Title: Procedural Programming
1Procedural Programming Structured Programming
- Control structures
- Sequence the default
- Conditional in these slides
- Looping in other slides
2Procedural Programming
- OOP vs. PP (Procedural ) paradigm ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - OOP class packaging of
- 1) storage for attributes of objects of this
class type - 2) behaviors (methods) of objects of this class
type - Methods ( constructors get/set accessors)
- procedural programming
3Procedural Programming
- Procedure (algorithm)
- steps to take to solve a problem
- 1st . . .
- 2nd . . .
- . . .
- last . . .
4Program/method consists of
- 1) Action statements to execute
- operate on data
- Arithmetic (on numeric types) - /
- Concatenate (string types)
- move data around
- in memory (assignment)
- memory to/from screen/keyboard (or a file, )
- WriteLine, ReadLine
5- 2) statements to Control the order in
which actions execute - transfer control
- To next statement (in physical sequence) ( the
default) - Possibly skip an action(s), based on a condition
- Choose next action from several, based on a
condition - Loop around do actions again
- A fixed number of times
- A variable number of times, based on if condition
is true or false - Call a method (a procedure) return here when
its done - Method itself does actions may transfer control
further - Go to some statement dont return when done
63 control structures
- Structured Programming
- Sequence (the default)
- Selection (conditional execution)
- Repetition (looping)
1 statement after another, in order (1st,
2nd, 3rd, ...) start at the top continue til
you hit the end
8Selection (if-then-else)
DECISION determine which of 2 paths to follow
(1 or more statements in each path)
Repeat 1 statements based on whether specified
condition is true or false also a for loop
UNTIL there are no more students
WHILE there are more students
10Combine the 3 structures
11Selection options (in C)
- selection guard, decision, conditional
- Single selection if
- Double selection if ... else
- Multiple selection
- switch (case in some languages)
- or
- if else if else if else
12Repetition options (in C)
- Event-controlled
- (loop as long as condition is true)
- while (pre test)
- do . . . while (post test)
- Count-controlled
- (loop a specified number of times)
- for
- foreach
13Selection Control Structure
14Plain ifs (3 variations)
- if (condition)
- action
- ------------------
- if (condition)
- action
- if (condition)
- action1
- . . .
- actionN
15if else (3 variations)
- if (condition)
- action1
- else
- action2
- ------------------
- if (condition)
- action1
- else
- action2
- if (condition)
- action1a
- . . .
- action9a
- else
- action1b
- . . .
- action9b
16Each action could be
- A simple action
- Assignment state
- with arithmetic expression or function call
- I/O
- Call to another method
- Another selection statement if or if. .
.else or switch - A while or do while or for loop
- do absolutely NOTHING
- Comparison (equality, relational) operators
- ! lt gt lt gt
- NOTE compare for equality
- is the assignment operator
- Compare 2 things (2 operands) which are
- - variables, constants, arithmetic expressions,
- returned values from a method call,
- . . .
18Conditions are true or false
- (a lt b)
- (a ! 25)
- ( (a 2 3) lt ( (b - 4) 3) )
- ( (Math.PI r r) lt maxSize )
- NOTE need ( ) around whole condition
19Logic operators in conditions
- (and) (or) !
(not) - ( !(a 25) ) same as (a ! 25)
- ( (a lt b) (c lt d) )
- ( (a 3) (c 1) )
- Note use Truth tables
20Order of precedence ?
- ( (a b) (c gt -14) ) typical
- (a b) (c gt -14) WRONG
- ( a b c gt -14 ) OK
- students with gpas gt 3.0 from Michigan and
Ohio? NO - (gpa gt 3.0 state MI state
OH) - ( (gender F) (age gt 21)
- (gpa gt 2.5) (!(major CS)) )
21Order of precedence of operators
- Unary operators - !
- Arithmetic operators /
- -
- Relational operators lt gt lt gt
- equality operators !
- Logic operators AND
- OR
- Assignment operator
22Actions e.g.,
- total total 1
- counter
- Console.WriteLine(blah blah)
- n Convert.ToInt32
- ( Console.ReadLine() )
- if (state MI)
- . . .
- if (state MI)
- . . .
- . . .
- else
- . . .
- // meaning do NOTHING !!!
23Empty block of actions
- UNUSUAL (bad?)
- if (a lt b)
- Console.Write(hi)
- // empty if so Write will ALWAYS happens
- if (a lt b) // NO here
- Console.Write(hi)
- // empty if so Write MAY happen
24Nested if/else
- if (a 4) // note formatting
- if (b 5)
- answer 1
- else
- answer 2
- else
- if (b 5)
- answer 3
- else
- answer 4
- // trace this code !
25Empty statement
- if (a 4)
- if (b 5)
- // OK, do nothing here
- else
- answer 2
- else
- if (b 5)
- answer 3
- else
- answer 4
26Dangling else ?
- if (a 4)
- if (b 5)
- answer 1
- // WRONG ?
- else // this else paired with if (b5)
- if (b 5)
- answer 3
- else
- answer 4
- // NOTE compiler ignores formatting and
does what instructions actually say
27Prior example actually says
- if (a 4)
- if (b 5)
- answer 1
- else // so b ! 5 here
- if (b 5)
- answer 3
- else
- answer 4
28Dangling else - the FIX
- if (a 4)
- if (b 5)
- answer 1
- else
- if (b 5)
- answer 3
- else
- answer 4
29Nested if/else if/else . . .
- if (total gt 90)
- Console.WriteLine(A)
- else
- if (total gt 80)
- Console.WriteLine(B)
- else
- if (total gt 70)
- Console.WriteLine(C)
- else
- if (total gt 60)
- Console.WriteLine(D)
- else
- Console.WriteLine(E)
30Nested generally written as
- if (total gt 90)
- Console.WriteLine(A)
- else if (total gt 80)
- Console.WriteLine(B)
- else if (total gt 70)
- Console.WriteLine(C)
- else if (total gt 60)
- Console.WriteLine(D)
- else
- Console.WriteLine(E)
31Nested if/elsesvs. Stacked ifs
- NESTED if/elses
- control goes to ONLY 1 category (condition)
- ONLY 1 set of actions is done (or none)
- used for these situations
- mutually exclusive categories - state example
- use 1st category that applies - grades example
- control goes to ALL conditions)
- ALL sets of actions MIGHT be done
- used for these situations
- use all categories that apply - cummulative
bonus example
32Nested if/elses
- control goes to ONLY 1 category
- the 1st one that applies
- and none of the rest of the else if s
- so the ORDER may be important
- NO for mutually exclusive categories - state
example - YES for use 1st category that applies - grades
example - if (state MI)
- . . .
- else if (state IN)
- . . .
- NOTE final else is optional
33Stacked ifs
- bonus 0
- if (attendance gt 25)
- bonus bonus 5
- if (labPoints gt 900)
- bonus bonus 35
34Stacked - WRONG
- if (total gt 90)
- Console.WriteLine(A)
- if (total gt 80)
- Console.WriteLine(B)
- if (total gt 70)
- Console.WriteLine(C)
- if (total gt 60)
- Console.WriteLine(D)
- Console.WriteLine(E)
35if/else in a box
- Special conditional operator ?
- Console.Write (age gt 21 ? OK NO)
- 1st Condition ? TRUE or FALSE
- 2nd VALUE of parameter when condition is TRUE
- 3rd VALUE of parameter when condition is FALSE
36Switch statement
- Equivalent to nested if/else
- Later