Title: Navigating the Maze:Pricing Qualifiers
1Navigating the MazePricing Qualifiers
Brian Jaskolski DARC Corporation
2Why Qualifiers?
- Decide who can receive particular prices,
discounts, surcharges, promotions, and benefits - Specific customers
- Customer groups
- Order types
- Order amount
- You link them to price lists and modifiers.
3Qualifier Examples
- Customer grouping hierarchies
- Product grouping hierarchies
- Effectivity dates
- Weights, volumes, monetary amounts, and so on
- Geographic location
- Any other qualifier that meets your business needs
4Seeded Contexts and Attributes
GSA,Agreement Name, Agreement Type, Ship To/ID,
Sold To Org, Site Org ID, Bill To/ID, Customer
Class, Sales Channel, Account Type, Party ID
Customer PO, Line Type, Line Category, Order
Type, Order Category, Source Type, Order Date,
request Date, Pricing Date, Warehouse, Shipment
Priority Code, Shippable Flag, Shipped Flag,
Freight Cost Type
Payment Terms, Freight Terms, Shipping Terms
Order Amount, Period1 Order Amount, Period2 Order
Amount, Period3 Order Amount, Line Weight, Line
Volume, Order Weight, Order Volume
List Line, Coupon , Promotion , Price List,
Modifier List
5Basic Pricing
- In Basic Pricing you have the following
restrictions - Cannot create qualifier groups
- Can only use certain seeded contexts and
qualifiers - Cannot create new qualifier contexts or
6Creating a New Qualifier
- Oracle documentaion suggests first 30 segments
are either used or reserved for future functions.
When trying to mapping your new qualifier you
will find only 30 segments available. To solve
this you will nee to register more columns in
Application Developer to make them available.
7Registering Flexfield Columns
8Creating a New Qualifier
- When Creating a new Qualifier the steps are
- Create any value set needed
- Create the context and segment
- Use attribute mapping to tell the system how to
get the value for your qualifier - It is important to remember that although you
use the Flexfield form to define qualifiers (and
pricing attributes) they do no have all the
feature of Flexfields.
9Creating a New Qualifier
10Creating a New Qualifier
11Creating a New Qualifier
- Now we need to Map the new qualifier. Before
doing this any SQL pkg that you need will need to
be written and registered. - The form used to map attributes is the same form
used to create and modify Defaulting Rules.
12Creating a New Qualifier
13Creating a New Qualifier
14Creating a New Qualifier
15Using Qualifiers
- Qualifiers can be used on Modifiers and Price
lists to establish eligibility. They can be
added to Price Lists Headers, Modifier Lists, or
Modifiers themselves. Only those Sales Orders
meeting the eligibility will be able to use the
pricing entity.
16Using Qualifiers
17Using Qualifiers
- The Qualifier Window allows to to evaluate the
qualifier value with operands like , between,
or gt. You can use grouping numbers to set AND/OR
conditions. Oracle provides a default grouping
number (-1) that if used is included in all other
conditions. - If you have Advanced Pricing you are allowed to
created Qualifier Groups. Basically a way to
remember conditions to be used again later. They
can be added in the Qualifier window by using the
Copy Group Button.
18Using Qualifiers