Investment Performance Evaluation

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Investment Performance Evaluation


Trade on stock exchanges can trade at a premium or discount (more common) relative to NAVPS ... same type of analysis could be done using a rolling' regression ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Investment Performance Evaluation

Investment Performance Evaluation
  • Chapter 16

  • Chapter focuses on security selection decisions
    made by professional money managers, or
    institutional investors, such as
  • Bank trust departments
  • Mutual funds
  • Investment advisory services
  • Insurance companies investment management
  • Money management firms

Sources of Funds
  • Institutional money managers receive funds from
    various sources, including
  • Pensions
  • Corporate
  • Government
  • Individual workers
  • Wealthy individuals
  • Endowments
  • Foundations

Selection of Money Manager
  • These institutions/individuals must select a
    money manager
  • This chapter presents tools for measuring and
    ranking money managers performances
  • Aids in the selection process
  • Money managers also use these tools to appraise
    and improve their skills

Information Needed for Evaluation
  • To evaluate an investment manager
  • Need rates of return
  • Many money manager services do not provide
    adequate data
  • Investment Company Act of 1940 requires every
    mutual fund in U.S. to disclose investment
  • Enables investors to effectively evaluate fund

Investments Company Data
  • Mutual fund investor redeem shares at the current
    Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS)
  • One-period rate of return for mutual fund

Mutual Funds
  • Investment goals
  • Open-end investment companies must state the
    portfolios investment objective
  • ? 33 categories of objectives
  • Closed-end funds
  • Differ from open-end funds in that
  • Cannot sell shares after initial offering
  • Can borrow money, trade options and pursue
    different investment objectives
  • Most shares are not redeemable at NAVPS
  • Trade on stock exchangescan trade at a premium
    or discount (more common) relative to NAVPS

Are Mutual Funds Markowitz Efficient Investments?
  • The mutual funds are all inefficient investments
  • Funds tend to group into clusters corresponding
    to their investment goals
  • Mutual funds are required to publish written goal
  • In a few cases funds stated objective and
    performance differed

This income and growth fund performed in the same
league as the growth funds.
Scrutinizing Mutual Funds Goal Statements
Risk Class Range of Betas of funds Average Beta Average Variance Average Rate of Return
Low 0.5 to 0.7 28 0.619 0.000877 9.1
Medium 0.7 to 0.9 53 0.786 0.001543 10.6
High 0.9 to 1.1 22 0.992 0.002304 13.5
of funds claiming each goal of funds claiming each goal of funds claiming each goal of funds claiming each goal Categorys average rate of return Categorys average rate of return Categorys average rate of return Categorys average rate of return
Beta Growth Growth income Income Growth Income, Growth Stability Growth Growth income Income Growth Income, Growth Stability
0.5 to 0.7 3 5 4 16 6.9 10.1 9.7 9.1
0.7 to 0.9 15 24 7 7 11.2 10.0 10.0 12.2
0.9 to 1.1 20 1 None 1 13.8 9.5 None 13.5
Portfolios SDs and Betas were better indicators
of portfolios actual performance than their goal
Analyzing a Portfolio Managers Style
  • In 1992 Sharpe introduced model to analyze a
    portfolio managers style (i.e., growth vs value
    investing, etc.)
  • Uses modest amount of public information about
  • Uses price indexes for 12 asset classes as
    explanatory variables for a mutual funds return
  • Sample explanatory factors
  • Soloman Brothers 90-day Treasury bill index
  • Lehman Brothers Intermediate-Term Government Bond
  • FTA Japan Index
  • Sharpe/BARRA Value Stock Index

Analyzing a Portfolio Managers Style
  • Uses factor analysis
  • The factor loadings are estimates of the weights
    that a fund invests in the twelve asset
  • R2 of 0.70 are common
  • Sharpe also suggests that same type of analysis
    could be done using a rolling regression
  • Repeating regression when new data is
    releaseddropping oldest data and adding newest

Rolling Style Analysis
  • Ibbotson Associates uses a rolling regression
    period of 60 months
  • Deleting oldest month and adding new month as
    data becomes available

Benefits From Using Quantitative Management
Style Analysis
  • Quantitative style analysis important due to
  • Investment holdings are usually not reported
    publicly until months after they are madetoo
    late for investors to react in a timely manner
  • Mutual funds can report misleading investment
  • Can also provide better forecasts of mutual
    funds risk/return than subjective comments in
    newspapers, etc.

Sharpes Portfolio Performance Measure
  • May wish to rank portfolios performances
  • Need a measure that includes both risk and return
  • Sharpe devised the reward to variability index

SHARPE Example
  • The Avon Fund earned an average return of 8
    annually with a standard deviation of 16.6,
    while the Blair Fund earned 13.00 annually with
    a standard deviation of 22.4. During the same
    time period the average risk-free rate was 4.
  • Which fund was the better performer?

Since SHARPEBlair gt SHARPEAvon, Blair was the
better performer on a risk-adjusted basis.
SHARPE Example
Treynors Performance Measure
  • Treynor devised measure to evaluate performance
    that uses systematic risk (beta) rather than
    total risk (standard deviation)

Calculated by estimating the funds
characteristic line via regression.
  • The Avon Fund earned an average return of 8
    annually (Characteristic LineAVON Alpha
    -0.00125 Beta 0.8125), while the Blair Fund
    earned 13.00 annually (Characteristic LineBLAIR
    Alpha 0.014 Beta 1.156). During the same
    time period the average risk-free rate was 4.
  • Which fund was the better performer?

Since TREYNORBlair gt TREYNORAvon, Blair was the
better performer on a risk-adjusted basis.
  • TREYNOR measures the desirability of fund in a
    SML context

An Investments Alpha
  • Jensen modified the characteristic line equation
  • Rather than using periodic rates of return, he
    uses periodic risk-premiums
  • With expected values of

Explanation of an Investments Alpha
  • Jensens alpha represents excess returns from
  • Can be , 0 or
  • If asset is correctly priced, Jensens alpha 0
  • If alpha gt 0, asset has earned return greater
    than appropriate for its level of undiversifiable
    risk (beta)
  • Asset is underpriced
  • If alpha lt 0, assets returns are lower than
    appropriate for its level of risk
  • Asset is overpriced

Jensens Alpha Example
  • Using data (risk premiums, not returns) from
    Table 16-7 for the Avon and Blair Funds
  • Characteristic LineAvon
  • Jensens alpha -0.00875
  • Beta 0.8125
  • Characteristic LineBlair
  • Jensens alpha 0.02062
  • Beta 1.1562

Blair earned positive excess returns.
Caveats About Alphas
  • Jensens alpha cannot be used to rank performance
    of different assets unless its adjusted for the
    assets risks
  • The appraisal ratio divides Jensens alpha by the
    standard error of the estimate (SE(u)) which then
    allows for rankings
  • The alpha calculated from the original
    characteristic line (Chapter 7) is not the same
    as Jensens alpha and should not be used for
    investment performance evaluation

Analyzing Performance Statistics
  • Mutual funds with the highest average rate of
    return might not have the highest rank because
  • A highly aggressive fund may earn higher returns
    than a less aggressive fund but the higher
    returns may not be sufficient to compensate for
    the extra risk taken

Analyzing Performance Statistics
Possible Investments Expected Return Standard Deviation
Yak Fund 30 20
Zebra Fund 15 5
RFR 4 0
  • While the Yak Fund earned twice as much as the
    Zebra Fund it is four times as risky.

Analyzing Performance Statistics
  • By multiplying Zebras low SD by 4, we could
    create a new portfolio on Zebras Asset
    Allocation Line with the same high SD as Yak Fund
  • By borrowing 4 times as much as the initial
    equity, one could achieve the following E(rZebra)

Analyzing Performance Statistics
The leveraged Zebra portfolio dominates the Yak
Fund thus Zebra is a better fund even though Yak
has a higher average return.
General Discussion of Performance Measurement
  • When investors analyze merits of alternative
    investments, usually concerned with
  • Asset selection
  • Portfolio managers ability to select good
    investments and to not select poor investments
  • Sharpe, Treynor Jensens Alpha are good tools
    to evaluate this issue
  • Market timing
  • Portfolio managers ability to buy low/sell high
    and managers ability to react to changes in
    markets direction
  • Sharpe, Treynor Jensens Alpha are not good
    tools for evaluating market timing unless
    theoretical framework is extended

Evaluating Timing Decisions
  • Treynor Mazuy included a second-order term in
    the characteristic line to evaluate market-timing

Evaluating Timing Decisions
  • A successful market timer will
  • Shift into high beta securities when bull market
  • Shift into low beta securities when bear market
  • If portfolio manager does this, beta2,investment
    gt 0
  • If portfolio manager cannot outguess market
    turns, beta2,investment 0 (statistically)
  • If portfolio manager incorrectly predicts market
    turns, beta2,investment lt 0

Do Winners Repeat?
  • Are the best portfolio managers able to repeat
    their high performance?
  • If security markets are perfectly efficient,
    there should be no consistency in high
  • When evaluating whether winners repeat, must be
    careful to not flaw study in terms of
    survivorship bias
  • Market indexes only contain securities that have
    survivednot experienced bankruptcy, merger,
  • Goetzmann Ibbotson studied mutual funds
  • Mitigated survivorship bias by comparing funds
    within-sample performances through time

Goetzmann Ibbotson Study
  • Database
  • Monthly total returns of several hundred mutual
    funds over a 13-year period
  • Management fees deducted, but load, exit fees and
    taxes were not considered
  • All cash flows reinvested monthly
  • Returns measured over 2-year within-sample
    period, beginning in 1976 to predict
    out-of-sample performance for subsequent 2-year
  • Only funds in existence for entire 2-year
    interval included
  • Every mutual fund categorized as winner or
    loser based on whether it ranked above or below
    that 2-year samples median return

Goetzmann Ibbotson Study
1978-1979 Winners 1978-1979 Losers 1980-1981 Winners 1980-1981 Losers
1976-1977 Winners 84 54 1978-1979 Winners 110 41
1976-1977 Losers 50 88 1978-1979 Losers 38 113
1982-1983 Winners 1982-1983 Losers 1984-1985 Winners 1984-1985 Losers
1980-1981 Winners 63 96 1982-1983 Winners 104 62
1980-1981 Losers 96 63 1982-1983 Losers 71 95
Combined Results Successive Period Combined Results Successive Period
1986-1987 Winners 1986-1987 Losers Winners Losers
1984-1985 Winners 125 72 Initial Winners 486 59.9 325 40.1
1984-1985 Losers 72 125 Initial Losers 327 40.3 484 59.7
The combined results show that there is about a
60 chance a winner will be a winner the
following period.
But, the repeat-winners pattern didnt persist
during this subsample.
Goetzmann Ibbotson Study
  • However, these high-return mutual funds could
    continue to have high-ranking returns due to high
    risk, not because they were winners
  • GI replicate study using risk-adjusted returns
  • Computed Jensens Alpha for each fund
  • Classified fund as a winner or loser if funds
    alpha gt or lt periods median alpha
  • Results show that winners tend to repeat in all 5
  • Also, divided sample into growth funds and found
    similar results
  • Also, used 1-year subsamples rather than 2-year
  • Similar, but weaker, support for the repeat
    winners hypothesis

Other Studies
  • Malkiel argues that while repeat winners
    phenomenon existed in 1970s, it was not present
    during 1980s
  • Carhart finds that winning funds tend to have a
    winning performance the following year, but not
  • Losers have a strong tendency to persist with the
    worst performers persisting for years

The Bottom Line
  • About mutual fund investments
  • Average American buying round lots can afford
    only about 7 different stocks
  • Not enough to minimize diversifiable risk
  • Mutual funds are usually able to reduce their
    diversifiable risk
  • Investors can maintain their desired risk-class
    by mutual fund investing
  • Most investors should focus on a mutual funds
    fees and favor funds charging smallest fees

The Bottom Line
  • About Portfolio Performance Measures
  • To adequately evaluate a portfolio, must analyze
    both risk and return
  • SHARPE measures risk-premium per unit of total
  • TREYNOR measures risk-premium per unit of
    systematic risk
  • Jensens alpha measures risk-adjusted returns for
    both portfolios and individual assets
  • All three measures tend to rank mutual funds
  • Additional tools are available for measuring a
    managers market timing skills
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