Grid Monitoring Futures with Globus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Grid Monitoring Futures with Globus


Grid Monitoring Futures with Globus. Jennifer M. Schopf. Argonne National Lab. April 2003 ... All the data about every node of every site ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Grid Monitoring Futures with Globus

Grid Monitoring Futures with Globus
  • Jennifer M. Schopf
  • Argonne National Lab
  • April 2003

My Definitions
  • Grid
  • Shared resources
  • Coordinated problem solving
  • Multiple sites (multiple institutions)
  • Monitoring
  • Discovery
  • Registry service
  • Contains descriptions of data that is available
  • Expression of data
  • Access to sensors, archives, etc.

What do I mean by Grid monitoring?
  • Different levels of monitoring needed
  • Application specific
  • Node level
  • Cluster/site Level
  • Grid level
  • Grid level monitoring concerns data
  • Shared between administrative domains
  • For use by multiple people
  • (think scalability)

Grid Monitoring Does Not Include
  • All the data about every node of every site
  • Years of utilization logs to use for planning
    next hardware purchase
  • Low-level application progress details for a
    single user
  • Application debugging data (except perhaps
    notification of a failure of a heartbeat)
  • Point-to-point sharing of all data over all sites

Overview of This Talk
  • Evaluation of information infrastructures
  • Globus Toolkit MDS2, R-GMA, Hawkeye
  • Insights into performance issues
  • (publication at HPDC 2003)
  • What monitoring and discovery could be
  • Next-generation information architecture
  • Open Grid Services Architecture mechanisms
  • Integrated monitoring discovery arch for GT3

Performance and the Grid
  • Its not enough to use the Grid, it has to
    perform otherwise, why bother?
  • First prototypes rarely consider performance
    (tradeoff with devt time)
  • MDS1centralized LDAP
  • MDS2decentralized LDAP
  • MDS3decentralized Grid service
  • Often performance is simply not known

Globus Monitoring andDiscovery Service (MDS2)
  • Part of Globus Toolkit, compatible with other
  • Used most often for resource selection
  • aid user/agent to identify host(s) on which to
    run an application
  • Standard mechanism for publishing and discovery
  • Decentralized, hierarchical structure
  • Soft-state protocols
  • Caching
  • Grid Security Infrastructure credentials

MDS2 Architecture
Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA)
  • Implementation of the Grid Monitoring
    Architecture (GMA) defined within the Global Grid
    Forum (GGF)
  • Three components
  • Consumers
  • Producers
  • Registry
  • GMA as defined currently does not specify the
    protocols or the underlying data model to be

GGF Grid Monitoring Architecture
  • Monitoring used in the EU Datagrid Project
  • Steve Fisher, RAL, and James Magowan, IBM-UK
  • Based on the relational data model
  • Used Java Servlet technologies
  • Focus on notification of events
  • User can subscribe to a flow of data with
    specific properties directly from a data source

R-GMA Architecture
  • Developed by Condor Group
  • Focus automatic problem detection
  • Underlying infrastructure builds on the Condor
    and ClassAd technologies
  • Condor ClassAd Language to identify resources in
    a pool
  • ClassAd Matchmaking to execute jobs based on
    attribute values of resources to identify
    problems in a pool

Hawkeye Architecture
Comparing Information Systems
Some Architecture Considerations
  • Similar functional components
  • Grid-wide for MDS2, R-GMA Pool for Hawkeye
  • Global schema
  • Different use cases will lead to different
  • GIIS for decentralized registry no standard
    protocol to distribute multiple R-GMA registries
  • R-GMA meant for streaming data currently used
    for NW data Hawkeye and MDS2 for single queries
  • Push vs Pull
  • MDS2 is PULL only
  • R-GMA allows push and pull
  • Hawkeye allows triggers push model

  • How many users can query an information server at
    a time?
  • How many users can query a directory server?
  • How does an information server scale with the
    amount of data in it?
  • How does an aggregator scale with the number of
    information servers registered to it?

  • Lucky cluster at Argonne
  • 7 nodes, each has two 1133 MHz Intel PIII CPUs
    (with a 512 KB cache) and 512 MB main memory
  • Users simulated at the UC nodes
  • 20 P3 Linux nodes, mostly 1.1 GHz
  • R-GMA has an issue with the shared file system,
    so we also simulated users on Lucky nodes
  • All figures are 10 minute averages
  • Queries happening with a one second wait between
    each query (think synchronous send with a 1
    second wait)

  • Throughput
  • Number of requests processed per second
  • Response time
  • Average amount of time (in sec) to handle a
  • Load
  • percentage of CPU cycles spent in user mode and
    system mode, recorded by Ganglia
  • High when running small number compute intensive
  • Load1
  • average number of processes in the ready queue
    waiting to run, 1 minute average, from Ganglia
  • High when large number of aps blocking on I/O

Performance of Information Servers vs. Number of
Experiment 1 Summary
  • Caching can significantly improve performance of
    the information server
  • Particularly desirable if one wishes the server
    to scale well with an increasing number of users
  • When setting up an information server, care
    should be taken to make sure the server is on a
    well-connected machine
  • Network behavior plays a larger role than
  • If this is not an option, thought should be given
    to duplicating the server if more than 200 users
    are expected to query it

Directory Server Scalability
Experiment 2 Summary
  • Because of the network contention issues, the
    placement of a directory server on a highly
    connected machine will play a large role in the
    scalability as the number of users grows
  • Significant loads are seen even with only a few
    users, it will be important that this service be
    run on a dedicated machine, or that it be
    duplicated as the number of users grows.

Information Service Throughput vs. Num. of
Information Collectors
Experiment 3 Summary
  • Too many information collectors is a performance
  • Caching data helps
  • Alternatively, register to more instances of
    information servers with each handling a subset
    of the collectors

Overall Results
  • Performance can be a matter of deployment
  • Effect of background load
  • Effect of network bandwidth
  • Performance can be affected by underlying
  • LDAP/Java strengths and weaknesses
  • Performance can be improved using standard
  • Caching multi-threading etc.

So what could monitoring be?
  • Basic functionality
  • Push and pull (subscription and notification)
  • Aggregation and Caching
  • More information available
  • More higher-level services
  • Triggers like Hawkeye
  • Viz of archive data like Ganglia
  • Plug and Play
  • Well defined protocols, interfaces and schemas
  • Performance considerations
  • Easy searching
  • Keep load off of clients

  • Evaluation of information infrastructures
  • Globus Toolkit MDS2, RGMA, Hawkeye
  • Throughput, response time, load
  • Insights into performance issues
  • What monitoring and discovery could be
  • Next-generation information architecture
  • Open Grid Services Architecture mechanisms
  • Integrated monitoring discovery arch for GT3

Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)
  • Defines standard interfaces and behaviors for
    distributed system integration, especially
  • Standard XML-based service information model
  • Standard interfaces for push and pull mode access
    to service data
  • Notification and subscription

Key OGSI concept - serviceData
  • Every service has its own service data
  • OGSA has common mechanism to expose a service
    instances state data to service requestors for
    query, update and change notification
  • Monitoring data is baked right in
  • Service-level concept, not host-level concept

  • Every Grid Service can expose internal state as
    serviceData elements
  • An XML element of arbitrary complexity
  • Each service has a serviceData set
  • The collection of serviceData Elements (SDEs)
  • Example state of a host is exposed as an SDE by
  • Similar to MDS2 GRIS functionality, but in each
    service (rather than once per host)

ExampleReliable File Transfer Service
File Transfer
Internal State
Data transfer operations
MDS3 Monitoring and Discovery System
  • Consists of a various components
  • Core functionality
  • Information providers
  • Higher level services
  • Clients

Core Functionality
  • Xpath support
  • XPath is a language that describes a way to
    locate and process items in XML docs by using an
    addressing syntax based on a path through the
    document's logical structure or hierarchy
  • Xindice support native XML database
  • Registry support

Schema Issues
  • Need to keep track of service data schema
  • Avoid conflicts
  • Find the data easier
  • Should really have unified naming approach
  • All of the tool are schema-agnostic, but
    interoperability needs a well-understood common

MDS3 Information Providers in June Release
  • All the data currently in core MDS2
  • Full data in the GLUE schema for compute elements
  • Ganglia information provider for cluster data
    will also be available from Ganglia folks (with
  • Service data from RFT, RLS, GRAM
  • GT2 to GT3 work
  • GridFTP server data
  • Software version and path data
  • Documentation for translating your GT2
    information provider to a GT3 information provider

MDS3 Higher Level Products
  • Higher-level services can perform actions on
    service data collected from other services
  • Part of this functionality can be provided by a
    set of building blocks provided
  • Provider interface GRIS-style API for writing
    information providers
  • Service Data Aggregator set up subscriptions to
    data for other services, and publish it as a
    single data stream
  • Hierarchy Builder allow for hierarchy of

MDS3 Index Server
  • Simplest higher-level service is the caching
    index service
  • Much like the GIIS in MDS2
  • Will have configurablity like an GIIS hierarchy
  • Will also have PHP-style scripts, much as
    available today

(No Transcript)
Clients currently in GT3
  • findServiceData command line client
  • Same functionality of grid-info-search
  • C bindings
  • Core C bindings provide findServiceData C
  • findServiceData command line client gives an
    example of using it to parse out information (in
    this case, registry contents)

Service Data Browser
  • GUI client to display service data from any
  • Extensible for data-specific visualization
  • A version was released with GT3 alpha 
  • http//

Comparing Information Systems
Is this enough?
  • No!
  • Many places where additional help developing MDS3
    is needed

We Need More Basic Information
  • Interfaces to other sources of data
  • GPT data
  • Other monitoring systems
  • Others?
  • Service data from other components
  • Every service has service data
  • Will need to interface on schema

We Will Need More GUIs and Clients
  • Additional GUI visualizers may be implemented to
    display service data specific to a particular
    port type (as part of service data browser)
  • Additional Client interfaces possibly
  • Integration into current portals, brokers

We Need MoreHigher Level Services
  • We have a couple planned
  • Archiving service
  • Trigger template

Post-3.0 release Archiving Service
  • Will allow subscription to service data
  • Logging in a flexible way
  • Well defined interfaces for mining
  • Open questions
  • Best way to store time-series of arbitrary XML?
  • Best way to query this archive?
  • Link to OGSA-DAI?
  • Link to other archivers?

Post-3.0 release Trigger Template
  • Will provide a template to allow subscription to
    data, reasoning about that data, and a course of
    action to take place
  • Essentially, a gateway service between OGSA
    Notifications and some other notification
    framework, with filtering of notifications
  • Example Subscribe to disk space information,
    send mail to sys admin when it reached 90 full
  • Needed trigger template and several small
    examples of common triggers, and documentation
    for how users could extend them or write new

Other Possible HigherLevel Services
  • Site Validation Service
  • Job Tracking Service
  • Interfacing to Netlogger?

We Need Security
  • Need I say more?

  • Current monitoring systems
  • Insights into performance issues
  • What we really want for monitoring and discovery
    is a combination of all the current systems
  • Next-generation information architecture
  • Open Grid Services Architecture mechanisms
  • MDS3 plans
  • Additional work needed!

  • Testbed/Experiment support and comments
  • John Mcgee, ISI James Magowan, IBM-UK Alain Roy
    and Nick LeRoy at University of Wisconsin,
    MadisonScott Gose and Charles Bacon, ANL Steve
    Fisher, RAL Brian Tierney and Dan Gunter, LBNL.
  • This work was supported in part by the
    Mathematical, Information, and Computational
    Sciences Division subprogram of the Office of
    Advanced Scientific Computing Research, U.S.
    Department of Energy, under contract
    W-31-109-Eng-38. This work also supported by
    DOESG SciDAC Grant, iVDGL from NSF, and others.

Additional Information
  • MDS3 technology coordinators
  • Ben Clifford (
  • Jennifer Schopf (
  • Zhang, Freschl and Schopf, A Performance Study
    of Monitoring and Information Services for
    Distributed Systems, to appear in HPDC 2003
  • http//
  • MDS-3 information
  • Soon at

Extra Slides
Why Information Infrastructure?
  • Distributed, often complex, performance-critical
    nature of Grids apps demands tools for
  • Discovering available resources
  • Discovering available sensors
  • Integrating information from multiple sources
  • Archiving and replaying historical information
  • These and other functions are provided by an
    information infrastructure
  • Many projects are concerned with design,
    deployment, evaluation, and application

Performance of GIS Information Servers vs. Number
of Users
Performance of GIS Information Servers vs. Number
of Users
Performance of GIS Information Servers vs. Number
of Users
Performance of GIS Information Servers vs. Number
of Users
Directory Server Scalability
Directory Server Scalability
Directory Server Scalability
Directory Server Scalability
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