Title: Educational technology and student achievement
1Educational technology and student
achievement CoSN Annual K-12 School Networking
Conference, 3rd March 2004 Washington DC Dr
Michael Harris, Evidence and Research
team, Becta, United Kingdom
2A (brief) review of the research evidence from
the UK
Two literature reviews Educational technology
and Attainment Educational technology and
3What is Becta?
- British Educational Communications and
Technology Agency - UK Governments lead agency for technology in
education, for - learning and teaching
- educational management
- educational content
- technology infrastructure.
4Bectas research aims
- Develop an evidence base to underpin the use of
technology. - Draw together evidence from national and
international sources. - Identify and exemplify models of effective
practice. - Disseminate findings in ways that influence
practice. - Offer timely and informed advice.
5A (brief) review of the research evidence from
the UK
- Positive effects on achievement found across
subjects and ages - Particularly when uses are appropriate, specific
and deep - Pedagogy really matters - in subject knowledge,
and technology selection and use
6A (brief) review of the research evidence from
the UK
- Positive effects on achievement found across
subjects and ages when - technology is selected and used appropriately by
teachers - use is closely related to the subject and
learning objectives - the right measures are used to capture the
specific effects.
7About the reviews
- Independent research team at Kings College
London, led by Margaret Cox - Research published in English
- Technology use in school ages 5-16
- Impact on learning of subjects, concepts,
processes, skills - Teacher pedagogy with technology as a key factor
in this impact - Identify other contextual factors
- Inform future research
8Does technology raise student achievement?
Strongest effects in math, science and English
Subject ICT use Impact
Programming and modelling
Understanding and applying concepts
Simulations and modelling
Scientific reasoning and explanations
Word processing, communications and presentations
Creativity and developing meaning
9Does technology raise student achievement?
Positive effects in other subjects
Subject ICT use Impact
Simulations and modelling
Concepts and relationships
Multimedia resources
Understanding and historical reasoning
Simulations and role playing
Specific language skills, vocabulary
10ImpaCT2 study (1999-2002)
ImpaCT2 - ICT and Pupil Attainment (2002)
11Effective pedagogy with technology
Organisation/ planning
Technology skills
Technology confidence
Subject knowledge
Appropriate resources
Approach to technology
12Implications for teachers
- Develop skills and confidence
- Adopt a informed critical approach
- Share more intelligence
13Implications for researchers
- Measure whats actually happening
- More detail on teacher pedagogy
- More effective at sharing evidence
14Implications for policy makers
- Stop asking does technology work?
- Fund more research
- Challenge assessment
15Bectas Research website
Literature reviews ICT and Attainment ICT and
ImpaCT2 study
What the Research Says series
16 17Does technology raise achievement?
Subject Deep use Impact
18National data analysis (2003)
ICT and Standards reports (2003)
19Planned interventions
- ICT Test Bed project
- 2002-2006
- 27m (50m) investment in first two years in 31
schools and colleges - to enable transformational change in these
schools and colleges - emphasis on a holistic approach to technology
implementation (training, technical support, home