Title: Ive got a hallelujah heart
1Ive got a hallelujah heart It wont stop
singing Ive got a hallelujah heart It wont stop
singing Your praise Ive got a hallelujah
heart Its beatin to the rhythm Ive got a
hallelujah heart Its beatin to the rhythm of
praise A hallelujah heart always wants to
start Every day with worship and praise A
hallelujah heart always wants to start In a glory
hallelujah way Glory hallelujah
Hallelujah Heart - 7 - 1 of 2
2Ive got a hallelujah heart It wont stop singing
Wont stop singing Ive got a hallelujah heart It
wont stop singing Your praise It wont stop
singing Wont stop, wont stop Its beatin to
the rhythm (BA-BOOM) It wont stop singing Your
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