Title: How Many Outfits Can I Make
1How Many Outfits Can I Make?
- Determine the possible combinations of a set.
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Created by Debbie Anthes Consolidated School
District 4
2Teacher Page
Content Math Grade Level 4th Creator Debbie
Anthes Curriculum Obj/MAP Standard Determine
the possible combinations of a set.
3- Teacher Page Continued
- Click to mouse to proceed through activity.
- Two related activities can be found at the
conclusion of this presentation. - Students will need journals or paper and
4 Tom bought three new shirts for school.
5He also purchased three pairs of new pants for
6Tom wondered how many combination he could make
out of his new clothes. He wanted to be able to
wear a different outfit to school each day for
a week.
7The blue shirt could be worn with the purple
pants, the black pants and the brown pants. That
would make three different outfits.
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9The red shirt could be worn with the purple
pants, the black pants and the brown pants. That
would make three more outfits.
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11The yellow shirt could be worn with the purple
pants, the black pants and the brown pants. That
would make three more outfits.
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14Nine different outfits can be made.
15This problem can also be solved
mathematically. Number of pants X number of
shirts or 3
X 3 9 different outfits or possible set
16 In your journals or on a sheet of paper find
the number of set combinations possible for the
following problems. Solve each problem
mathematically and with pictures. 1. Red hat,
blue hat, and yellow hat with white jacket
and black jacket 2. Striped sock, red socks
and blue socks with gray tennis shoes, black
shoes and brown shoes
17Answer Page
- Six combinations can be made red hat white
jacket red hat black jacket blue hat
white jacket blue hat black jacket
yellow hat white jacket yellow hat black
jacket - Nine combinations can be made.