Title: Zooplankton Collection of Marine Biological Center IORD, Tokai University
1Zooplankton Collections of Marine Biological
Center IORD, Tokai University Shozo SAWAMOTO
A CSK International Zooplankton Collection
(Fifty vials with label are put in a paper box
according to each taxon.) B MBC Macrozooplankton
Collection (Vials with label are contained
in a bottle according to each cruise.)
2CSK International Zooplankton Collection UNESCO
Project, 1965-1974, Norpac net conical net for
vertical haul from 150 m to the surface
Operating countries Number of standard samples collected
Hong Kong 128 Indonesia 130 International 16 (UNESCO training cruise) Japan 991 Korea 684 Malaysia 30 Philippines 189 Singapore 299 South Vietnam 56 China 108 Thailand 179 USA 61 USSR 431
Total 3302
3Data Reports
- Primary sorting
- (ca. 40 taxa. Secondary sorting for
- Decapoda and Copepoda)
- (National Science Museum of
- Japan and Regional Marine
- Biological Centre for Southeast
- Asia, Singapore)
- Data Reports mentioned
- sampling data and sorting
- results
- (published from 1971 to 1977)
4Example of Data Sheet of the CSK Zooplankton
Collection (NSM 164, Yamazi, 1971)
Sampling data and result of primary sorting are
shown for each sample.
(The Collection was maintained till March 1978 at
the Regional Marine Biological Centre for
Southeast Asia. The collection was transferred to
Marine Biological Center, Tokai University in
April 1978.)
5Sorted samples loaned to specialists
- International Senior Specialist Group (ISSG)
- (1968-1977)
- Dr. H. Irie (Japan), Chairman, Dr. B. D. Lee
(Korea) - Dr. E. O. Tan (Philippines), Dr. E. Yu-F. Shen
(China) - Dr. M. S. Kun (USSR)
- Selection of specialists who can study on the
sorted specimens.
6Activity of MBC to plankton specialists
- 1980
- Marine Biological Center Report on CSK
International Zooplankton Collection. 16p. - Motoda. S.CSK International Zooplankton
Collection.Bull.Plank. - Soc.Japan,27(1)4145.
- 1981
- Motoda,S. CSK Zooplankton specimens available
for study.Bull. Plank.Soc.Japan,28(2)184186. - 1984
- Marine Biological Center CSK International
Zooplankton Collection deposited in Marine
Biological Center Tokai University.15p. - 1993
- Kubota, T. CSK international zooplankton
specimens available for study. Bull. Plank. Soc.
Japan, 40(1), 75-79. - Preparation for study web site (e.g., CMarZ) for
specialists interested in the taxa of the CSK
International Zooplankton Collection.
7Management of the CSK Collection
- Data management
- 1) sampling data
- (date, time, position, name of vessels, depth
of tow, etc.) - 2) results of primary sorting
- name of taxa, number of animals
- 3) reports from specialists
- name of species identified and record of
occurrence -
- Data of 1) and 2) are compiled using Microsoft
Excel. Data of 3) are preparing and will be
finished by March 2007. - Sample management
- Preservative check
- pH and volume of the preservative in the
vials - (5 formalin solution buffered with borax.)
8- Record of loan
- to specialists
- Twenty taxa were loaned
- by 1993.
- Six taxa were returned to MBC.
9Scientific papers on the CSK Collection
- 1981-2006
- Chaetognatha 2 papers
- Copepoda 1 paper
- Cladocera 2 papers
- Hyperiidea (Scina) 1 paper
- Caprelidea 1 paper
- Ostracoda 1 paper
10- Scientific papers on the CSK Collection
1981 Kotori.M.Chaetognaths from the
northwestern North Pacific Ocean,with an
estimation of relative strength of the
subarctic water by the species composition (CSK
International Zooplankton Collection).Res.Inst.N.
Pac.Fish,Hokkaido Univ., Spec.Vol., 45-53. 1983
Hattori,H.and S.MotodaRegional difference in
Zooplankton communities in the western North
Pacific Ocean (CSK Data). Bull.Plank.Soc.Japan,30
(1)53-63. 1985 Kotori,M. Chaetognath
populations and their seasonal change in the
northwestern Pacific Ocean (CSK International
Collection). Bull.Plank.Soc.Japan,32
(1)15-22. 1989 Kim, S.W.and
T.OnbeObservations on the biology of the marine
cladoceran Podon schmackeri.J.Crust.Biol., 9(1)
54-59. Kim, S.W.and T.OnbeDistribution and
zoogeography of the marine cladoceran Podon
sehmackeri in the northwestern
Pacific.Mar.Biol., 102(2)203-210.
11- Scientific papers on the CSK Collection
1990 Zeidler,W.Pelagic amphipods,Infraorder
Physosomata (CrustaceaAmphipoda Hyperiidea)
from the CSK International Zooplankton Collection
(western North Pacific), with the description of
four new species of Scina.Publ.Seto.Mar.Biol.Lab.,
34 (4/6) 167-200. 1994 Chen, R., J. Lin
and W. Zeng The distribtuion of planktonic
Ostracoda between the source of Kuroshio and
west of Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanol. Sinica,
13(3) 445-452. 1998 Takeuechi, I. and S.
Sawamoto Distribution of caprellid amphipods
(Crustacea) in the western North Pacific based
on the CSK International Zooplankton Collection.
Plankton Biol.Ecol., 45 (2)225-230. 2006
Othman, B. H. R. and T. Toda Pontellid copepods
from Singapore. Coastal Marine Science 30 (1)
12Macrozooplankton CollectionReserch vessels of
Tokai University, surface to 1000m layer, with
160cm ring nets, 1980-present
13Sorting room of MBC, IORD Tokai University Air
conditioner and exhaust pipe for preservative are
equipped. Two part-timers support curatorial
work there.
14Sampling and sorting data(Kubota et al., 1992,
Kubota Sawamoto1993,1996)Data are compiled
using Microsoft Excel.
15Scientific papers on MBC Collection from 1984 to
- Copepoda 3 papers
- Chaetognatha 1 paper
- Euphausiacea 1 paper
- Pisces 3 papers
- Cephalopoda (larvae) 1 paper
- Siphonophora 1 paper
- There are three data reports describing sampling
data and sorting results.
161984 ??????? ?????Calanoida???Cyclopoida
(Copepoda) ??.???? ?????????,(6),29-40. 1986
??????????????????? ?1983?3???5?,?????? ?????
??????????????.?????????,41(9),71-77. 1988
Mochioka,N., 0.Tabeta and T.KubotaA
pre-leptocephalus larva of Conger myriaster
(Family Congridae) collected from Suruga
Bay,central Japan.Japan.J. Ichthyol.,
35(2),184-188. 1989 ??? ????????
????????????????????????? ???????.?????????????,
(10),21-30. 1991 ??????? ???????????????20????
????.????? ????????,(11/12),9-28. 1992
??????????????????.?????????????,(13),85- 96.
??? ????????????????????????????????? ??????,19
17- Scientific papers (cont.)
- 1993
- ??? ??????????????????????????????????
- ?,1985-1992?.?????????????,(14),151-163.
- 1995
- ??????????? ???????????????????Bathylagus
- ochotensis(??????)???.??????????,(40),81-94.
- 1996
- ??? ?????????????????????????????????
- ??,19791985?(??????).?????????????,(17),65-87.
- 1998
- ??? ????????????????????????????????
- ???????????.??????????,(46),67-86.
- Soh,H.Y., S.Ohtsuka,H.lmabayashi and
S.SawamotoGausia princeps(Scott) - (Copepoda,Calanoida,Metridinidae)from the
lndo-Pacific,with notes on the - zoogeography of the genus. Species
Diversity,3,169-186. - 2006
Examples of vials (Reducing preservative is main
problem for a vial containing zooplankton
specimens. Bottle type A with an inner lid and
type B with a gasket are used for sorted
specimens. )