Title: Eppstein Sisters Adventure:
1Eppstein Sisters Adventure May 22-29, 2006
2Driving through Zion the adventure begins!
Betsy (59), Laurie (55), Maggie (49), Debby (57),
Sally (41)
3First View off the North Rim Literally took my
breath away and brought tears to my eyes.
4Our Pioneer Cabin _at_ North Rim Lodge
5North Rim Lodge designed to blend
View from lodge
Had to rub the mules nose
6Betsy and I toast the view from our cabin and
meet a local resident
In the morning we catch the sunrise before taking
our (cold) showers
7First time fully loaded!
Smells like butterscotch!
2.2 Mile hike to Cape Final
First Rim View on Cape Final Trail
8Private RimSide Camp _at_ Cape Final
9(No Transcript)
10Day Hike on Cape Final
11Tent sites in trail!
Making Katmandu Curry Yum!
The Naturalist at work
12515 a.m. Sunrise _at_ Cape Final packed up and
ready to go
13ReGrouping for the hike down the North Kaibab
14Our trek into GC
15Our hike includes 4530 vertical feet through
millions of years!
16A late (910 am) start down the Kaibab after
hiking out from Cape Final, breakfast and
repacking at the North Rim General Store
17Heading down the North Kaibab
18Girls of Coconino!
19Supai Tunnel
Hot but Happy!
20Western Redbud in bloom!
21Footbridge below Supai Tunnel
22Betsy puts her feet up!
Sweating it out
23Yikes! Thats our trail?
A larger View
24Steep and Scary in places!
Enjoying some shade!
25Sally hugs the wall
26Trudging on in the heat trail not so scary here,
27Roaring Springs is a welcome sight!
Awesome colors everywhere
28Bathing pool at Roaring Springs heaven!
Laur and Deb go exploring after lunch
Sally unwittingly awaits her snake
29and find a secluded 15 waterfall!
30We spot what looks like a coral snake, but turns
out to be a harmless King snake.
View from Roaring Springs
31Maggie at Roaring Springs starting to feel
nauseated due to heat exhaustion
32Sally hiking down Bright Angel Creek towards
CottonWood Campground
33Bright Angel Creek beckons as we near the end of
our 11 hour day (10 miles)
34Whew! Long day! Campsite has no shade, but at
least the sun is over the ridge.
35GC Rattlesnake slithers into the brush by our
Map planning
36Bedtime Read-Aloud
One of many faces along the rims
37Moving to a shady campsite at dawn (Drill
Sergeant Laurel oversees the operation!)
38Which way is North?
39Debby amidst the Century plants
40Ribbon Falls Debby and Maggie cant believe our
41Five Happy Eppstein Sisters at Ribbon Falls!
42Playing in the falls!
43Above the falls
from Grotto (see Betsy above falls?)
44The Grotto
Almost napping
Debby Studies the Wildlife
Sally finally gets a turn with her pad!
46Famous GC Pack Tree
Trailside beauties
Boot Camp
47Hiking back out Great Cool Breezes!
48Betsy has sucked her water dry! Stopping to
refill at Supai Tunnel.
49Cresting the North Rim (6 hours up)
We made it!
50Ranger Mike
Winds gusting to 55 mph at Rim! Just as I crest
the rim, a tree falls across road!
51Back at the North Rim Lodge! Big rooms, HOT
SHOWERS, dinner, fireplace, cocktails, and
stories of death in the GC!
52Breakfast coffee note the crowds!
53Thats where we were!
54Laurie Braces herself on Bright Angel Point!
55Heading out Potter gives us directions to BLM
Petroglyphs and Petrified Wood Site.
56Not much for petroglyphs, but petrified wood
LITTERS the ground!
57Quick Stop in Bryce while Debby suffers sick in
the car
58Is that Jackie O at Bryce Canyon?
59Sally shines over Bryce
60Where to next year?