Title: Fiesta de la Tomatina en Buol, Espaa
1Fiesta de la Tomatina en Buñol, España
- Señorita Dietz y Rey Mateo
2La Historia de Tomatina
- There exist several interpretations on the origin
of this popular festival. According to some
historians, its origin goes back to a "practical
joke" that some friends wanted to play on a man
who was crossing the town square singing and
playing a musical instrument but, apparently, he
was doing it so badly that some of the people
around decided to take some tomatoes from a fruit
and vegetables stall and throw them at him.
Everybody else joined in to end up in a tomato
3Un continuacion
- However, the most reliable and historical version
says that everything started in 1945. The town
square (where the "tomatina" is traditionally
held nowadays) was crowded with young people of
that time to witness a "Gigantes y Cabezudos"
parade (giant carnival figures with a grotesque
head). Some of them decided to join the authority
commitee and music band leading the parade and to
do so they pushed the ones who were wearing the
giant disguises.
4One of the participants fell down and when
he stood up he started beating everyone around so
everybody got caught up in a fight.Fate or
chance, there was a vegetable stall nearby with
open crates showing the goods for sale. The young
people involved in the fight took the tomatoes
from the crates and started throwing them at each
other until the police broke up "the battle", and
those responsible for the riot paid for the
5This riot was not forgotten and
the next year on the same Wednesday of August the
youths of the town met again at the square, but
this time with their own tomatoes. This is how
another battle started and once again was stopped
by the local police. In fact, in the following
years the authorities forbade the celebration of
what was already popularly known as the "day of
the tomatina". Nevertheless, this celebration has
been held every year since them.
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24This year the party of The Tomatina is on
Wednesday 25 of August, and it begins at 1000
hours. This party is framed inside the Fair and
Parties of Buñol that will be from the 20 August
to 30 of August.