Title: HPC Projects in Thailand
1HPC Projects in Thailand
2Grid and HPC History
- 1994 NECTEC put Thailand's first vectorized
multiprocessor supercomputer, the Cray EL98 - Computational Chemistry
- Computational Physics
- 1996 Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) use
IBMSP - NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) project
- 1997 the Computational Science and Engineering
Programme Consortium was established as a
cooperative effort among Thai universities and
the National Science and Technology Development
Agency (NSTDA). - 1999 Kasetsart University built 72 nodes Beowulf
Cluster Pirun - Academic and research applicaitons
- Start of the booming of Beowulf Cluster in
Thailand - 2001 Thailand transition into Grid Era by the
start of ThaiGrid Project between KMITNB and KU
later many universities join AIT, KMUTT,
Burapa, Chula
3Grid Computing Development2000-2005
ThaiGrid project Start
National Grid project approved
PRAGMA participation by NECTEC/KU
Virtual Screening On Grid
National Grid project started
ThaiGrid link more than 100 processors from 5
Forming National Grid project proposal
ThaiGrid has 5 members
ThaiGrid Join SCGlobal2004
4Grid Computing Development2006-2008
10TF cluster at BIOTEC online
ThaiGrid has 22 members
SILA Cluster (TERAFLOP) on line
ThaiGrid reach 1000 processors core
Thailand has a First SC exhibit at RENO SC2007
Tera Server The First Teraflop machine went
on-line given 2.5 Rmax and 4.5 Rpeak on HPL
ThaiGrid forming the first function globus grid
of 14 universities
Thai National grid Center start working in
temporary office
5Introduction to ThaiGrid
- A National Project under Software Industry
Promotion Agency (Public Organization) , Ministry
of Information and Communication Technology - Started in 2005 from 14 member organizations
- Expanded to 22 organizations in 2008
ThaiGrid an Enabling Platform for Innovation
6Thai Grid Infrastructure
19 sites About 1000 CPU core.
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
2.5 Gbps
155 Mbps
2.5 Gbps
1 Gbps
1 Gbps
7TERA Cluster
- 1 Frontend (HP ProLiant DL360 G5 Server)? and 192
computer nodes - Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz (Dual core, Dual processor)?
- Memory 4 GB (8GB for Frontend infiniband
nodes)? - 70x4 GB SCSI HDD (RAID1)?
- 4 Storage Servers
- Lustre file system for TERA cluster's storage
- Attached with Smart Array P400i Controller for
5TB space
8ThaiGrid Usage
- ThaiGrid provides about 290 years of computing
time for members - 9 years on the grid
- 280 years on tera
- 41 projects from 8 areas are being support on
Teraflop machine - More small projects on each machines
9Medicinal Herb Research
- Partner
- Cheminormetics Center, Kasetsart Univesity (Chak
Sangma and team) - Objective
- Using 3D-molecular databse and virtual screening
to verify the traditional medicinal herb - Benefit
- Scientific proof of the ancient traditional drug
- Benefit poor people that still rely on the drug
from medicinal herb - Potential benefit for local pharmaceutical
Virtual Screening Infrastructure
Lab Test
Computing Resources
Computing Resources
AccelRys Materials Studio
Materials Studio Gateway
Cluster Scheduler
Cluster Scheduler
Grid Infrastructure
- Objective
- Platform that support computational Nano science
research - Technology used
- AccelRys Materials Studio
- Cluster Scheduler Sun Grid Engine and Torque
11Potential Area
Initiate more projects with clear focus and more
12ThaiGrid Achievement
- The building of a community of 22 universities.
- Trained more than 2000 people to workforce during
3 years - Initiate 2 national competition
- train 500-600 high school students on grid/mpi
- 73 teams, 200 people from 20 schools compete on
coding MPI to solve N body simulation using MPI - Winning team make application 10 times faster on
16 nodes cluster - One Thai book on using Taverna for bioinformatics
- A lot of seminars, local conference, activities,
small research project
13SILA Cluster Ramkhamhaeng University
- Second Teraflop Machine (1TF)
- Usage General research
- System
- Management Node (5 ) Sun Fire
X4200 - AMD64 Opteron 2.4 GHz
- Two Dual core CPU
- Memory Ecc Registered 8 GB
- HardDisk 73 GB
- File Server Node (2) Sun Fire X4200
- AMD64 Opteron 2.4 GHz
- Two Dual core CPU
- Memory Ecc Registered 8 GB
- HardDisk 73 GB 2 units
- Computing Node (16) Sun Fire X4600 M2
- AMD64 Opteron 2.6 GHz
- 8 Dual core CPU
- Memory Ecc Registered 32 GB
- HardDisk 73 GB 2 Units
- Storage Sun Storage Tek 6140 Array
14ECLIPSE Cluster
- Largest HPC system in Thailand
- Physical specification
- 22 nodes of Sun Fire X4600 M2 , 32 cores per node
- 704 cores of AMD Opteron 2.3GHz 3.238 Rpeak
performance - 64GB memory per node x 22 nodes 1.4TB memory
total - Infiniband links connect all 22 nodes together
- Application
- Serving Bioinformatics Statistical application
for BIOTEC Partner universities researcher
15Workshop on HPC Education under JCSSE6th May
- How to educate a future generation to understand
and keep up with rapid changing technology? - What is the skill set required by research and
industry? - What is the right element of HPC that should be
teach? - How to create a growth cycle that drive the
expansion of adoption and practice of HPC? - How to attract more investment from government
and industry in this area?
- Each speaker will have 15-20 minutes to express
the idea - Participants from 7 universities
- Chulalongkorn university
- Kasetsart University
- Mahidol University
- Thammasart University
17Some Facts
- HPC teaching is available in most institute
- Mostly a selective course
- HPC research is being practice in all
- HPC application
- Simulation, logistics , geoinformatics,
bioinformatics, medical system - HPC system
- Monitoring, collaborative system, portal
- HPC algorithm
- Communication, database, scheduling, data
partitioning - Platform
- Self-built
- ThaiGrid machine
- Small test cluster
- Mostly using Linux
- MPI and Multicore is the main things
- GPU is at the beginning , high potential
- Early interest in using Windows and alternative
parallel programming - C, CCR, MPI.NET
- Awareness of energy usage, performance,
reliability should be added.
19Common Interest
- Multicore ?
- Multicore forum on Facebook
- GPU consortium ?
- Certification, how to proof to industry that our
students know about parallel computing
20Long Term Objective
- HPC is growing steadily in Thailand
- Most users are still in academics
- HPC teaching is now common in leading institute
producing a few hundreds people per year - Limited research and education funding will slow
the growth of HPC in education - HPC growth in the future will depends on how well
the technology is adopted in industry - Driving more application related research that
link with local usage and local industry - Technology transfer program can be useful in
introducing technology to industrial sector - Leadership is very much needed to drive the
growth - Depend on the transition of ThaiGrid to MOST
22Thank you