Title: Lambda Polarization Analysis
1Lambda Polarization Analysis
Prabhat R. Pujahari IIT Bombay
VECC Kolkota 24th to 26th April 06
1.Introduction 2.Lambda polarization 3.Depolariz
ation effect in Au-Au 4.Analysis
One of the first proposed signatures to the
production of a QGP In relativistic
Nucleus-Nucleus collisions was to study the
change in the polarization properties of ?0
hyperons as compared to that observed in P-P
collisions The polarization effect was first
observed in 1976 at FNAL in 300 Gev/c proton on
Beryllium collision. We study the polarization
effect of lambda hyperon produced in Au-Au
collision by comparing the polarization in P-P
collision. Based on a recombination model of
Lambda production mechanism in Au-Au collision,
a vanishing polarization of the Lambda has been
proposed as a possible signature of QGP In
the case of relativistic nucleus-nucleus
collisions, the expectation is that, ?0 coming
from the zone where the critical density for
QGP Formation has been achieved. These plasma
created ?0 should show zero polarization.
4Lambda Polarization
Transverse ?0 polarization can occur when the
spin of the produced ?0 has its preferred
direction perpendicular to the production plane.
The polarization can be determined by a study
of the angular distribution of the decay product
of the lambda .
The production plane is defined by the vector n
n (pbeam X pLambda)/ pbeam X
5Lambda Polarization
The Transverse Lambda polarization is known to be
dependent on PT and XF Where, XF
is a scaling variable introduced by Feynman in
the inclusive hadron interaction at large
energies and it is expressed as
XF PL/PL(max)
PL is
longitudinal momentum.
PL(max) is maximum allowed PL which is
6 Dependence of the polarization on PT (left) and
XF for PT gt 1 GeV/c (right). The predictions
drawn are from the Thomas Precession model.
With respect to the PT -dependence the
predictions are given for the four XF values
corresponding with the data. For the XF
dependence the model is calculated at PT 1
The main properties of the P-P measurements are
as follows a) Lambdas are produced with a
negative transverse polarization with respect to
the production plane. b) For the
kinematic range PT lt 1.5 Gev/c the polarization
increases linearly with PT and XF. c)
For the kinematic range PT gt 1.5 Gev/c the
polarization saturates as a function of PT
, but it is still linearly increasing as a
function of XF.
8 k XF vs PT distribution for the analyzed lambda
sample obtained with the STAR-TPC
9 The Berlin model prediction for the transverse
polarization as a function of XF for PT gt 1 GeV/c
2.5 lt ? lt 4.0
XF vs PT distribution for the analyzed lambda
sample obtained with the STAR-FTPC
11Thank You
12Depolarization in Nucleus-Nucleus collision
The production plane is completely undefined
and hence polarization vanishes . The
production plane is defined by the vector n
n (pbeam X pLambda)/ pbeam X pLambda