Title: Basic Option Strategies
1FINA 6220Professor Andrew Chen
- Basic Option Strategies
- Lecture Note 2
- Some Preliminary Issues
- Strategies involving a single type of option
- Strategies involving combinations of options
AC 22
3Preliminary Issues
- Discussion over the following option prices
- S(t) 100
- r 5
- s 25
- Standstill return
- Margin requirements and trading costs of
strategies - Profit vs. Payoff
AC 23
4Buying a Call Option
- Buying a call (Long position in 1 month 100
strike price call option) - Initial Cost
- Maximum Profit
- Maximum Loss
- Breakeven Price
- Standstill Return
- Market Outlook
- Risk Posture
C 3.085
Unlimited if price rises
-C -3.085, if price at expiration is below K
K C 103.085
Loss of the options time value, -C max(S-K,0)
-3.085 max(100-100,0) -3.085
AC 24
5Buying a Call Option
AC 25
6Buying a Put Option
- Buying a put (Long position in 1 month 100 strike
price put option) - Initial Cost
- Maximum Profit
- Maximum Loss
- Breakeven Price
- Standstill Return
- Market Outlook
- Risk Posture
P 2.669
K P 97.331, if the underlying asset falls to
-P -2.669. if the price at expiration is above K
K P 97.331
Loss of the options time value, -P max(K-S,0)
-2.669 max(100-100,0) -2.669
AC 26
7Buying a Put Option
AC 27
8Married/Protective Puts
- Married Puts
- Protective Puts
- Profit at expiration
Profit max(K,S(T)) (SP)
AC 28
9Married/Protective Puts
- Long Position in the stock and a long position in
the 1 month 100 strike price of put option. - Initial Cost
- Maximum Profit
- Maximum Loss
- Breakeven Price
- Standstill Return
- Market Outlook
- Risk Posture
S P 102.669
Unlimited, if the stock price rises
K (SP) -2.669, if the underlying asset falls
below K
S P 102.669
Loss of the options initial time value
-P-max(K-S,0) -2.669
AC 29
10Married/Protective Puts
AC 210
11Covered Call
- Buy Write Strategy
- Profit at expiration
Profit max(K,S(T)) (S-C)
AC 211
12Covered Call
- Long Position in the stock and a short position
in the 1 month 100 strike price of call option. - Initial Cost
- Maximum Profit
- Maximum Loss
- Breakeven Price
- Standstill Return
- Market Outlook
- Risk Posture
S C 96.915
K (SC) 3.085, if the call finishes
-(S-C) -96.915, if the asset price falls below
S C 96.915
Gain of the options options initial time value
C-max(S-K,0) 3.085
Neutral to mildly bullish
AC 212
13Covered Call (Buy-Write)
AC 213
14More on Call Writing Strategies
- Naked Call Writing
- Covered Call Writing (1/1) Long 1S and short 1C
- Ratio Call Writing (2/1) Long 1S and short 2C
- Variable Ratio Write Long 1S and short CL and CH
AC 214
15Covered Call Writing (1/1 Ratio)
(Long 1S and short 1C)
S0 70
C70 4
C75 2
AC 215
16Covered Call Writing (1/1 Ratio)
AC 216
17Ratio Covered Call Writing (2/1 Ratio)
1 Stock
- 1 Put
(Short Straddle)
- 2 Calls
- 1 Call
AC 217
18Ratio Covered Call Writing (2/1 Ratio)
S0 70
C70 4
C75 2
AC 218
19Ratio Covered Call Writing (2/1 Ratio)
AC 219
20Variable Ratio Covered Call (C70/C75)
S0 70
C70 4
C75 2
1 Stock
- 1C70
- 1C75
AC 220
21Variable Ratio Covered Call (C70/C75)
AC 221
22Follow-Up Actions In Option Strategies
- Roll Down (Writing Covered Call)
t 0
t 1
S0 51
S1 45
C50 6
C45 4
C50 1
(No Action)
AC 222
23Roll Down (Writing Covered Call)
AC 223
24Roll-Up (Ratio Covered Write)
- Long One stock Short two calls
t 0
t 1
S0 70
S1 75
C70 3.5
C70 6
C75 3.5
(No Action)
AC 224
25Roll-Up (Ratio Covered Write)
AC 225
26Strategies Involving Combinations of Options
- Options Spreads
- Bull and Bear Spreads with Calls
- Bull and Bear Spreads with Puts
- Ratio Spreads
- Call Ratio Spread
- Put Ratio Spread
- Ratio Backspreads
- Straddle
- Strangle
- Butterfly Spread
- Zero-Cost Collar Strategy
AC 226
27Bull Call Spread
- Buy a Call CL(KL95) and write another call
CH(KH105) with the same expiration date but a
higher strike price. - CL 6.286 CH 1.208
- Strategy Profit
-(CL CH) -5.078
for S(T)95
S(T) 95 (CL-CH) S(T) 100.078
for 95S(T)lt105
105 95 (CL CH) 4.922
for S(T)105
AC 227
28Bull Call Spread
AC 228
29Bull Put Spread
- Write a High Strike Put PH(KH105) and buy a
lower strike price put PL(KL95) with the same
expiration date. - PL 0.891 PH 5.771
- Strategy Profit
95 105 - (PL PH) -5.12
for S(T)95
S(T) 105 (PL-PH) S(T) 100.12
for 95S(T)lt105
(PL PH) 4.88
for S(T)105
AC 229
30Bull Put Spread
AC 230
31Bull Put Spread
AC 231
32Call Ratio Spread
- Call Bull Spread Call Ratio Spread
AC 232
33Put Ratio Spread
- Bear Put Spread Put Ratio Spread
AC 233
34Buying a Straddle
- Combination of a call and a put having the same
expiration date and written on the same stock - C 3.085 P 2.669
- Strategy Profit
100 S(T) (C P) 94.246 S(T)
for S(T)lt100
-(C P) -5.754
for S(T)100
S(T) 100 (C P) S(T) 105.754
for S(T)gt100
AC 234
35Buying a Straddle
AC 235
36Buying a Straddle
- Buy a Strapt 1P 2C
- Buy a Stript 2P 1C
AC 236
37Selling a Straddle
- Write a 1 month 100 strike price call and put
- Strategy Profit
for S(T)lt100
S(T) - 100 (C P) S(T) - 94.246
for S(T)100
(C P) 5.754
100 - S(T) (C P) 105.754 - S(T)
for S(T)gt100
AC 237
38Selling a Straddle
AC 238
39Buying a Strangle
- Like a straddle, but KC is above KP, and both
options are out-of-the-money at the outset. - C105 1.208 P95 0.891
- Strategy Profit
95 S(T) (C P) 92.901 S(T)
for S(T)lt95
-(C P) -2.099
for 95S(T)lt105
S(T) 105 (CP) S(T) 107.099
for S(T)105
AC 239
40Buying a Strangle
AC 240
41Selling a Strangle
- Similar to selling a straddle, but the KC is
above the KP, and both options are
out-of-the-money at the outset. - Strategy Profit
S(T) 95 (C P) S(T) - 92.901
for S(T)lt95
(C P) 2.099
for 95S(T)lt105
105 - S(T) (CP) 107.099 S(T)
for S(T)105
AC 241
42Selling a Strangle
AC 242
43Butterfly Spreads with calls or puts
- Three calls or three puts with different strike
prices and the same expiration. - Call-butterfly-spread position
- Long CL and CH
- Short 2CM
- Put-butterfly-spread position
- Long PL and PH
- Short 2PM
AC 243
44Call Butterfly Spread
- Example of call butterfly spread
- CL(KL95)6.286, CM(KM100)3.085, and
AC 244
45Call Butterfly Spread
2CM - (CL CH) -1.324
for S(T)lt95
S(T)952CM(CLCH)S(T) 96.324
for 95S(T)lt100
for 100S(T)lt105
2CM (CL CH) -1.324
for S(T)105
AC 245
46Call Butterfly Spread
AC 246
47Zero-Cost Collar Strategy
To protect profits on 100 shares of IBM stock
bought earlier at 60, and currently at 84.
Sell one April call with strike price of 90 for
200, and buy one April put with strike price of
75 at a cost of 100.
AC 247
48Zero-Cost Collar Strategy
AC 248
49Zero-Cost Collar Strategy
AC 249
50Box Spread Risk Free Lending or Borrowing
- 1. Rf 5 semi-annual Rf 2.5
- 2. 6-month options
- 3. Long Box Spread
Call July
Put July
RRR (Rate of Return)
Therefore, Short Box-Spread
AC 250