Title: Ralph Engwall
1Ralph Engwall Alliance Partner Manager
2CyberSource Component for ASP/COM
- Access all CyberSource Services
- Supports IIS 4.0 or higher
- Win 2000 support
- COM object can be used in VB or C application
3Getting Started
- Register - www.cybersource.com/register
- Download ASP CDK ICS2 Developers Guide -
www.cybersource.com/support - Self extracting archive - run setup
- Register component using the utility added to the
Win NT start menu - Run Ecert command - Ecert ltmerchant IDgt
- Edit Test Program
- Compile and Run Test
4Simple Web Order Form Requirements
- Collect Customer Payment Info
- Format CyberSource Request
- Transmit Request
- Process Response
- Message Customer
- Record Response
5Transaction Flow Diagram
Customer Browser
Merchant Server
Payment Processor
Billing Info
Auth Req
Customer Message
6Application Diagram
Display Payment Info Form to Customer
Customer Approves Transaction
Card Declined. Ask Customer for another Credit
rcode 0
Transaction Declined?
rcode 1, -1
rcode -1
Processing Error?
Log Transaction Info for Later Processing Message
Customer that they will Receive Final
Conformation via Email
rcode 1
Continue Processing Order
7Customer Order Form
8Create Connection Object Log
lt Dim oICS Set oICS
Server.CreateObject( "CyberSource.ICS.3" )
if IsObject(oICS) then oICS.Merchant
"ICS2Test" oICS.ServerHost
"ics2test.ic3.com" oICS.SetValue
"merchant_ref_number", "123abc" oICS.Log
True oICS.LogPath "C\TEMP\"' or just
"C\TEMP" oICS.LogSize 10' 10 MB
' store the object as a session property
Set Session("ICSObject") oICS end
if gt
9Create Order Offer Object - Line Item
oICS.AddToOffer 0, "product_name",
oICS.AddToOffer 0, "merchant_product_sku",
oICS.AddToOffer 0, "product_code",
oICS.AddToOffer 0, "amount", Request.Form("amount"
) oICS.AddToOffer 0, "quantity",
10Create Request Object
oICS.SetValue "ics_applications",
Request.Form("ics_applications") oICS.SetValue
"auth_request_id", Request.Form("auth_request_id")
oICS.SetValue "bill_request_id",
Request.Form("bill_request_id") oICS.SetValue
"customer_firstname", Request.Form("customer_first
name") oICS.SetValue "customer_lastname",
Request.Form("customer_lastname") oICS.SetValue
"customer_email", Request.Form("customer_email")
oICS.SetValue "customer_phone",
Request.Form("customer_phone") oICS.SetValue
"bill_address1", Request.Form("bill_address1")
oICS.SetValue "bill_city", Request.Form("bill_city
") oICS.SetValue "bill_state",
Request.Form("bill_state") oICS.SetValue
"bill_zip", Request.Form("bill_zip")
oICS.SetValue "bill_country", Request.Form("bill_c
ountry") oICS.SetValue "customer_cc_number",
Request.Form("customer_cc_number") oICS.SetValue
"customer_cc_expmo", Request.Form("customer_cc_exp
m") oICS.SetValue "customer_cc_expyr",
Request.Form("customer_cc_expyr") oICS.SetValue
"currency", "USD" oICS.SetValue "http_proxy",
oICS.SetValue "http_proxy_username", "hubertc"
oICS.SetValue "http_proxy_password", "bluebert"
11Send Request and Receive Response
oICS.Send Dim rcode
rcode oICS.GetResponseValue( "ics_rcode" )
if (rcode "") then
response.write "Host did not return expected
field." response.end end
12Process Record Response
response.write oICS.GetResponseVal
ue( "ics_rmsg" ) response.write
"ltH4gtData Sentlt/H4gt" Dim arr,
elem arr oICS.RequestArray
for each elem in arr
response.write elem "ltBRgt"
next response.write "ltH4gtData
Receivedlt/H4gt" arr
oICS.ResponseArray for each elem
in arr response.write
elem "ltBRgt" next
13Additional Application Considerations
- Add a Shopping Cart
- Calling Fraud, Tax, DAV if needed
- Semi Real-Time Authorization option
- Error Handling - Alerts, Logs
- Database Integration
14Cybersource COM API - more info
- ICS Dev Guide - Appendix M - ASP/COM
- Sample Code in Sample Pages directory
- Additional Samples Available
- Partner Extranet Message Board