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Viva Presentation


F is set by levels of calcium in the compartment. ... The elongation is now affected by the amount of tubulin in the compartment. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Viva Presentation

Viva Presentation
  • Gregor Kiddie

  • Aim of PhD.
  • Neuronal Structure and Growth.
  • Modelling Neurite Growth.
  • 1st Year Project.
  • Plan of further study.

The Grand Aim
  • The aim of the PhD is to explore the underlying
    biophysical mechanisms that form the
    characteristic morphologies of different neuronal

Neuronal Structure and Growth
  • Neurons are much specialised structures designed
    for information transfer, storage and processing.
  • The neuron can be separated up into three
    distinct segments, the Soma, the Axon, and the
    Dendritic arbor.
  • The Soma is the centre of the cell, where all
    growth originates, and much of the information
    processing is performed.
  • The Axon, is a thin tube like structure capable
    of travelling from micrometers to meters. It
    carries electrical signals from the Soma before
    terminating upon a synapse when it meets a
  • The elements of the dendritic arbor will be
    looked at in more detail.

Cell Organisation (From Junek 2003)
Neuronal Structure and Growth(2)
  • The Cytoskeleton
  • The cytoskeleton of the growth cone is there for
    several reasons. It adds mechanical strength to a
    structure, keeping its shape, and also helps
    drive and guide the structures movement.
  • The cytoskeleton is deformable and can create
    filopodia to promote movement and guidance.
  • The strength of the cytoskeleton is also
    important to the promotion of branching within
    the neurite.

Neuronal Structure and Growth(3)
  • The Growth Cone
  • The growth cone is a structure at the terminal of
    a dendrite that acts as driving force for
    guidance, and plays an acting role in the growth
    of the neurite.
  • It can process external cues from the environment
    and turn this into useful action in terms of
    guidance, and its structure, pulling the tip of
    the dendrite along, or in separate directions,
    can promote either growth or branching.
  • The growth cone has a caterpillar track style
    movement. Its dendritic spikes are very
    important to the anchoring and movement of the
    growth cone.

The growth cone (From Hely, Thesis)
Neuronal Structure and Growth(4)
  • Filopodia
  • Filopodia are small actin filament bundles
    extruding from the tip of the growth cone.
  • These filopodia grow and retract at a tremendous
    rate, testing the current environment
    continuously, picking up guidance cues from the
  • Once the filopodia reach full length, they adhere
    themselves to the substrate, producing tension
    within the growth cone for a while.

Filopodia Tension (From Li et al, 1995)
Neuronal Structure and Growth(5)
  • Synapse Formation
  • The effect synapse formation has upon growth has
    yet to be decided.
  • That synapse formation stunts growth in a
    particular dendrite, and that synapse formation
    promotes growth in a particular dendrite are both
  • There is sufficient proof that a dendrite forming
    a synapse at its terminal slows its growth while
    promoting further growth in other parts of the
  • This has been explained by a stop growing
    signal, or more appropriately, the release of a
    chemical inhibiting the transport of tubulin
    along that particular branch.

Neuronal Structure and Growth(6)
  • Growth Cone Guidance
  • As the neurite grow, it does not grow in a
    straight line, the substrate is a full
    three-dimensional area, filled with environmental
    clues for growth into the area.
  • The growth cone is guided primarily by filopodia,
    which extrude from the tip of the growth cone.
  • These filopodia test the surrounding environment
    and are attracted to chemicals such laminin or
    thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1), but repelled by
    chemicals such as chondroitin sulphate.
  • This can mean that the growth cone is pulled in a
    different direction, and guidance is therefore

Neuronal Structure and Growth(7)
  • Calcium
  • Calcium is the mainstay of much of the growth and
    branching inside the neurite.
  • Certain models use only the levels of calcium in
    the neurite to determine outgrowth, but its
    interaction goes deeper than that.
  • Calcium regulates the rate in which MAP-2 binds,
    unbinds and phosphorylates.
  • Calcium is an effecter of change, rather the be
    all and end all of growth.

Neuronal Structure and Growth(8)
  • Tubulin
  • Tubulin is a chemical that forms the skeletal
    innards of the dendrite.
  • Tubulin is produced in the soma and is actively
    transported through the length of the dendrite,
    until it reaches the terminal, or growth cone.
  • When the tubulin reaches the terminal area, it is
    bundled together to form a thick rod like
    structure through the middle of the dendrite.
  • The rate of this addition and bundling is
    regulated by MAP-2, which also regulates the
    debundling and subtraction of tubulin from this
  • Branching within the terminal area can be
    facilitated by the destabilisation of the

Neuronal Structure and Growth(9)
  • MAP-2
  • MAP is a collection of chemicals known as,
    Microtubulin Associated Proteins.
  • The main purpose of MAP-2 in the growing neurite
    is to facilitate growth and branching.
  • MAP-2 dictates these factors by the way in which
    it affects microtubulin.
  • Dephosphorylated MAP-2 favours growth as it
    promotes the bundling of microtubulin, creating
    long tubules and forcing the neurite to create
    more space by becoming longer.
  • Phosphorylated MAP-2 is more likely to create
    branching conditions as the tubules binding is
    relaxed, are spaced further apart and are
    therefore easier to be forced apart.

MAP-2 (From Hely, Thesis)
Neuronal Structure and Growth(10)
  • Summary
  • The main building block of the brain is the
    neuron .
  • The neuron can be split into three distinct
    parts, the soma, axon, and dendrites.
  • The dendrites can be further broken down into the
    growth cone and it composing parts, the internal
    chemical balances, and the cytoskeleton.
  • Each of these areas plays an important role in
    the growth and functioning of a neurite.
  • Accurately modelling the growth of a neuron
    therefore requires a knowledge and understanding
    of these components.

Modelling Neurite Growth
  • Compartmental Modelling
  • Compartmental modelling is a technique usually
    more associated with modelling electrical
    properties of neurons than chemical modelling.
  • The main problem with trying to model something
    such as a neuron, is that there are few
    constants, it is constantly in a state of flux.
  • Chemicals, much like electrical signals, move
    through the neuron, flowing and diffusing.
  • A model, especially if it is to be transferred to
    a computer simulation, must be precisely aware of
    how much of everything there is at a particular
    point in a structure.

Modelling Neurite Growth
  • Compartmental Modelling
  • example
  • This represents a cell body, and one of its
    growing dendrites.
  • With the levels of substance at a particular
    point flowing and changing at every moment, few
    methods would allow a simulation to track the
    amount of substance.
  • The neurite has been segmented up into
  • Each of these compartments contains an amount of
    substance that a simulation can track, and the
    rates at which the substance flows and diffuses
    through the neurite can be tracked and modelled.
  • This means an accurate model can be made from the

From Kiddie (1st year Report)
1st Year Project
  • The aim of the 1st year project was twofold.
  • Firstly, to create a computer simulation of a
    current model.
  • Secondly, to create an initial paper model
    incorporating several elements.

1st Year Project
  • The chosen current model was Graham, and Van
    Ooyens tubulin model.
  • This was chosen due to its use of a desired
    chemical, and its compartmental model, which
    included a simple simulated growth cone.
  • It fixes the size of the terminal compartment,
    and elongates the preceding compartment.
  • When the compartment reaches 2dx, it is split
    into two compartments.

Compartmental Model (From Graham van Ooyen CNS
1st Year Project
  • Tim Hely produced a model featuring MAP-2 as in
    integral part.
  • Hely used four differential equations to control
    the rates of change in each of the compartments.
  • The two dynamic variables of the model were
    calcium (Ca) and unbound MAP-2 (MAP-2u).
  • These variables directly controlled the
    concentration of dephosphorylated MAP-2 which was
    bound to microtubules (MAP-2b), or bound and then
    phosphorylated by CaMKII (MAP-2p).
  • Tubulin, and CaMKII are not explicitly modelled,
    it is assumed that there is always enough of
    these substances for what is required.

1st Year Project
  • The Equation for Calcium diffusion influx
  • The equation for Unbound MAP-2 diffusion
    production rate to/from MAP-2b decay
  • The equation for Bound MAP-2 rate to/from MAP-2u
    de/phosphorylation to/from MAP-2p decay
  • The equation for Phosphorylated MAP-2
    de/phosphorylation to/from MAP-2b - decay

Equations (From Hely, Thesis)
1st Year Project
  • F is set by levels of calcium in the compartment.
  • G is also set by the levels of calcium in the
  • Elongation is handled with this equation.
  • The probability of branching is calculated with
    this formula.

Equations (From Hely, Thesis)
1st Year Project
  • Both models contained certain elements that were
    desirable in a combined model, tubulin from the
    Graham van Ooyen model, Calcium and MAP-2 from
  • There were three sets of equations, a set for
    each of the three chemicals, with the set for
    MAP-2 being larger thanks to tracking bound, and
    phosphorylated MAP-2 as well as bound MAP-2.

1st Year Project
  • The calcium equations followed a simple format of
    Influx(-) Diffusion-Decay.
  • The tubulin equations followed the same pattern
    with the addition of an active transport term.
  • The MAP-2 equations are all interdependent and
    are governed by conversion rates (Uunbound,
    Bbound, Pbound phosphorylated)

Equations (From Kiddie 1st Year Report)
1st Year Project
  • Again, F, and G are coefficients set by the level
    of calcium in the compartment.
  • The elongation is now affected by the amount of
    tubulin in the compartment.
  • The branching probability is still based upon the
    relationship between phosphorylated and bound

Equations (From Kiddie 1st Year Report)
1st Year Project
  • The computer simulation of the Graham van Ooyen
    models was initially created in Java.
  • However it was ported to MATLAB.
  • This generated a delay due to an unfamiliarity
    with MATLAB.

An alternative approach
  • An approach formulated by McLean and Graham.
  • A fixed multi compartmental model.
  • The amount of compartments remains static
    regardless of length.
  • Numerically superior, but has inherent problems.
    As the compartments move as the neurite grows,
    features such as synapse formation would be hard
    to include.

Fixed Compartments (From Kiddie, Brain Research
Summer School 2003)
Plan of further Study
  • Creating Neurite Model.
  • Continue reading subject matter for greater
    understanding of current techniques, and data.
  • Refine model to be more biologically plausible as
    well as more accurate.
  • Add to current model
  • True Growth Cone
  • Filopodia
  • Proper Cytoskeleton
  • Tubulin structures
  • directional cues
  • Computer simulation tools
  • Add better integration techniques to current
  • Test the computer model against the PDE solution
    created by McLean and Graham.
  • Convert the neurite model created (left) to the
    computer simulation, with relevant testing.
  • Keep simulation of model up to date with any
    changes in the paper model.

Realistic goals
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