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... five dynamic ways to make the vision and its values become a reality. ... pass, that you should turn fortified cities into heaps of ruins.' 2 Kings 19:25. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Lift Up Christ-Tell the World is more than a
    program. It is more than a catchy promotional
    slogan. It is a vision of how the gospel of Jesus
    will be shared by the Seventh-day Adventist
    Church from 2005-2010 in the Southern
    Africa-Indian Ocean Division. It is a vision that
    reminds the church of its identity as a called
    out community, and of its end-time mission to
    proclaim the gospel to every nation, and
    kindred, and tongue, and people (Revelation
    146, KJV).
  • The vision is clear Lift Up Christ-Tell the
    World is our call to invite every person in the
    division to respond to the good news about Jesus
    and His soon coming.

  • This powerful vision leads us to an individual
    and corporate commitment to live the authentic
    Christian life according to its key biblical
  • Lift Up Christ-Tell the World inspires the church
    to know Jesus personally, to share Him
    enthusiastically, and to proclaim His name
    unanimously. Can we even begin to comprehend
    what God will do with us if we catch this vision
    and live out these values?
  • Imagine a global community living out the life of
    Christ in selfless service a praying people
    empowered by His Spirit, nurtured through His
    Word and united in His mission, willing to
    fulfill their destiny as Gods ambassadors to a
    waiting world.

  • Lift Up Christ-Tell the World, our vision of
    evangelizing this division, is built firmly upon
    Five Initiatives five dynamic ways to make the
    vision and its values become a reality.
  • These Five Initiatives, the product of earnest
    prayer, intense Bible study and serious
    discussion, were officially launched at the SID
    Division Council held during November 2005 in
    Pretoria, South Africa.
  • They are intended to help us work together to
    accomplish our mission giving our division a
    definite direction and purpose assisting us
    towards the achievement of measurable goals and
    translating good ideas into effective action.
  • They will involve every level of church
    leadership, every institution, every service,
    every initiative, and every church member.

  • Our God is a Being of order and strategic and
    systematic planning. Notice the following text as
    an illustration of this
  • "Have you not heard that I determined it long
    ago? I planned from days of old what now I bring
    to pass, that you should turn fortified cities
    into heaps of ruins. 2 Kings 1925.
  • There is a difference between purely secular
    strategic planning and that of the Christian, or
    the Church. When a child of God does his or her
    strategic planning, it is never complete until it
    has been committed to God for Him to approve,
    adapt or lay aside. According to Solomon we are
  • Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans
    will be established. Proverbs 163, RSV.

  • Ellen White is even more explicit in her
    admonition regarding the need to consecrate our
    plans to God
  • Consecrate yourself to God in the morning make
    this your very first work. Let your prayer be,
    Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my
    plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service.
    Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in
    Thee. This is a daily matter. Each morning
    consecrate yourself to God for that day.
    Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried
    out or given up as His providence shall
    indicate. Steps to Christ, page 70.

  • Solomons observations are again apt in this
  • Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it
    is the purpose of the LORD that will be
    established. Proverbs 1921.
  • All our plans and strategies need to serve one
    objective onlythat the purpose of the LORD may
    be established.
  • Here are some of the other elements that need to
    be considered when we engage in strategic
    planning on behalf of the Church
  • Planning should be a corporate activity
    something we do together
  • Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the
    multitude of counselors they are established..
    Proverbs 1422 (NKJV).

  • Proper planning should lead to positive results
    for Gods work
  • Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity,
    but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. Proverbs
    213 (NLT).
  • If the members of the churches would but put to
    work the powers of mind that they have, in
    well-directed efforts, in well-matured plans,
    they might do a hundredfold more for Christ than
    they are now doing. If they went forth with
    earnest prayer, with meekness and lowliness of
    heart, seeking personally to impart to others the
    knowledge of salvation, the message might reach
    the inhabitants of the earth. Review and Herald,
    11 April 198.

  • Finally, when we consider the above quotation
    from the writings of Ellen White it becomes clear
    that success in our planning is dependant upon
    the following simple formula
  • 1. Our plans need to be well-matured, meaning
    that they should be carefully thought through and
  • 2. Our plans need to be well-directed, meaning
    that they should be managed with care and
    efficiency by capable administrators.
  • 3. Our plans will require hard work to
    implement them and make them succeed.
  • 4. Our plans will not enjoy the success they
    should unless accompanied by earnest prayer

  • Small Groups will be the vehicle to sustain the
    SIDs Five Initiatives as set out in the rest of
    this document. They are fundamental to all
    aspects of the life and growth of the Church
    spirituality growth unity the socialization of
    members the development of lasting friendships
    etc. In fact, the success of the entire SID
    revival program rests on the successful
    formation, equipping and sustainability of Small
    Groups in each church.

  • To this end, we urge every congregation in the
    division to actively promote such Small Group
    ministries to nurture and grow the church.
    Practically speaking, we would like to see every
    congregation organized into Small Groups of 6 to
    10 members, finding great fulfillment as they
    meet weekly at a convenient venue, preferably a
    house of one of the members.

A call to equip our members and employees with
the knowledge and skills to Lift Up Christ and
Tell the World about Him
  • Our motivation for this initiative is taken from
    2 Timothy 22 where Paul establishes a clear and
    workable method for the expansion of Christs
    work on earth
  • And the things that you have heard from me among
    many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who
    will be able to teach others also.
  • He is hereby urging the establishment of a
    training and equipping ministry whereby our
    members and employees can be helped to acquire
    the knowledge, and develop the skills, which are
    necessary for them to become effective partners
    in ministry and evangelism. The content or
    syllabus for this training will be determined
    largely by the requirements of the other four

  • Ellen White was also inspired to see that Pauls
    Method would benefit Gods work and she wrote
  • In laboring where there are already some in the
    faith, the minister should at first seek not so
    much to convert unbelievers, as to train the
    church members for acceptable co-operation. Let
    him labor for them individually, endeavoring to
    arouse them to seek for a deeper experience
    themselves, and to work for others. When they are
    prepared to sustain the minister by their prayers
    and labors, greater success will attend his
    efforts.Gospel Workers, p. 196 (1915).

  • Pauls Method is an initiative in which we
    mandate our leadersat all levelsto devote a
    significant portion of their time to the training
    of members and employees, thereby assisting them
    to become skillful and committed
    soul-winnerstrue partners in ministry and

  • Every church should be a training school for
    Christian workers. Its members should be taught
    how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and
    teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help
    the poor and to care for the sick, how to work
    for the unconverted. There should be schools of
    health, cooking schools, and classes in various
    lines of Christian help work. There should not
    only be teaching, but actual work under
    experienced instructors. Ministry of Healing,
    pp. 148 149.

  • There are clear indications in the writings of
    Ellen White that Pauls Method will accelerate
    the close of our work here on earth
  • With such an army of workers as our youth,
    rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the
    message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming
    Saviour might be carried to the whole world!
    Education, p. 271.
  • Yes Friends, Pauls Method is biblical and
    effective, and it is foundational to the other
    four initiatives discussed in this booklet. We,
    therefore, challenge you to implement it without

  • These are additional references that provide
    support for Pauls Method and may be useful for
    both personal study and promotion
  • 1 Tim. 411, Titus 21,3,9
  • Gospel Workers, p. 196 Ministry of Healing, pp.
    148-149 and Education, p. 271

  • Some of the very specific Pauls Ministry goals
    during this quinquennium include the following
  • All union department directors trained by 2007.
  • All employees trained by 2007.
  • The training of members as follows
  • 25 in 2006
  • 50 in 2007
  • 75 in 2008
  • 95 in 2009

  • Ensure that there are committees to oversee the
    plans and the activities of this initiative,
    Pauls Method, at every level of the church in
    the SID and to ensure that there is regular and
    proper evaluation.
  • Designate a responsible person to coordinate this
    initiative at every level ensure regular reports
    on participation, special projects, etc promote
    the method and organize the distribution of any
    training material associated with it.

  • Task the Personal Ministries and Youth Directors
    of the SID with the preparation of a Training
    Resources Database or catalogue that will
    showcase all the various materials available for
    those engaged in Pauls Method activities. Where
    possible the expertise of other specialists
    should be used, for example, those from our
    colleges and universities.
  • Encourage all unions, conferences, fields and
    institutions to prioritize the training of
    members and to budget specific funds for this

  • Ensure that the training meets the needs of all
    groups within the church structure employees and
    laypersons, and the trainers among these groups.
    The unique training needs of Youth, Women and any
    other special groups, including minorities, are
    not to be neglected, and a special effort must be
    made to provide them with relevant
    soul-winning/evangelism skills.
  • Request the departments of the SID to consider
    developing a Pauls Method Pre- and
    Post-baptismal Courses that become a requirement
    for all those who join the church. These courses
    should contain pertinent information on Bible
    doctrines, practical Christian living, and how to
    witness to family and friends in order to
    effectively evangelize the wide range of
    non-member contacts that new Adventists usually

  • Request that unions, conferences and fields
    explore the possibility of establishing
    Evangelism Training Schools where members can
    receive intensive practical training in the
    various forms of soul-winning from hand-picked
    experts. Certification should be given for such
    training whether it is conducted at a training
    centre or in the field. A special course can be
    run for the Training of Trainers who will be
    prepared to train members in remote areas, or for
    those who are not able to attend the training
    schools. The Ministerial Association could be of
    great help in setting up these schools.

  • Promote the initiative as widely as possible
    using such vehicles as Hope Channel, the Echo,
    union and conference newsletters, etc.
  • Challenge each SID minister to run a carefully
    planned training program for those members under
    his care.
  • Hold an annual division-wide Pauls Method
    Convention during which members and ministers can
    share the results of this initiative and
    encourage others to participate. The same idea
    could be implemented on a union or
    conference/field basis.
  • Require regular reporting from the unions on
    their progress with this initiative during the
    SID Mid-year and Year-end committees.

  • The development of training programs which will
    assist members in reaching special groups such as
    those living with HIV/AIDs the business and
    professional community Muslims and other
    non-Christian faith communities children etc.

  • A call to the entire division family to become
    involved in evangelism, public and personal, each
    according to his or her Spiritual Gift

  • Did you know that, The great work of the gospel
    is not to close with less manifestation of the
    power of God than marked its opening. The
    prophecies which were fulfilled in the outpouring
    of the former rain at the opening of the gospel
    are again to be fulfilled in the latter rain at
    its close. GC. p. 612.
  • Our motivation for this initiative is drawn from
    the book of Zechariah 822-23 which reads as
    follows And many peoples and powerful nations
    will come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord Almighty.
    In those days ten men from all languages and
    nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem
    of his robe and say Let us go with you because
    we have heard that God is with you.

  • Imagine a time when groups of truth hungry men
    and women will seek us out and say Let us go
    with you, because we have heard that the Lord is
    with you. This can happen now, if we seize this
    opportunity to lay the burden of soul winning on
    each member of the church in the SID and not on
    just a select few who are gifted. Every member
    within the SID should be an evangelist according
    to his or her Spiritual gifts during this
    quinquenium! We will have a repeat of what
    happened in the early chapters of the book of

  • Those who accepted his message were baptized and
    about three thousand were added to their number
    that dayEveryday they continued in the Temple
    courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate
    together with a glad and sincere heartsAnd the
    Lord added to their number daily those who were
    being saved. Acts 2 41, 46-47

  • These words from the pen of inspiration endorse
    Gods expectations for this division family
  • God expects personal service from every one to
    whom He has entrusted a knowledge of the truth
    for this time. Not all can go as missionaries to
    foreign lands, but all can be home missionaries
    in their families and neighborhoods.
    Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 30.
  • It is a fatal mistake to suppose that the work
    of soulsaving depends alone upon the Ministry.
    The humble, consecrated believer upon whom the
    master of the vineyard places a burden for souls,
    is to be given encouragement by the men upon whom
    the Lord has laid larger responsibilities.
    Christian Service, p. 68

  • God wants us to be missionariesjust where we
    are! He wants us to become passionate about
    soul-winning! He wants each of us to lead at
    least one soul per year to Him during this
  • For this we need the whole-hearted commitment of
    every member to the task of soul-winning. We also
    need our members to work together in small
    companies or groups, for that way we will stay
    motivated and involved
  • The formation of small companies as a basis of
    Christian effort has been presented to me by One
    who cannot err. Testimonies, Vol. 7, pp. 21-22.
  • The Zechariah Project can and will materialize
    into a vast harvest of new converts if we pray,
    plan, train and work for it to happen.

  • This is what we want to see at the end of 5
  • That each member of the church will have won one
    soul each year during the quinquenium.
  • That small groups of 6-10 members each will
    exist, have been trained, and be functional at
    each local church.
  • That the church will be enjoying Spiritual
    revival (evidenced by Bible studies, fasting and
    prayer, reading of the Spirit Of Prophecy,
    faithfulness in returning tithes and the giving
    of offerings, etc).
  • That all church members in the SID are trained
    and totally involved in Upreach, Outreach and
    Inreach Programs.

  • The quinquenial focus is on training and
    equipping the church member for soul winning.

  • Create a Zechariah Project sub-committee to
    oversee the development and implementation of the
    plans and activities of the project at each level
    of church organization, including the local
  • Appoint the Personal Ministries leader at each
    church as the Zechariah Project coordinator. This
    person will be responsible for, among other
    things, coordinating quarterly Zechariah Project
    assessment meetings and submitting reports to the
    next higher organization.

  • All departments, at all levels of the church
    organization, are to weave the Zechariah Project
    into their programs, and at Division and Union
    levels suitable promotional materials are to be
  • All levels of church organization are to conduct
    assessment meetings every quarter and submit the
    results to the next higher organization.

  • All workers at each levels of church
    organization, and all members, are to evangelize
    in keeping with the yearly programs as outlined
    and voted by the 2005 SID Council and shown
  • Year of small groups2006
  • Year of Personal Evangelism2007
  • Year of Mega Evangelism2008
  • Year of Family Evangelism2009
  • Year of Reaping and Celebration2010

  • Small groups, consisting of between 6-10 members,
    are to be organized at each local church and
    company. These groups should be trained to,
    among other things, do the following

  • How to do meaningful intercessory prayer.
  • How to discover and use their spiritual gifts.
  • How to give effective Bible studies.
  • How to call for decisions.
  • How to use VOP lessons in soul winning.
  • How to use video and audio tapes in soul winning.
  • How to use personal testimonies in soul winning.

  • All churches and companies to conduct annual
    Former Adventist and Non-attending Member
    Reclamation Programs. The last Sabbaths of March
    and September every year, throughout this
    quinquennium, are to be set aside for this
  • Baptisms are to be part of every camp meeting
  • Every Union in the SID is to engage in carefully
    planned work for its minorities, and this work is
    to be done in accordance with the SIDs annual
    program as outlined above.

  • At all levels of the division family an official
    effort must be put forward to involve our members
    in reaching out to those suffering with HIV/AIDS.
    To achieve this, the present TOT program must be
    properly resourced and extended to every
  • Newly baptized members are to be involved in the
    ongoing Upreach, Outreach and Inreach programs of
    the church such as the Fishers of Men project.
  • Encourage the development of new approaches and
    programs to facilitate Upreach, Inreach and

  • In all evangelistic endeavors the creative use of
    modern technology is to be encouraged.
  • All churches are encouraged to help members to
    discover and use their spiritual gifts.
  • The SID and its unions, conferences and fields,
    are to ensure that VOP lessons and other items of
    free literature are available in the necessary
  • The financial requirements of the Zechariah
    Project are to be factored into the budgets of
    all levels of church organization, from the SID
    down to each local church.

  • A challenge to all our institutions to become
    self-supporting through vibrant stewardship
    programs, regular auditing, strong internal
    control and good governance

  • The following verses describe the awesome results
    of one of the most successful periods of temple
    and worship reform in the history of Judah
  • Hezekiah asked the priests and Levites about the
    heaps and Azariah the chief priest, from the
    family of Zadok, answered, Since the people
    began to bring their contributions to the temple
    of the LORD, we have had enough to eat and plenty
    to spare, because the LORD has blessed his
    people, and this great amount is left over.
    Hezekiah gave orders to prepare storerooms in
    the temple of the LORD, and this was done. Then
    they faithfully brought in the contributions,
    tithes and dedicated gifts.... 2 Chronicles

  • This period of Old Testament history was
    characterized by a spirit of loyal stewardship
    among Gods people and the practice of good
    governance by the Priests and Levites. This
    resulted in a surplus in the temple treasurya
    powerful testimony to the fact that when Gods
    people follow His plan faithfully, nothing is

  • Notice this endorsement for Operation Hezekiah
    from the writings of Ellen White
  • This matter of giving is not left to impulse.
    God has given us definite instruction in regard
    to it. He has specified tithes and offerings as
    the measure of our obligation. And He desires us
    to give regularly and systematically. Counsel on
    Sabbath School Work, p 129.

  • Soon our money, property and other material
    possessions will melt with fervent heat and we
    will no longer have control over them. Operation
    Hezekiah is our opportunity to use these things
    to Gods glory and the saving of souls while we
    still have the chance.
  • The spirit of liberality is the spirit of
    heaven. This spirit finds its highest
    manifestation in Christ's sacrifice on the cross
    The cross of Calvary should appeal to the
    benevolence of every follower of the Saviour. The
    principle there illustrated is to give, give.
    The Acts of the Apostles p. 339.

  • These are additional references that provide
    biblical support for Hezekiah Operation and may
    be useful for both personal study and promotion
  • 2 Chronicles 31
  • Genesis 28 20-21
  • Leviticus 2730
  • Malachi 37-1

  • The specific Operation Hezekiah goals are as
  • To treble the 2005 tithe income in 2006 by the
    thorough teaching of stewardship principles in
    500 selected churches. The following list
    indicates how the roll out is to proceed each
    year during the quinquennium

  • That all union should have an unqualified audit
    opinion on the 2006 financial year.
  • That 50 of all conferences and fields should
    have unqualified audit reports on the 2007
    financial year.
  • That all conferences and fields should have
    unqualified audit reports on the 2008 financial
  • That all unions, conference and fields are to
    attain self-reliance by 2010

  • That arrangements are to be made for GCAS to
    audit all unions, conferences and fields
  • That entities at all levels of the organization
    produce monthly financial statements to be shared
    with their governing committees/boards and their
    next higher organization.
  • To ensure that treasury staff at all levels of
    the organization are adequately trained and that
    they approach their work professionally.

  • To ensure that all executive committee and board
    members at all levels of the organization are
    able to interpret financial statements.
  • That all conference and fields should have a
    checklist for trust fund remittances.
  • That all organizations be encouraged to operate
    on a debt-free basis and within their budgets.
    Those in debt are to develop a plan for the
    settlement of the debt.

  • That all organizations be encouraged to manage
    their funds responsibly whether they are
    debt-free or not.
  • To develop local effective marketing strategies
    for tithe returned in kind.

  • These Action Plans place strong emphasis upon the
    following three essentials a) Making every
    effort to bring the Lords resources into the
    churchs treasury through strong stewardship
    programs b) Taking special care to protect the
    Lords resources through vigorous internal
    control systems and regular auditing c) Ensuring
    that the Lords resources are well-managed
    through good governance at every level of church

  • Emphasize the teaching of stewardship from a
    holistic biblical perspective so that members can
    learn to be stewards not only in the returning of
    tithe and the giving of offerings, but in all
    areas of spiritual life. Our members must be made
    to understand that stewardship is a process not
    an event.
  • Promote the holding of Christian Personal Finance
    Management seminars in the local churches, so
    that members may be taught the biblical
    principles of personal money management.

  • Promote the formation and efficient functioning
    of the Local Church Stewardship Committee, which
    is to facilitate the teaching of stewardship
    principles to members the making and
    implementing of local church budgets the
    presentation of periodic financial reports to the
    local church and the promotion of the Annual
    Stewardship Week of Emphasis. This committee
    could be renamed the Hezekiah Operation Committee.

  • Ensure that both the Stewardship Department and
    Treasury are mandated to oversee Hezekiah
    Operation at each level of the division
    organization (division, union, conference/mission
    and congregation).
  • Encourage the use of Spirit of Prophecy books
    such as Systematic Benevolence, Counsels on
    Stewardship, and Go Forward in the program of the
    Stewardship Department.
  • Recommend that Internal Control Seminars be
    conducted annually in all organizations and
    institutions, and that treasury employees who are
    unwilling to implement reasonable internal
    control measures be subject to the appropriate
    disciplinary measures.

  • Recommend that organizations and institutions
    regularly review their staff complement and
    streamline their workforce where there are
    instances of over-employment.
  • Require the sharing of financial reports that
    show the giving patterns and trends of churches
    with respect to tithe and offering as follows
  • The local Church Treasurers to report to their
    churches/district councils at least monthly.
  • The local Conference/Field/Mission Treasurers to
    report to their churches at least quarterly.
  • The Division and its Unions to do the same at all
    appropriate meetings.

  • Promote the importance and dignity of hard work
    as taught by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 36-16 to
    all church members, and to encourage groups of
    church members to be creative in providing jobs
    for young people such as school leavers. When
    church members have jobs, and work hard, they
    will have the financial ability to support the
  • Teach District/Church pastors internal control
    principles so that they can provide counsel to
    local churches in the management of their local

  • Require local Conferences/Fields/Missions to
    employ auditors to audit each local church and
    its companies at least once every year.
  • Urge the conferences/fields/churches to maintain
    accurate and regularly audited membership lists
    so that all Operation Hezekiah reports will be
  • Do everything possible within the scope of
    Operation Hezekiah to move all the
    sub-organizations of the division to a
    self-reliant status during this quinquennium.

  • Educate and encourage the church to elect those
    who are faithful in stewardship to leadership
    positions, irrespective of the level within the
  • Share any Operation Hezekiah programs that may be
    working well, for example, the stewardship
    program initiated and implemented recently in the
    Zimbabwe Union Conference.

  • Recognize and apply the principle, at all levels
    of the church structure, that one of the best
    ways in which to protect the Lords resources is
    to implement regular and effective maintenance
    programs for all equipment, vehicles and
    buildings. Poorly maintained church facilities
    and equipment are usually an indication of
    inadequate management techniques.

  • A dynamic infrastructural development initiative
    aimed at building churches, schools, etc,
    throughout the SID

  • The Lords rebuke to His people during the days
    of Haggai provides us with the biblical
    motivation for this initiative
  • This is what the Lord Almighty says These
    people say, The time has not yet come for the
    Lords house to be built. Go up into the
    mountain and bring down timber and build the
    house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be
    honored, says the Lord. Haggai 12 8.

  • Our division membership is growing rapidly and we
    urgently need to build the physical
    infrastructure to house our new congregations. In
    addition to this, we may need to form new
    conferences and fields to administer these new
    congregations and that will require additional
    office facilities and staff houses. In order to
    train enough employees to care for these new
    congregations and staff these new organizations
    we will need to expand facilities at our
    universities, colleges and schools.

  • The following comment by Ellen White illustrates
    just how important it is to plan for
    infrastructural development when we evangelize.
  • When an interest is aroused in any town or city,
    that interest should be followed up. The place
    should be thoroughly worked, until a humble house
    of worship stands as a sign, a memorial of God's
    Sabbath, a light amid the moral darkness. These
    memorials are to stand in many places as
    witnesses to the truth.--Testimonies, Vol. 6, p.
    100. (1900)

  • The same writer makes it clear that new
    congregations need to be as self-reliant in this
    matter as possible
  • When a church is raised up, the members are to
    arise and build. Let the newly converted ones,
    under the direction of a minister who is guided
    by the advice of his fellow ministers, work with
    their own hands, saying, We need a church and we
    must have a church and we will each do our best
    in helping in the building. Evangelism, p. 379.

  • There are times, however, when the rapid growth
    of our church necessitates the transfer of
    resources from areas of surplus to places of
    urgent need. This has been the basis of the
    development of our global mission program, and
    has helped us become the most widely represented
    Protestant denomination in the world.
  • The Haggai Venture is a golden opportunity for
    all of us to assist in the development of new
    church infrastructure within our division.
  • It is our sincere desire that our entire SID
    family will accept the challenge of this
    initiative and that we will catch the spirit of
    the Israelites described below

  • The plan of Moses in the wilderness to raise
    means was highly successful. There was no
    compulsion necessary. Moses made no grand feast.
    He did not invite the people to scenes of gaiety,
    dancing, and general amusement. Neither did he
    institute lotteries or anything of this profane
    order to obtain means to erect the tabernacle of
    God in the wilderness. God commanded Moses to
    invite the children of Israel to bring the
    offerings. Moses was to accept gifts of every man
    that gave willingly from his heart. These
    freewill offerings came in so great abundance
    that Moses proclaimed it was enough. They must
    cease their presents for they had given
    abundantly, more than they could use. Counsel on
    Stewardship, p. 203.

  • The following are specific goals that are
    envisaged under the Haggai Venture
  • 1. The division head office shall provide guiding
    statistics which will indicate the projected
    number of new churches required to meet the
    anticipated membership growth in each union
    during this quinqennium.
  • 2. The unions will consult with their conferences
    and fields to determine where these new churches
    should be built for maximum local benefit and
    growthprioritized according to such aspects as
    unentered areas, potential growth points,
    prominence, etc.

  • 3. The unions and their conferences and fields
    are to establish Church Development Funds at all
    levels, including congregational, and vigorously
    promote contributions to these funds.
  • 4. The unions should make a limited number of
    selected church and school or health institution
    building projects available to the SID for
    promotion via the Partners in Mission network.
  • 5. In addition to a five-year plan, each union
    and its entities must have an annual Haggai
    Venture development plan. These plans must be
    specific in terms of location, time table,
    property ownership, etc, and should be reported
    on at each SID Year-end meeting. When drafting
    these plans unions should also be sensitive to
    the need to establish and strengthen the minority
    work in their territory.

  • 6. Every effort should be made by the division to
    coordinate the collection of a selection of
    cost-efficient building methods and plans which
    can be made available for the Haggai Venture
  • 7. At every Mid-year/Year-end meeting time should
    be given to reporting and evaluating the Haggai
    Venture projects.
  • 8. It is essential that reports be given with the
    assistance of slide/video material to verify the
    progress on the various projects, and so that
    donors can be given tangible feedback on the
    application of their funds.

  • Establish Haggai Venture Committees to oversee
    the plans and the activities of the initiative at
    each level of the SIDs organizational structure.
    Care must be given to ensure that the ratio of
    membership on these committees be as follows 25
    workers/75 laypersons.
  • Assign responsibility for the Haggai Venture to
    the Church Development Director, including
    promotion of the initiative collection of
    quarterly reports on it etc.

  • Create an evaluation system to get suitable and
    regular reports from the various projects each
  • Enlist the services of Partners in Mission to
    promote the projects to the widest possible
    target group.
  • Work with Partners in Mission in developing
    inexpensive but durable structures such as
    churches, clinics and classrooms which can be
    erected quickly.

  • Challenge established congregations to adopt
    newly-established companies with a view to
    helping them build churches as soon as possible.
  • Encourage those members with the appropriate
    construction skills to offer their services,
    equipment, etc, to assist in Haggai Venture
    projects. These same skills can also be put to
    excellent use in the maintenance of already
    established facilities, especially at our
    schools, colleges and hospitals.

  • Urge that the unions, conferences and fields
    supervise all Haggai Venture projects to ensure
    that quality standards are maintained at all
  • Encourage all unions, conferences and fields to
    budget specifically for Development Funds which
    can be used for these projects.
  • Encourage lay members, especially business
    persons, to become involved in the funding of
    church building and other capital development
    projects such as schools, offices, etc., that
    will speed up the achievement of our mission.

  • Recommend that SID be urged to include funds for
    capital projects in its budget, these can then be
    made available to the unions for specific
    development programmes in their fields and

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