Title: Lisa M' Frehill, Ph'D'
1 Commission on Professionals in Science and
- Lisa M. Frehill, Ph.D.
- Executive Director
Nicole Di Fabio Research Assistant
Workshop Overview and Results of a Preliminary
Survey of Diversity Efforts at Professional
Societies February 14, 2008, Boston, MA
This project is supported by the National Science
Foundation, Research on Gender in Science and
Engineering, HRD 0436071. The views expressed
are those of the presenter and do not reflect
those of the National Science Foundation.
- You will introduce the person TO YOUR LEFT
- Less-than-one-minute
- Name, discipline, affiliation, etc.
- Prep it quick! Well start a few minutes after
1200 so we can introduce everyone.
- 100-130 Presentation of survey results
- 130-245 Panel discussion Running programs
- 245-300 Break
- 300-415 Table discussions/activity
- 415500 Discussion Where do we go from here?
4Where do we go from here? Potential workshop
- Top ten things that professional societies can do
to facilitate the work of the womens/diversity
committees. ? Bring list to February 28, 2008
retreat for STEM professional society executive
directors titled Enhancing Diversity in
Science A Retreat. - How to engage a wider audience in increasing the
diversity of our disciplines? - Diversity activities toolkit.
- NSF-RGSE Diffusion application (CPST/AWIS) to
continue our work with professional societies
(deadline, 4/7/08).
5What is CPST?
- Founded in 1953 (originally Scientific Manpower
Commission - Membership Research Organization
- Societies all major scientific societies
- Corporations
- Academic Institutions
- Foundations
- Individuals
- Participating organization American Association
for the Advancement of Science - Staff
- Nathan Bell, Associate Director
- Nicole Di Fabio, Research Assistant
- Susan Hill, on leave from National Science
Foundation, Science Resource Statistics Division - Mission
- To collect, analyze, and disseminate reliable
information about the human resources in the U.S. - To promote the best possible programs of
education and training of potential SEs - To develop policies of utilization of SEs
6Current research in progress(Sponsors Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation and National Science
- STEM Workforce Data Project
- Career outcomes of science masters degree
holders (with AAAS) - Program evaluations
- New Mexico AMP Bridge to the Doctorate Program
- ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Programs
- Society of Women Engineers
- Retention in engineering
- Annual Review of Literature on Women in
Engineering - Technical Support to
- ADVANCE Programs (mentoring, data issues, dept.
chairs training) - NACME
8The Big Picture
- Representations of women, under represented
minorities, Asian/Pacific Islanders across levels
and STEM fields. - Academia
- Entire STEM Workforce
9Womens representation varies greatly across
fields diminishes as pipeline stage increases.
(Degree awards, 2005 faculty, 2003)
10Although they are a minority group in the United
States, Asian Pacific Islanders are
over-represented at many levels of the STEM
pipeline. (Degree awards, 2005 faculty, 2003)
11The URM pipeline to doctoral degrees is far from
full . . . Not at parity with representation
in the population.(Degree awards, 2005)
12STEM Workforce Composition vs. All Occupations,
2003(From CPST Report 3 of the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation-funded STEM Workforce Data Project
Minorities in the STEM Workforce)
13Inventory Results
- 70 valid responses of a total 120 surveys
- 58 response rate
- 68 web responses are analyzed here
14Inventory results - types of organizations
represented by the 68 valid respondents
Note Professional Society here refers to ones
that are womens or minorities-specific
societies versus general STEM discipline based
organizations. In the remainder of the
presentation, these and the Others are excluded.
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
18Data from previous graph types of support
provided by parent organization (n 59)
19Challenges, as reported by all respondents (n
20You wouldnt rely upon volunteers to run the
payroll for the professional society.
If diversity is really important, then there
ought to be paid staff to support these efforts.
21Thank you!
- Lisa M. Frehill Nicole Di Fabio
- Commission on Professionals in Science and
Technology - 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 113
- Washington, DC 20005
- 202-326-7080
- Fax 202-842-1603
- lfrehill_at_cpst.org
This project is supported by the National Science
Foundation, Research on Gender in Science and
Engineering, HRD 0436071. The views expressed
are those of the presenter and do not reflect
those of the National Science Foundation.