Title: Solera Solar Electricity day and night.
1Solera Solar Electricity day and night.
- Small solar electricity generating systems
- (25-50 kw)
- Capable of generating electricity 24/7
- Price competitive with distribution tariffs in
high tariff and solar irradiation regions.
Presenter Eduardo Saucedo, CEO
2The Problem
It is a societal problem not an individual
3Simple and Proven Technology
Current systems expensive, either diurnal or
Approach find the simplest, most economic way to
generate electricity 24/7.
Markets Large scale selling to incumbent
- feed in tariffs (low) Small scale selling t
o incumbent net metering (best case no
bill) Medium scale distributed electricity b
est alternative.
Incumbent Strong (100 billion in sales), well
connected, and had enjoyed a natural monopoly.
Inertia Other green products many backed by stro
ng companies.
- Our Strengths
- Functional product
- More kilowatts per dollar invested
5Value Proposition - Small Upscale Community
Economics of unit serving 40 houses
Current PGE tariffs for 1.25 kw consumption
6Value Proposition - Peaking Plants
Capital cost 5 natural gas 6/MMBTU peaking
plant 4hrs/d assumes 30 incentive for Solera.
Small renewable operator as peaking plant
Assumptions PGE Peak Factors () Summer
2.037 Winter 1.203 Spring
1.030 Possible tariff () Projected
monthly with production during peakIRR ()
70 financing with 10 year loan at 7 pa,
constant tariffs
PGE Base Tariff 0.0930/kwhrPeak Factors
() Possible tariff () 0.1736/kwhr 20y
IRR () 10.6
Marketing Tool Demonstration Unit
First years Innovators turnkey
Utilities seal of approval critical
Contractors selling equipment only Investors
profitable selling electricity
8Financial Projections
(US 000)
- Equity invested in two tranches of 3.5 million
each, the first one to finance the construction
of the demonstration unit and the second one the
construction of the manufacturing facility. - Contingencies on first tranche 600k with burn
rate of 87,500/month.
StrategyBuild a full scale demonstration unit
3.5 million
11The case of Green Business
- Huge problem
- no universal solutions
- many niches
- demand of energy is large, and renewable source
- Requires new thinking.
- Good ideas are not enough - project has to be
crystal clear and profitable.
- SBIR grants good for some.
- Seek other sources of funding be creative.
- Be prepared to move in NC tariffs are low and
it is cloudy.
Do what you want to do that money will follow
Build it and they will come Persevere and you wi
ll succeed.