkens Only
- Inhibitor after Migrating to Scribe (Protective
Film is Silver or Dark) - No Formation of White Corrosion Salts
- Metal is Protected
26Explanation of Coloration in Scribes
- Inhibitor Migration
- Morphology of Protective Film in Scribe after
2000 Hours Salt Spray - Image of
- Scribe Region
- At 5000X
27Fundamental Corrosion Study ______________________
- Design of Experiments
- Purpose
- Attempt to Grow Protective Film Seen in Scribe
- Prepared Inhibitor-Containing Solution
- Slurry of Inhibitor Pigment and DI Water
- Let Stand for Three Days
- Filtered out Pigment Particles
- Added 1 wt NaCl
- Control Solution
- Prepared 1 wt NaCl Solution with DI Water
- Exposed Al 2024-T3 Panel into Each Solution
- 8-Hour Immersion
28Fundamental Corrosion Study ______________________
- Results of 8-Hour Immersion in Presence of
Chlorides - Al 2024-T3
Al 2024-T3 - No Inhibitor Deft Primer
Inhibitor - (Corrosion) (No Corrosion)
29Fundamental Corrosion Study ______________________
- Coatings Formed from Immersion in Inhibitor
Solution - Al 2024-T3
Al 2024-T3 - Milky Coating Dark /
Silver Coating - (Isolated Deposits) (Dense
Deposit) -
30Explanation of Coloration in Scribes
- Visual Indication of Protection
- 3000 Hrs. S.S.
Al 2024-T3 - CrCC Al 2024-T3 Dark /
Silver Coating - Type I, Class N
31Fundamental Corrosion Study ______________________
- Overview of Corrosion Study
- Imitated Protective Film Formation
- Inhibitive Species is Protective
- Identified Two Distinct Inhibitor Deposits
- White / Milky
- Silver / Dark
- Future Direction
- Identify Parameters that Dictate Film Growth
- Other Types of Colors / Deposits Should be
Possible - Improve Coating Technologies
- New Generation Non-Chrome Primers
- Close to Performance of Chromated Systems
- Passed 5000 Hours Salt Spray (Process of
Repeating) - Visual Indication of Protection
- Strong Understanding of System Chemistries
- How it Works
- Successful Transition from Academia to Industry
- UMR, Boeing, Deft, WPAFB / AFOSR Funded Project
- Field Implementation Scheduled
- Aircraft Test Platforms
33Future Directions________________________________
- Qualify Primer to Military and Federal
Specifications - MIL-P-85582
- MIL-P-23377
- Qualify to Zero VOC Specification
- Qualify to Fuel Tank Specification
- AMS-C-27725A
- Qualify to High Flex Primer Specification
- TT-P-2760
- Qualify to Self-Priming Topcoat Specification
- TT-P-2756A
- Continue Development of Chrome-Free Technologies
- Optimize Current Primers
- Explore New Theories
34Future Directions _______________________________
- 1500 Hrs. S.S. 1500 Hrs. S.S.
2000 Hrs. S.S. - MIL-P-23377 MIL-P-85582
TT-P-2756 - CrCC 2024-T3 CrCC 2024-T3
CrCC 2024-T3 - Zero VOC
35Current State of the Art_________________________
- Replacement of Chrome in Primer
- 3000 Hrs. S.S.
3000 Hrs. S.S. - Deft Chrome-Free Primer / APC Deft
Chrome-Free Primer / APC - CrCC 2024-T3
CrCC 7075-T6
36Future Directions________________________________
- Replacement of Chrome in Conversion Coating
- 3000 Hrs. S.S.
3000 Hrs. S.S. - MIL-P-85582 Primer / APC
MIL-P-85582 Primer / APC - CrCC 2024-T3
CC 2024-T3
37Future Directions________________________________
- Complete Chrome-Free System
- 1000 Hrs. S.S.
- Chrome-Free Primer
- Bottom Half
- Of Panel Stripped
- Chrome-Free Conversion
- CC Al 2024-T3
Type I, Class N