Title: Shallow ShearVelocity Transects of Urban Areas, and SeismicHazard Mapping
1Shallow Shear-Velocity Transects of Urban Areas,
and Seismic-Hazard Mapping
Louie, J. N. Scott, J. B. Rasmussen, T. Thelen,
W. A. Pancha, A. Clark, M. Park, H. Lopez, C. T.
www.seismo.unr.edu/ hazsurv
2Transect Results Partly Explain PGA
3Three Transects Show Geologic Variations
4Statistics of Geologic Variation
- Linear slope in log-log spatial spectrum
- Fractal variations are probably geological
- Levels out at end
- Some variance across lt0.6 km is experiment error
5V30 vs Soil Type
- Large standard deviations with good averages
- Units 3 and 4 well-sampled over long distances
6V30 vs Soil Type
- Standard deviations increase with sample size
- Average velocities of units change along transect
7Las Vegas Transect
Supported by DOE-LLNL and IRIS-PASSCAL
8Fields (2001) Amplification Mapping
Fields (2001) Amplification Mapping
- Needs only basin depth and Vs30
- Trial maps made using coefficients from LA
9Extrapolating Vs30 Las Vegas
- Vs30 assigned to soil-map units using transect
- Maps dont predict new measurements- B. Luke, UNLV
- 300 sites on 3 urban transects measured for Vs30.
- Vs30 may partly explain PGA, hazard variations.
- Long transects show fractal, geologic variations
in Vs30. - Geologic, soil maps do not have sufficient Vs30
predictive value for engineering.