Informal sector and informal employment: Key concepts and definitions

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Informal sector and informal employment: Key concepts and definitions


... cooperation projects, advisory missions, training courses, methodological manuals. ... use by their household (e.g. subsistence farming, do-it-yourself ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Informal sector and informal employment: Key concepts and definitions

Informal sector and informal employmentKey
concepts and definitions
  • Ralf Hussmanns
  • Head, Methodology and Analysis Unit
  • Bureau of Statistics
  • International Labour Office

ILO Bureau of StatisticsActivities
  • Collection and dissemination of international
    labour statistics Yearbook of Labour Statistics,
    Internet, etc.
  • Development or revision of international
    standards on labour statistics methodological
    work, International Conference of Labour
    Statisticians (ICLS)
  • Technical assistance in labour statistics (in
    cooperation with ILO field offices) Technical
    cooperation projects, advisory missions, training
    courses, methodological manuals.

International standards on labour statistics
  • Provision of technical guidelines for the
    development of national labour statistics on the
    basis of accepted best methods and practices
  • Enhancement of the international comparability of
    labour statistics
  • Protection of labour statistics against public
    criticism and political interference

International standards Informal sector and
informal employment
  • Resolution concerning statistics of employment in
    the informal sector (15th ICLS, 1993)
  • Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of
    informal employment (17th ICLS, 2003)

Purpose of presentation
  • Explain international statistical definitions of
    the informal sector and of informal employment
  • Present a conceptual framework that makes it
    possible to complement statistical measures of
    employment in the informal sector (IS) with
    broader statistical measures of informal
    employment (IE)
  • Show how the two measures can be obtained in
    using labour force surveys as the source of

  • Informal sector enterprise-based.
  • Informal employment job-based.

Conceptual frameworkEmployment in the informal
Production units Informal jobs Formal jobs
Informal sector enterprises A B
Other units of production C D
Employment in the informal sector A
B Informal employment A C Informal
employment outside the informal
sector C Employment in the informal economy A
Why are statistics on the informal sector (IS)
  • Research and analysis
  • Formulation, monitoring and evaluation of
    policies and programmes
  • Advocacy purposes recognise role of IS in job
    creation, poverty reduction, etc.
  • Improvement of labour statistics and economic
  • Improvement of national accounts (exhaustiveness
    of GDP measurement)

International statistical definition of the
informal sector (IS)
  • Adopted by the 15th ICLS (1993) and referred to
    in the SNA 1993.
  • IS defined in terms of characteristics of
    production units/enterprises (enterprise
    approach) rather than characteristics of persons
    or their jobs (labour approach).
  • IS defined as subsector of the SNA institutional
    sector households.
  • IS can be identified separately in the accounts.
  • Its contribution to GDP can be quantified.
  • Updated 1993 SNA (2009) will include special
    chapter on IS.

Institutional units(1993 SNA)
  • Corporations (incl. quasi- corporations)
  • Government units (incl. social security funds)
  • Non-profit institutions
  • Households (incl. unincorporated enterprises
    owned by households)

15th ICLS Definition of employment in the
informal sector
  • All jobs in informal sector enterprises, or all
    persons who, during a given reference period,
    were employed in at least one informal sector
    enterprise, irrespective of their status in
    employment and whether it was their main or a
    secondary job.
  • Enterprise defined in a broad sense.

15th ICLS Informal sector concept
  • Informal sector units engaged in production of
    goods or services.
  • Primary objective generation of employment and
    incomes for persons concerned.
  • Characteristics low level of organisation
    little or no division between labour and capital
    as factors of production small scale labour
    relations (if any) based on casual employment,
    kinship, or personal/social relations rather than
    contracts with formal guarantees.

15th ICLS Criteria for defining informal sector
enterprises (1)
  • Private unincorporated enterprises excluding
    quasi-corporations (1993 SNA household
    unincorporated enterprises, household
    enterprises) owned by individual household
    members, several members of the same household,
    or members of different households
  • Not constituted as separate legal entities
    independently of their owners, and no complete
    sets of accounts available.

15th ICLS Criteria for defining informal sector
enterprises (2)
  • At least some of the goods or services produced
    are meant for sale or barter.
  • Note 17th ICLS excluded households employing
    paid domestic workers from the IS.
  • Engaged in non-agricultural activities, including
    secondary non-agricultural activities of
    enterprises in the agricultural sector.
  • Note The recommendation to exclude agriculture
    from the scope of the IS, and measure it
    separately, was made for practical data
    collection reasons, not for conceptual ones.

15th ICLS Framework of informal sector definition
Household enterprises Informal sector enterprises Other household enterprises
Own-account enterprises Informal own-account enterprises Other own-account enterprises
Enterprises of employers Enterprises of informal employers Other enterprises of employers
15th ICLS Criteria for defining informal sector
enterprises (3.1)
  • Informal own-account enterprises
  • All own-account enterprises,
  • or only those not registered under specific forms
    of national legislation (factories/ commercial
    acts, tax/social security laws, professional
    groups regulatory acts, etc.) as distinct from
    local regulations for issuing trade licenses or
    business permits.

15th ICLS Criteria for defining informal sector
enterprises (3.2)
  • Enterprises of informal employers
  • Establishment size in terms of employment below a
    certain threshold (to be determined by countries
    themselves Delhi Group less than 5 employees,
    for international reporting),
  • and/or enterprise not registered,
  • and/or employees (if any) of the enterprise not

Informal sectorMotives for participation
  • Survival strategy lack of other jobs and social
    protection (e.g. unemployment benefits), need to
    supplement income
  • Desire for independence and flexible work
  • Higher income than wage employment
  • Traditional activity (e.g. handicrafts)
  • Non-compliance with regulations (e.g. tax
    payments, social security contributions, labour
    legislation), reduction of production costs
    (problems of non-response!)

LFS Information usually available
  • Socio-demographic characteristics sex, age,
    marital status, relationship to reference person
    of household, level of education, place of usual
    residence, urban vs. rural area, etc.
  • Household/family characteristics household/
    family size, household/family type, etc.
  • Hours of work and earnings
  • Industry, occupation and status in employment
  • Other job characteristics full-time/part-time
    work, job permanency (permanent, temporary,
    seasonal, occasional, etc. job)

  • ISIC, Rev. 3/3.1/4 identifies persons
  • working in agriculture and related activities,
  • employed as domestic employees by households,
  • or engaged in the production of goods for own
    final use by their household.
  • Question on form of registration of the
    enterprise covers usually the criteria of
  • non-registration of the enterprise,
  • kind of ownership,
  • legal organisation,
  • and type of accounts.

LFS Example of questions for measuring
employment in the informal sector (1)
  • All respondents
  • Number of persons usually working in the
    enterprise (in size classes)
  • If few Exact number by sex and status in
  • Place of work
  • Own-account workers, employers, contributing
    family workers
  • Form of registration of the enterprise, or
  • Type of tax payment by the enterprise

LFS Example of questions for measuring
employment in the informal sector (2)
  • Employees
  • Registration of the enterprise, or
  • Kind of ownership of the enterprise
  • If private Legal organisation of enterprise
  • If unknown Type of the enterprise (approximate
  • Note Only few additional questions are needed to
    measure employment in the informal sector.

QLFS South Africa Questions on employment in the
informal sector (1)
  • Employees
  • Deduction by employer of income tax from the
    employees wage/salary
  • Employers, own-account workers contributing
    family workers
  • VAT registration of the (household) business
  • Income tax registration of the (household)

QLFS South Africa Questions on employment in the
informal sector (2)
  • All respondents
  • Ownership/institutional sector of place of work
    (government, public enterprise, private
    enterprise, NPI, household)
  • Number of employees at place of work
  • Self-assessment of place of work (formal sector,
    informal sector, household)

Criticism of the informal sector concept (1)
  • The term sector suggests homogeneity of the
    units included, while in reality the IS comprises
    a fairly heterogeneous set of enterprises.
  • In common language, the term sector means
    branch of economic activity (industry).
  • The dichotomy formal-informal suggests a
    dualism of the economy/labour market, while in
    reality there is a continuum.

Criticism of the informal sector concept (2)
  • An enterprise-based definition is unable to
    capture all aspects of the increasing so-called
    informalisation of employment.

  • Dont blame your dog because it does not
    behave like a cat!

Informalisation of employment
  • Growth of the informal sector, especially in
    developing and in transition countries.
  • Increase of various forms of informal (or
    non-standard, atypical, alternative, irregular,
    precarious, etc.) employment in most countries,
    incl. developed countries.
  • Informalisation of employment goes far beyond the
    informal sector.

Delhi Group(5th Meeting, 2001)
  •  The definition and measurement of employment in
    the informal sector
  • need to be complemented
  • with a definition and measurement of informal

Employment in the informal sector and informal
  • Refer to different aspects of the informalisation
    of employment and to different target groups for
  • One of the two concepts cannot replace the other.
  • Are concepts that complement each other both are
    useful for analytical/policy-making purposes.
  • Need to be defined/measured in a coherent and
    consistent manner, to be clearly distinguishable.
  • Unaware of the different observation units
    involved (enterprises vs. jobs), statistics users
    tend to confuse the two concepts.

Informal employment Relevance (1)
  • Statistics on informal employment can provide
    data for some of the decent work indicators being
    developed by the ILO,
  • or serve as one summary indicator of decent work
  • while statistics on employment in the informal
    sector can be used as a context indicator for the
    measurement of decent work.

Informal employment Relevance (2)
  • Informal employment is being proposed as part of
    an additional indicator for monitoring of the
    Millenium Development Goal (MDG) 3 Promote
    gender equality and empower women
  • Gender differences in the structure of
    employment, in addition to Share of women in
    wage employment in the non-agricultural sector.

17th ICLS Conceptual framework for informal
employment (IE)
  • Purpose Relate enterprise-based concept of
    employment in the IS in coherent consistent
    manner with a broader, job-based concept of IE.
  • Basis Employed persons hold jobs having various
    job-related characteristics, which are undertaken
    in production units (enterprises) having various
    enterprise-related characteristics.
  • Observation unit for employment Jobs rather than
    employed persons (reason existence of multiple
  • Result Total employment classified by (i) type
    of production unit and (ii) type of job.

(No Transcript)
Production units by type
  • Formal sector enterprises corporations (incl.
    quasi-corporate enterprises), non-profit
    institutions, unincorporated enterprises owned by
    government units, and those private
    unincorporated enterprises producing goods or
    services for sale or barter which are not part of
    the IS.
  • Informal sector enterprises as defined by 15th
    ICLS, but excluding households employing paid
    domestic workers (as recommended by Delhi Group).
  • Households households producing goods
    exclusively for their own final use, and
    households employing paid domestic workers.

(No Transcript)
Jobs by type
  • 1. Status in employment (ICSE-93) own-account
    workers, employers, contributing family workers,
    employees, and members of producers
  • Breakdown by status in employment needed for
    definitional purposes and considered useful for
    analytical and policy-making purposes.
  • 2. Nature of job informal vs. formal.

(No Transcript)
Type of cells
  • Dark grey jobs which, by definition, do not
    exist (e.g. contributing family workers in
    household non-market production units).
  • Light grey formal jobs (e.g. employees holding
    formal jobs in formal sector enterprises).
  • Unshaded informal jobs.

(No Transcript)
17th ICLS Definition of informal employment
  • Total number of informal jobs, whether carried
    out in formal sector enterprises, informal sector
    enterprises, or households, during a given
    reference period.

17th ICLS Components of informal employment (1)
  • Own-account workers and employers employed in
    their own informal sector enterprises (Cells 3
    4) informal nature of jobs determined by
    characteristics of the enterprise.
  • Members of informal producers cooperatives, i.e.
    cooperatives not formally established as legal
    entities, etc. (Cell 8) informal nature of jobs
    determined by characteristics of the cooperative.

Components Informal employment (2)
  • Own-account workers engaged in production of
    goods exclusively for own final use by their
    household (e.g. subsistence farming,
    do-it-yourself construction of own dwellings), if
    considered employed according to the 13th ICLS
    (1982) definition of employment (Cell 9).
  • Contributing family workers working in formal or
    informal sector enterprises (Cells 1 5) no
    written employment contracts employment not
    subject to labour legislation, social security
    regulations, collective agreements, etc.

Components Informal employment (3)
  • Employees holding informal jobs, whether employed
    by formal sector enterprises, informal sector
    enterprises, or as paid domestic workers by
    households (Cells 2, 6 10).
  • Note Definition of informal employee jobs
    represents major new element of the guidelines.

17th ICLS Definition of informal jobs of
  • Employees are considered to have informal jobs if
    their employment relationship is, in law or in
    practice, not subject to national labour
    legislation, income taxation, social protection
    or entitlement to certain employment benefits
    (advance notice of dismissal, severance pay, paid
    annual or sick leave, etc.).
  • Note Definition covers (i) de jure informal jobs
    and (ii) de facto informal jobs.

17th ICLS Reasons for informal jobs of employees
  • Non-declaration of the jobs or the employees
  • Casual jobs or jobs of a limited short duration
  • Jobs with hours of work or wages below a
    specified threshold (e.g. for social security)
  • Employment by unincorporated enterprises or by
    persons in households
  • Employees place of work is outside the premises
    of the employers enterprise (e.g. outworkers
    without employment contract)
  • Jobs, for which labour regulations are not
    applied, not enforced, or not complied with for
    other reasons.

Informal jobs of employees Operational criteria
  • To be determined by countries in accordance with
    national circumstances and data availability, due
    to large diversity of informal employment
    situations found in different countries.
  • Impact on the international comparability of
    informal employment statistics recognized by 17th

Operational criteria used to define informal jobs
of employees
  • Lack of coverage by social security system
  • Lack of entitlement to paid annual or sick leave
  • Lack of written employment contract
  • Casual/temporary nature of work

Employees holding formal jobs in informal sector
enterprises (Cell 7)
  • Included in employment in the informal sector,
  • but excluded from informal employment.
  • Significance varies among countries, depending
    upon informal sector definitions used.

(No Transcript)
  • Employment in the informal sector Sum of Cells 3
    to 8.
  • Informal employment Sum of Cells 1 to 6 and 8 to
  • Informal employment outside the informal sector
    Sum of Cells 1, 2, 9 and 10.

Components Informal employment outside the
informal sector
  • Employees holding informal jobs in formal sector
    enterprises (Cell 2) or as paid domestic workers
    employed by households (Cell 10).
  • Contributing family workers working in formal
    sector enterprises (Cell 1).
  • Own-account workers engaged in production of
    goods exclusively for own final use by their
    household, if considered employed according to
    the 13th ICLS definition of employment (Cell 9).

(No Transcript)
Related issues (1)
  • While problems in assigning jobs to
    status-in-employment categories affect data on
    informal employment to a lesser extent than data
    on employment in the informal sector
    (classification errors vs. coverage errors),
  • further work is needed to develop methodologies
    helping to reduce classification errors regarding
    jobs at the borderline of status-in-employment
    categories (own-account workers vs. employees vs.
    contributing family workers).

Related issues (2)
  • Usefulness of developing analytically relevant
    sub-divisions of the various types of informal
    jobs (especially those held by employees)
  • as part of further work on classifications by
    status in employment.

Related issues (3)
  • Development of comprehensive statistics on
    informal employment in countries, which exclude
    agriculture from the scope of their informal
    sector statistics
  • Need to define informal jobs in non-subsistence
    agriculture, especially those held by own-account
    workers, employers and members of producers
  • to fill the definitional gap that exists in
    respect of such jobs.

LFS Measuring informal employment (1)
  • Additional questions are needed only for the
    identification of informal jobs of employees.
  • For all other status-in-employment categories the
    classification of jobs as informal follows
    directly from the status in employment of the job
    and/or the characteristics of the enterprise,
  • possibly with exception of the jobs held by
    own-account workers, employers and members of
    producers cooperatives in non-subsistence

LFS Questions on informal jobs of employees
(tested in pilot survey)
  • Q11 Permanent vs. temporary employment
  • Q12 Existence of written employment contract
  • Q13 Payment of social security (pension fund)
    contributions for the employee by the employer
  • Q14 Possibility to benefit from paid annual
    leave or compensation for it
  • Q15 Possibility to benefit from paid sick leave
  • Q16 Possibility to benefit from maternity leave
  • Q17 Risk of arbitrary dismissal without advance
    notice by the employer
  • Q18 Possibility to receive legal benefits and
    compensation in case of dismissal

Questions used to define informal jobs of
employees(LFS as from 2004)
  • Q13 Payment of social security (pension fund)
    contributions for the employee by the employer
  • Q14 Possibility to benefit from paid annual
    leave or compensation for it
  • Q15 Possibility to benefit from paid sick leave
  • Employees are considered to have informal jobs if
    the answer to any of the questions Q13, Q14 or
    Q15 is  no .
  • Principle No work, no pay.

QLFS South Africa Questions on informal jobs of
  • Employers contribution to any pension/
    retirement fund for the employee
  • Entitlement to any paid leave
  • Employers payment of UIF contributions for the
  • Entitlement to medical aid benefits from the
  • Employment through written contract vs. verbal
  • Duration of the contract/agreement (limited,
    permanent, unspecified)
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