Statewide Student ID Request - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statewide Student ID Request


View Status of the submitted file. ... Click your browsers refresh button to view the status changes. ... View the EU Validation Error-Server' report to check ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Statewide Student ID Request

Statewide Student ID Request EU Training for
Extended Client
  • May 2008

  • Overview
  • Setup
  • Data Entry
  • Identifier Request Process
  • Periodic Enrollment Update

Acronyms Terms
  • CSIS California School Information Services
  • LEA Local Education Agency
  • SIS Student Information System
  • EC Extended Client
  • SSID Statewide Student ID
  • SRRTS (State Reporting and Records Transfer
    System) - Web accessible software that allows
    users to submit data to TestGate or DataGate for
  • EC DataGate/EC TestGate - Servers that process
    SRRTS transactions, SSID, and store student data
    associated with those IDs

Statewide Student ID Background
  • Complies with California Senate Bill 1453 which
    was enacted in response to the Federal No Child
    Left Behind Act
  • Assigns every student in California in a public
    school program or charter school a unique
    Statewide Student ID

CSIS Implementation Strategy
  • Minimizes impact to Local Education Agencies
  • Provides a direct entry user interface
  • Simplifies the process of retrieving identifiers
    and updating data
  • Ensures data security and confidentiality
  • DataGate access controlled via unique user
  • Data encrypted

Statewide Student ID (SSID) Maintenance
EC and Locator Relationship
Submit data to CSIS
ID Request Process
Enrollment Update Process
Digital Certificate Installation
  • 128 bit encryption required
  • PC
  • MS Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer supported
  • May require browser upgrade http//
  • Browser updates may destroy certificate
  • Mac
  • Netscape 7.1 or newer supported
  • May require browser upgradehttp//browser.netscap
  • OS X or higher required
  • Yearly renewal necessary
  • Needs to be installed prior to accessing TestGate
    or DataGate

Digital Certificate Install Process
  • Go to the DataGate Setup page at
  • http//
  • Follow the instructions in Part 2 (Certificate

Digital Certificate Application Form
One certificate for each person confirming or
retrieving identifiers
Certificate is CSIS approved when application is
matched with electronic enrollment.
Data Entry
SSID Required Fields
  • Required student fields
  • Screen 1
  • First and Last Name
  • Gender
  • Birth Date
  • Primary Language
  • Primary Ethnicity
  • Enrollment Date
  • Grade Level
  • School Enrolled
  • SSID (Required for Enrollment Update)
  • Screen 3
  • English Proficiency
  • NSLP
  • Migrant Ed
  • Special Ed
  • Screen 4
  • Parent Education Level

Required fields can be found on screen 1, 3,
and 4 in Extended Client. Some fields will
default to decline to state, no, unknown if left
SSID Conditionally Required Fields
  • Conditionally required student fields
  • Screen 1
  • Local ID
  • If not auto-generated by the system
  • Withdrawal Date Reason for Withdrawal
  • Required if student withdrew from a school
  • Withdrawal date not required for no-shows
  • UC CSU Course Requirements Met
  • Required for graduates
  • Independent Study Student
  • Required for graduates
  • Secondary Enrollment
  • Required at each non-primary school if student is
    concurrently enrolled
  • Screen 3
  • English Language Learner Proficient or Advanced
    for ELA CST
  • Student who has scored proficient or advanced on
    the California English-Language Arts Standards
    Test for three years. Used for
  • R-FEP students.

SSID Optional Fields
  • Optional student fields
  • Screen 1
  • Middle Name and Name Suffix (Jr., Sr., III, etc.)
  • AKA Names (First, Last, Middle, Suffix)
  • Birth Place (City, State, Country)
  • Screen 2
  • Other Ethnicities

Switch to Application
Extended Client Login Process
  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Go to http//
  • From the SSID menu, click Extended Client
  • Select the appropriate certificate if prompted
    (depending on browser settings this prompt may
    not appear).

Identifier Request Process
Extended ClientSSID Request Summary
  • Enter a New Student with all required Identifier
  • Submit Data
  • View Status of the submitted file.
  • Confirm any students that were not auto-confirmed
    by the system
  • Post transaction once you have confirmed all
    students (if necessary)

Extended ClientEU Request Summary
  • Update student information using the Update
    Student tab
  • Submit the Enrollment Update using the Submit
    Data tab
  • View the reports on the View Status tab

New Student Tab
  • After the welcome screen click on the New Student
  • Enter information into all the blank fields.
  • Make sure you go through screens 1-4 to enter in
    all necessary data for required fields.
  • Click Save and Continue on each screen if you
    wish to continue and enter additional information
    about the student.
  • Click Finish if you have no further information
    to enter about the student.

Submit Data
  • Used to submit an Identifier Request or
    Enrollment Update to DataGate
  • Encrypts records during submission

Steps to Submit an Identifier Request
  • Click the Submit Data tab.
  • Select the submission type of Identifier Locator.
  • Select the current School Year.
  • Enter your contact information.
  • Click the Submit Data for Processing button.
  • Open up Validation Error Report to view errors
    if the transactions fails.
  • Fix the errors in the Update Student tab and
    submit for Identifier Locator again.

Steps to Submit Identifier Request (continued)
  • If there are no client validation errors you will
    be redirected to the View Status tab
  • On the View Stats tab, click the browsers
    refresh button to view the final status.
  • If Locate Successful or Confirm in Process you
    will need to confirm remaining students in the
    Confirm tab.
  • If status is Post Successful you have completed
    requesting SSIDs for these students.

View Status
  • Allows the LEA to view the status of their
  • Allows the LEA to view reports for their

View Status Process
  • If not redirected after submitting, click on the
    View Status tab in the Extended Client function.
  • Click your browsers refresh button to view the
    status changes.
  • Select the file that you want to view reports
  • Select the report you want to view.

  • The system auto-confirms new students and single
    exact matches
  • Any students who can not be auto-confirmed due to
    having more than one potential SSID match must
    be confirmed manually by the LEA using the
    Confirm Identifier tab
  • You must click save each time you confirm an SSID
  • Records do not have to all be confirmed in the
    same session, the LEA can confirm some and log
    back on to DataGate at a later date
  • All requests must be confirmed and the
    transaction must be posted before IDs can be

Confirm Process
  • Wait for e-mail from CSIS that the IDs are ready
    for confirmation or check View Status tab for a
    status of Confirm in Process.
  • Click the Confirm Identifiers tab.
  • Select the Transaction ID that you want to
    confirm to confirm SSID for students.
  • On the bottom half of the confirm page click on
    student name to confirm SSID.
  • Click on save once SSID is confirm. Confirmed the
    rest of unconfirmed students.
  • Once all SSID are confirmed the post button will
    be highlighted. Click on Post.
  • Once the current status of the transaction
    displays Posted user can check for students
    SSID on the Update Student tab or Student List

Update Data Tab
  • Make corrections if data is entered incorrectly
  • Enter new or updated information for a student
  • Enter a students withdrawal date and reason
  • Look up students SSID

Steps to Updatea Student Record
  • Click the Update Student tab.
  • Click the letter that starts the last name of the
    student you want to update.
  • Click the students name.
  • Update changed fields.
  • Click Save and Continue...
  • Repeat steps 2 - 5 for each screen until the
    mailing address screen is reached.
  • Update the mailing address information if
    necessary, then click Finish.
  • Watch for error messages at the bottom of the

Purpose of Periodic Enrollment Update
  • Update demographic and enrollment information for
    students in the locator database.
  • Report withdrawals (No Shows, dropouts
  • Update student information (grade level, English
    proficiency, NCLB fields)

Steps to Submit a Periodic Enrollment Update
  • Click the Submit Data tab.
  • Select the submission type of Enrollment Update.
  • Select the current school year.
  • Enter your contact information.
  • Click Submit Data for Processing.
  • Open the Validation Error Report to view errors
    if the transaction fails.
  • Fix the errors in the Update student tab and
    submit the Enrollment Update again.

Periodic Enrollment Update (continued)
  • If there are no client validation errors you will
    be redirected to the View Status tab.
  • On the View Status tab, click the browsers
    refresh button to obtain one of the status
  • Enrollment Update Posted The Periodic
    enrollment update is complete. View the EU
    Validation Error-Server report to check for
    errors warnings. Records with errors will not
    be posted if post is initiated.
  • EU Server Validated Failed Too many records
    have errors, the transaction failed. View the EU
    Validation Error- Server report. Once errors are
    fixed, the user will need to submit the
    Enrollment Update again.

What to do Next
  • Apply for Digital Certificate
  • Make a plan
  • Who will maintain students
  • How you will approach ongoing identifier
  • Practice in Extended Client-TestGate
  • Obtain Statewide Student IDs in DataGate

Where to Get More Information
  • Contact CSIS Support at
  • Phone (916) 325-9260
  • E-mail
  • CSIS Website
  • http//
  • Join the EC Listserv
  • E-mail support to join listserv

Locating Certificate Expiration Date
  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Click Tools
  • Internet Options
  • Click Content
  • Click Certificates
  • Click Personal
  • 3rd column displays certificate expiration date
  • Make a note to contact CSIS support on renewal
    process 1 month prior to certificate expiration
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