Title: The Skinny on Low Carbohydrate Diets
1The Skinny on Low Carbohydrate Diets
- The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
2Americans Are Gaining Too Much Weight!
- Overweight is a major problem, not only in the
U.S., but throughout the world - The increase in weight causes an increase in many
chronic diseases - diabetes
- heart disease
- cancer
- arthritis
3Why Is America Gaining Weight?
- Were eating too much
- Large portions
- Empty calories
4Why Is America Gaining Weight?
- We sit too much
- We get too little physical activity
5(No Transcript)
6Americans Are Turning To Fad Diets
7Low Carbohydrate Diets Recycled
- Low-carb diets are not new - many are from the
70s - The Stillman Diet
- Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution
- The Scarsdale Diet
- Airforce Diet
8The Lure of Low-Carb Fad Diets
- Lose weight quickly
- Less hunger
- Unlimited amounts of meat and fat
9The Lure of Low- Carb Fad Diets
- Low-carb foods are flooding the market
- in the grocery store
- in restaurants
Low-Carb Menu
10Low Carb Diet Claims
- Carbohydrate is the cause of weight gain
- too much insulin is released, causing hunger,
cravings and weight gain - Low-carb diets cause weight loss
11What is a Low Carbohydrate Diet?
- Typical low-carb diet
- Initially severely restricts foods with
carbohydrate - Fruits, vegetables, milk, whole grains
- Often allows unlimited meats and fats
Low-Carb Yogurt
12Do You Need Carbohydrate?
- Your brain depends on carbohydrate for energy
- A minimum of 130 grams per day
- Low carbohydrate diets provide only 20-90 grams
carbohydrate per day
13Importance of Carbohydrates
- Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat
dairy foods are an important part of any diet - Contain nutrients
- that are needed for
- good health
14Be Carbohydrate Conscious
- Limit portions of all carbohydrates to limit
calories - Carbohydrates that are high in sugar or fat are
less healthy
15Do Low Carb Diets Work?
16Quick Weight Loss
- Promises of quick weight loss?
- Weight lost during first 7-14 days is water loss
17Quick Weight Loss
Carbohydrate stored in muscle and liver
Water loss, not fat loss
18Do Low Carb Diets Work?
- You will lose weight if you follow any diet
- Due to fewer calories
- Low carb diets
- Severely limit food choices
- Dont allow foods that people often overeat
- Studies show low carb diets do not work better
19Are Low Carb Diets Harmful?
- Lack important nutrients
- found in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy
products and whole grains - High in cholesterol and saturated fat
- May increase risk of heart disease
20Are Low Carb Diets Harmful?
- May increase the risk of
- Bone loss
- Kidney stones
- Gout (painful joint disease)
- Kidney disease
- Dehydration and constipation
21Are Low Carb Diets Harmful?
- Low carb diets may hinder the performance of
athletes - May run out of energy too quickly
- Carbohydrate needed to replenish stored
carbohydrate in muscles (glycogen) - Low-carb diets may cause dehydration
22What About Low Carb Products?
Low carb beer
Low carb ice cream
Low carb pasta
Low carb cookies
Low carb bread
Low carb candy
Low carb chips
23How Do They Make a Food Low Carb ?
24Low Carb French Toast
- ½ 3-ounce bag unflavored pork rinds
- 2 eggs
- ¼ cup heavy cream
- 3 packets Splenda
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- ½ tsp vanilla
Crumble pork rinds. Beat eggs well, then mix with
remaining ingredients and beat again. Add crushed
pork rinds to the egg/cream mixture. Mix will
thicken to a gloppy phase... Serve with lots of
butter and low-carb syrup. Serves 2 310
Calories 25 grams fat 1.5 grams CHO 270 mg
25How Are Carbs Reduced?
- Reduce or eliminate flour
- Use proteins from soy beans, wheat, oats, milk,
eggs - Add fiber
- Replace sugar
- Sugar alcohols (maltitol) or sugar substitutes
- Reduce the serving size
26Confusing Labeling Lingo
Net Carbs? Impact Carbs? Effective Carbs?
- New terms created as marketing ploy
- Manufacturers subtract fiber and sugar alcohols
from Total Carbohydrate to get net carbs
27Net Carbs or Total Carbs
3g Net Carbs
Chocolate Mocha Crunch Bar
Net wt 2.11 oz (60 g)
Nutrition Facts Serving size 1 bar (60 g)
Calories 220 Total Carbohydrate 22 g
Dietary Fiber 10 g Sugars 0 g
Advice Ignore net carbs look at the
Nutrition Facts label
28The Bottom Line on Low-Carb Foods
- Have not been shown to help with weight loss
- Are not usually low in calories or fat
- Poor taste
- Expensive
Low-Carb Yogurt
29Atkins Diet Example
3-egg omelet 1 oz cheese 1 tsp. butter 4 slices
6 oz grilled chicken 2 cups salad ¼ cup almonds ¼
cup oil vinegar
8 ounces steak 3/4 cup broccoli 2 tsp butter
30Evaluating a Low Carb Diet
- Low in
- Calcium
- Fiber
- Antioxidants, phytonutrients
- High in
- Total fat
- Saturated fat
- Cholesterol
31Cholesterol and Fat Comparisons
1000 mg
Percent Calories from Fat
1000 mg
Current Recommendations
Current Recommendations
32Atkins Diet Example(with low-carb foods)
3-egg omelet 1 oz cheese 1 slice low-carb toast 1
tsp. butter 4 slices bacon
6 oz grilled chicken 2 cups salad 1 oz. low carb
tortilla chips ¼ cup almonds ¼ cup oil
vinegar 2 low-carb cookies
8 ounces steak 3/4 cup broccoli 2 tsp butter 1
cup low-carb ice-cream
33How Low-Carb Diets Stack Up
34Example of 1500 Calorie Low-fat Menu
- Breakfast Lunch Dinner
- ½ cup orange juice 6 carrot sticks 1
medium sweet potato - 1 cup skim milk 2 slices ww bread ¾
cup broccoli - ¾ cup bran cereal 2 oz turkey 1 cup
lettuce salad - 1 apple 3 oz baked
salmon - 1 cup skim milk 1 whole
wheat roll - 2 tsp. mayonnaise 2 Tbs. olive oil
vinegar 2 tsp. margarine - Evening Snack
- 6 oz low-fat yogurt
- ½ cup blueberries
35Hints for Weight Loss Success
Food and exercise habits of successful weight
- Follow a reduced calorie, low-fat diet
- Exercise at least 30 minutes most days
- Keep a record of what and how much is eaten
- Eat breakfast every day
- Check weight weekly