Title: COMP102 Lab 7
1COMP102 Lab 7
2File I/O
- The file operations always follow the following
sequences - Open the file
- Read/write the file contents
- Close the file
- REMEMBER to close the file. Otherwise, the
contents may be lost!
- A function which return 1/true if the ifstream
HAS reached the end of the file - ifstream will NOT know it has reached the end
untill it has tried to read something from the
- Suppose there are 2 characters in the file a.txt
- What will bethe output of the following code
ifstream fin char c fin.open("a.txt") while
(!fin.eof()) fin.get(c) cout ltlt
c cout ltlt "end" ltlt endl fin.close()
- The output will be something like this
- There is an extra space between ab and end
- The extra space is actually the EOF character
- Why??
ab end
- Lets add some code to display the value of eof()
ifstream fin char c fin.open("a.txt") while
(!fin.eof()) cout ltlt "BEFORE get() eof()"
ltlt fin.eof() ltlt endl fin.get(c) cout ltlt
"c" ltlt c ltlt endl cout ltlt " AFTER get()
eof()" ltlt fin.eof() ltlt endl cout ltlt "end" ltlt
endl fin.close()
BEFORE get() eof()0 ca AFTER get()
eof()0 BEFORE get() eof()0 cb AFTER get()
eof()0 BEFORE get() eof()0 c AFTER get()
eof()1 end
- Before each iteration, the condition in while
loop will be evaluated - The loop body will be executed only when the
condition is true, i.e. eof() 0 or false - While a character is successfully read from the
file stream, the value of eof() will not change,
even it is the last character of the file - ifstream will change the return value of eof()
only when no more character can be read. In other
words, an attempt to get a character is required
- Therefore, the character collected from get() in
the loop body may NOT be valid - get() will return -1 if no more character can be
read from the file stream - There are a number of ways to verify if the
character collected from get() is valid or not - Add an extra eof() check after get()
- Use the return value of get()
10Solution 1 Extra eof() Check
ifstream fin char c fin.open("a.txt") while
(!fin.eof()) fin.get(c) if
(!fin.eof()) cout ltlt c cout ltlt "end" ltlt
endl fin.close()
11Solution 2 Return Value of get()
ifstream fin char c fin.open("a.txt") while
(!fin.eof()) if (fin.get(c)) cout ltlt
c cout ltlt "end" ltlt endl fin.close()