Fallout from the credit crunch

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Fallout from the credit crunch


Fallout from the credit crunch – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fallout from the credit crunch

Fallout from the credit crunch
  • FEI Breakfast Seminar
  • 25 November 2008

Current state of the capital marketsManaging
funding requirements
  • Joe HealeySenior Vice-PresidentErnst Young
    Orenda Corporate Finance Inc.
  • 204 954-5568joe.a.healey_at_ca.ey.com

Current market conditions subprime impact
Where we are today
  • The U.S. economy continues to slide towards
  • Consumers continue to face enormous pressure to
    cut spending due to an uncertain housing market
    and weak job market
  • 12 million, or 16 of US homeowners owe more than
    their homes are worth
  • The IMF states that the global economy is headed
    for a recession in 2009 and estimates losses from
    the financial crisis to be 1.4 trillion
  • The Fed, ECB, BoC and 3 other central banks cut
    benchmark rates on October 8, 2008 further cuts

Subprime related losses
  • Financial institutions have experienced 966
    billion of asset write-downs and credit losses -
    708 billion are from over 100 of the worlds
    largest banks and securities firms
  • Approximately 828 billion has been raised to
    meet these losses

Subprimes impact on financial services
  • Increasing defaults in the subprime market
    trickled into the financial services sector in
    late 2006 and early 2007
  • Credit rating agencies began to downgrade certain
    mortgage backed securities resulting in the
    evaporation of the subprime market
  • Financial institutions were forced to write-down
    the book value of the securities held as assets
    on their books
  • Some of the highest losses have been incurred by
    U.S. banks such as Citigroup (68B), Merrill
    Lynch (56B), UBS (44B) and Wachovia (97B)
  • Canadian banks have also had writedowns

Funding scarcity
  • The fallout of the credit crisis has been a
    scarcity of capital

Funding scarcity (contd)
  • In the secondary market, the average bid for
    multi-quote term loans is at its lowest point
    ever at 75.44
  • The bid/ask spreads for both U.S. and European
    loans also indicates lower levels of liquidity
  • As of October 2008, spreads were 219 basis points
    in the U.S. and 266 basis points in Europe

Market stabilization money market indicators
Market stabilization
  • Markets have not yet stabilized and the credit
    markets are still tight
  • Standard Poors predicts the credit crunch will
    end once four key economic and market variables
    are satisfied
  • Real estate values stabilize or increase
  • Rebound in home sales
  • Easing of credit
  • Decline in crude oil prices

Market indicators
  • Although LIBOR has come down significantly,
    credit conditions remain tight
  • 3-month U.S. LIBOR is currently at levels not
    seen since October 2004

Market indicators (contd)
  • Prior to the credit crunch, the average spread
    between the 3-month U.S. LIBOR rate and the
    effective Federal funds rate was approximately 12
    basis points
  • On October 10th, 3-month U.S. LIBOR peaked at
    4.82 representing a spread over the effective
    FFR of over 4.00

Market indicators (contd)
Market indicators (contd)
  • Widening LIBOR-OIS spread

Canadian perspective
Canadian perspective
Source Bank of Canada
Canadian perspective (contd)
  • On September 5th, Canadian banking executives met
    for roundtable discussions
  • The overall view is that the subprime mortgage
    crisis and credit crunch will significantly
    impact global banking
  • Gord Nixon - The days of cheap money are over,
    and credit spreads across the board have, and
    will continue to significantly increase the cost
    of financing.
  • Rick Waugh - it needs to be determined which
    regulators will oversee financial companies in
    the U.S. and that process could last a year or

Availability of financing
Availability of financing
  • Credit markets in Canada are changing daily
  • Many international and U.S. institutions have
    pulled away from the Canadian market or are in a
    state of uncertainty
  • Remaining institutions may be open for business
    but there is effectively no secondary market to
    syndicate or sell down exposure
  • Lending institutions are focused on optimizing
    the allocation of scarce capital

Availability of financing (contd)
  • Capital that may be made available for new
    funding has changed dramatically

Availability of financing (contd)
  • Debt/EBITDA multiples have decreased
    significantly in the large corporate market
    (EBITDA gt 50MM)
  • Second lien loans have virtually disappeared

Average Debt Multiples of Large Corporate Loans
(EBITDA gt 50M)
Average Debt Multiples of Middle Market Loans
(EBITDA lt 50M)
Source Standard Poors, LPC
What can get done?
  • Asset based loans are increasingly attractive
  • Loans gt 30MM pose a syndication risk
  • Market flex risk on terms, structure, pricing,
  • Spreads in the range of 300 bps
  • Cashflow loans to borrowers of strategic
    relevance to lenders
  • Leverage lt 3.0x
  • Industry specific
  • Sponsor makes deal easier
  • Spreads in the range of 400 bps

Treasury focus on short term liquidity
Treasury focus on short term liquidity
  • A portfolio approach to manage risk
  • Understand the liquidity needs of the company
  • Measurement/forecasting on a timely basis
  • Actively manage investments or borrowings
  • Manage portfolio to
  • Understand degree of counterparty risk
  • Review investment policy
  • Align maturities with requirements
  • Limit exposure to any single point in time
  • Ladder portfolio to reduce exposure to short term
    market dislocations

Treasury focus on short term liquidity (contd)
  • Manage counterparty risk
  • Traditional approach needs review
  • Additional due diligence required
  • Clearly define goal of investment policy income
    generation, or secure and efficient store of
  • Increase requirement for lower yielding but more
    secure investments
  • Governments
  • BAs from Canadian chartered banks
  • Careful review of money market funds

Financing today conclusion
Financing today conclusion
  • Be aware of the supply and demand constraints
  • Increased scrutiny and aggressive due diligence
  • The terms under which different lending
    institutions are willing to lend may vary
  • To succeed in this market, businesses must
    recognize that the path to funding starts
    significantly ahead of the formal financing

Financing today conclusion (contd)
  • Plan early to deal with debt maturities
  • Expect increased pricing and tighter covenants
  • Expect a reduction in unutilized credit
    availability/carve back of acquisition and
    expenditure accommodations
  • In large syndicates, plan for fall-out of fringe
  • Review short to mid-term capital needs and strive
    to preserve capital
  • Review working capital cycle
  • Capital expenditures
  • Sale of non-core/redundant assets

Financial reporting implications of current
market conditions
  • Mark Single
  • Ernst Young LLP
  • 204 933-0227
  • mark.single_at_ca.ey.com

Fair value in financial reporting - the debate
  • Debate about merits of fair value in financial
  • Fair value measures necessarily reflect
    conditions at the balance sheet date, they are
    not forecasts of future market prices
  • Investors want current fair value information and
    that transparency about fair values is important
  • Implications going forward

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Valuation of investments
  • Measuring fair values
  • Evidence supporting fair value may not come from
  • Valuation models should reflect assumptions that
    market participants would use in pricing an asset
    in a current transaction
  • Inputs should be restricted to information
    available to market participants at the reporting
  • IAS 39 Amendments Reclassifications of
    financial assets
  • Effective date is July 1, 2008, entities can make
    transfers as of that date provided this aligns
    with intent as of that date
  • Extensive disclosure requirements when
    reclassifications are made

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Valuation of Investments (contd)
  • CICA Amendments
  • To be effective for reclassifications made on or
    after July 1, 2008 provided statements have not
    previously been issued
  • Amendments implemented on emergency basis without
    public comment period
  • Amendments posted to the CICA AcSB website

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Internal controls over financial reporting
  • Current market conditions have changed the nature
    and extent of risks and the related internal and
    disclosure controls procedures necessary
  • Credit risk and derivatives
  • Non-performance risk (including credit risk) of
    both parties impacts fair value
  • Recent events may have effected the credit
    worthiness of both parties to a derivative
  • Deterioration of a derivative counterpartys
    credit worthiness or companys own
    creditworthiness can cause hedge ineffectiveness

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Impairment of depreciable long-lived assets
  • Impairment indicators are more likely to be
    prevalent, requiring assets to be evaluated for
  • Long-lived assets to be held and used are
    reviewed for impairment and tested for impairment
    whenever impairment indicators are present
  • Due to the current economic environment, it may
    be more likely that impairment indicators exists
  • Impairment must be considered at both interim and
    annual reporting dates
  • When a long-lived asset is tested for
    recoverability, it may also be necessary to
    review depreciation and amortization estimates
    and methods

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Impairment of goodwill and indefinite life
    intangible assets
  • Impairment test for goodwill and indefinite life
    intangible assets may be required to be performed
    on more than an annual basis
  • Tests for impairment of goodwill are required
    between annual tests if circumstances suggest it
    is more likely than not that the fair value is
    less than its carrying value
  • Tests for impairment of indefinite life
    intangible assets are required between annual
    tests if circumstances indicate the asset might
    be impaired
  • Current economic and market conditions increase
    the risk that impairment indicators exist

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Income taxes
  • Losses in recent years must be considered in
    evaluating deferred tax assets for realization
  • Cumulative losses or expectations of cumulative
    losses generally indicate the need for valuation
  • Appropriate disclosures should be made to support
    either the absence or existence of the valuation
  • Liquidity concerns may cause companies to
    consider repatriation of earnings from foreign
  • Consider accounting impact vs. cash flow impact

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Inventory
  • Excess or obsolete inventories and lower of cost
    or market adjustments may be necessary
  • Valuation issues associated with returns from
    merchants and leftover merchandise from the
    retail season
  • Companies should disclose the manner in which
    lower of cost or market is determined
  • Assess impact of idle plant capacity on overhead

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Post retirement benefits
  • Current market conditions suggest that benefit
    plan accounting expense and funding requirements
    will increase
  • Increased credit risk and reduced liquidity in
    the marketplace have likely affected the fair
    value of plan assets used in determining funded
    status and resulted in experience losses
  • These factors will also make it challenging to
    choose an appropriate discount rate
  • Assumed returns on plan assets should reflect
    current expectations about long term rates of

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Debt
  • Compliance with provisions in covenants
  • Ability to refinance maturing debt
  • Classification of debt as long-term vs. current
    impact of going concern assessment
  • Share-based payments
  • Accounting impacts of modifying, cancelling or
    replacing a share-based payment award
  • Impacts of equity restructuring on share-based
    payment awards

Recent market events accounting and reporting
  • Revenue recognition
  • Impact of any enhanced rights of return will
    require more attention on estimating returns
  • Customer requests for extended payment terms
    could change the timing of revenue recognition
  • Disclosure requirements
  • Re-evaluate financial statement and MDA
    disclosure around interest, FX, credit and
    liquidity risks
  • Re-evaluate financial statement and MDA
    disclosure around capital management
  • Re-evaluate critical accounting estimates
  • Assess going concern based on current market

Taxes Creating Value and Minimizing Risk in
Turbulent Times
  • Craig Roskos
  • Partner, Tax Advisory Services
  • Ernst Young LLP
  • 204 933-0209
  • craig.m.roskos_at_ca.ey.com

  • Tax perspective of the current economic
  • Issues to consider
  • Tax strategies to preserve cash

Tax perspective of the current economic conditions
  • The current economic climate is a crucial time to
    leverage tax opportunities to create and preserve
  • Tax strategies may need to shift in focus to
  • Releasing cash
  • Reducing costs
  • Efficient refinancing/restructuring

What is the impact to your business?
Tax function
Current market conditions
Accounting for tax
Refinancing or Recaps
  • Converting tax assets to cash
  • Review capital and current expenditures
  • Utilization of losses
  • Tax instalments, payments and refunds
  • Realizing or securing tax benefits
  • SRED tax credits
  • Carry back of losses
  • Clearing out Capital Dividend Account before
  • Crystallize CGE while eligible

  • Deferral of Tax
  • Timing of recognition of profits
  • Capitalize new business
  • Intellectual property planning
  • Repatriation and Cross Border
  • Tax efficient repatriation of cash
  • Review existing transfer pricing and financing

  • Factoring receivables
  • Sale and lease back
  • Loss planning
  • Crystallizing losses when required and preserving
    losses and adjusted cost base
  • Accuracy of forecasts
  • Ensure tax assumptions reflect business
    expectations in a downturn can tax payments be
    deferred, are instalments correct

  • Commodity taxes - Apply a variety of strategies
    to improve commodity taxes cash flow
  • Offsetting payroll remittances against
    GST/HST/QST refunds
  • Accelerating GST/HST/QST input tax credit
  • Have early billing date on transactions for
    GST/QST purposes
  • For significant purchases with GST/HST/QST
    payable, use a legal entity that is in a net
    GST/QST payable position for the purchase (and

Review of current structure
  • Is the current group / tax structure optimal for
    the current downturn?
  • Matching profits and losses
  • Reviewing tax structures for revised profit or
    loss forecast
  • Taxable reorganization of corporate group
  • Revisit management compensation planning
  • Transfer pricing
  • Determine if intercompany transactions are being
    created to deal with cash shortages and to
    crystallize losses in certain jurisdictions
  • Review current practice to ensure compliance with
    transfer pricing rules
  • International Assignment Policy
  • Review international assignment policies to
    introduce cost efficiencies
  • Social security tax agreements should be reviewed
    for employer tax savings
  • Are there outstanding tax equalizations for
    assignees that should be completed

Refinancing or recaps
  • Refinancing
  • Debt/equity swaps ensuring debt is not
    inadvertently extinguished and taxed under debt
    forgiveness rules
  • Thin capitalization determine how the position
    will change subsequent to refinancing and changes
    in the balance sheet
  • Acquisition of debt at a discount
  • Ensure undertaken in most tax efficient manner

  • Closure costs
  • Maximize tax relief for costs e.g., which entity
    should incur the costs, when costs are incurred
  • Losses
  • Efficient utilization of losses and potential
    creation of losses as a result of closures
  • Timing for merging of entities to optimize use of
    tax attributes
  • Pensions
  • Maximize tax relief for contributions

  • Preparation for exit
  • Tax efficient restructuring to package
    assets/companies for sale, including elimination
    of intercompany debts
  • Maximizing value when selling companies with
    losses by preserving tax attributes
  • Tax efficient exercise of incentive compensation
  • Using an insolvency process to effect the sale of
  • Tax planning to ensure divestitures are tax
  • Creation of losses to offset gains on disposal
  • Any unrealized losses in the group that can be
  • Consider deferral mechanisms on sale such as
    capital gains reserves and timing of sale

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