Title: The Latest Advances in Zoning Design and Practices
1The Latest Advances in Zoning Design and Practices
Joe Ramunni Arzel Zoning Technology
2Joe Ramunni Arzel Zoning Technology, Inc.
- 32 years in the HVAC Industry
- 17 years - Service Technician
- 6 years - Service Manager
- 9 years - Arzel Zoning
- Tech Support
- Prod Development
- R D
- Training
- The Modern HVAC Consumer
- The New Math of BTU Delivery
- Bypassing in a New Age
- Training Partnership Initiative
5Surprisingly, Only One-Third of Recent Home
Comfort System Buyers Have Comfortable Temps In
All Rooms
Home Comfort Levels
All Homeowners
Recent HVAC Buyers
Base 19,322 Homeowners 2,494 Recent HVAC
Buyers Question S21 Please indicate True or
False for the following statements about the
comfort level provided by the central heating
and/or air conditioning system in your primary
residence.Source 2004 American Home Comfort
Study, Tables 81-1.1 and 81-1.9414
6What floor is your light switch on?
- Do you only have 1 light switch for your entire
7How Many thermostats would you like in your home?
8Energy Savings
- Interested in saving money on your energy bills?
- Are environmental issues a concern?
Zoning plus programmable thermostats can reduce
comfort cost by up to 30
9Zoning Variable Speed Technology
Load requirements are constantly changing
- Peak demand is required less than 10 of the
seasonal run time (manual J, 8th Edition) - Room CFM quantities based on average load
requirements will be undersized during times of
peak load.
10Zoning Variable Speed Technology
The sum is greater than the parts
- So90 of the seasonal run time we need
approximately 50 of the capacity - Requires Variable Speed Technology
- And.the inadequate mixing that is associated
with the oversized supply air outlets will still
cause the warm supply air to stratify at the
upper level. (Manual D 1-1) - Requires Zoning Technology
11Reality Retrofit Zoning
- A Common Example
- 2 Story or Ranch home
- Single trunk with 12 to 20 runs
12Old Math
- Traditional Zoning Solution One damper per zone
- Reconfigure Ductwork
- One main supply duct for every zone
13New Math
- Arzel Zoning One Damper per Run
- EzySlide Branch Dampers
- RegiDamper
- InsertaDamper
First Floor
First Floor
First Floor
First Floor
Single Main duct
First Floor
First Floor
First Floor
First Floor
14Zoned Airflow Dynamics
15Static Pressure
Increased supply static is what makes zoning
- Push more air into the zone that needs it
- Push air into hard to condition areas
- Satisfy the zone quicker
- Increased throw at the register
- Increased pressure can cause air delivery noise
- Increased Static will increase duct leakage
16Static Pressure Control
- Once you understand how airflow works Static
Pressure is your best tool for creating comfort
17Delivered BTUs _at_ 400 CFM/ton
The faster the air moves across the coil the less
18Delivered BTUs _at_ 300 CFM/ton
Slowing the air across the coil the btu/CFM
19Delivered Capacity
Bonus Room Over the Garage Heating Zoning
Example With all Zones Open Airflow 480 CFM
Room air temperature dry bulb 66 Supply
air temperature dry bulb 114 Temperature
change 48 Delivered BTU 480 CFM x 48 ?t x
1.08 _____________
24,883 SBTU
20Delivered Capacity
Bonus Room Over the Garage Heating Zoning
Example only this Zone Open Airflow 775 CFM
Room air temperature 66 Supply air
temperature 130 ?t 64 Delivered BTU 775
CFM x 64?t x 1.08 ____________
53,568 SBTU
21Delivered Capacity
Bonus Room Over the Garage Heating Zoning
Example What is the change in airflow? What is
the change in the ?t? What is the change in BTU?
(61 increase)
295 CFM
28,685 SBTU
(115 increase)
22Delivered Capacity
Bonus Room Over the Garage Cooling Zoning
Example All Zones Open Airflow 570 CFM Room
Air 72.6 Wet Bulb Enthalpy
_________ Supply Air 65.2 Wet bulb
Enthalpy _________
Enthalpy Change _________
23Delivered Capacity
24Delivered Capacity
Bonus Room Over the Garage Cooling Zoning
Example All Zones Open Airflow 570 CFM Room
Air 72.6 Wet Bulb Enthalpy
_________ Supply Air 65.2 Wet bulb
Enthalpy _________
Enthalpy Change _________
Delivered BTU CFM x ?ht x 4.5
15,800 SBTU
25Delivered Capacity
Great Room Over the Garage Cooling Zoning
Example Only Zone Open Airflow 850 CFM Room
Air 72.6 Wet Bulb Enthalpy
_________ Supply Air 62.5 Wet bulb
Enthalpy _________
Enthalpy Change _________
26Delivered Capacity
27Delivered Capacity
Bonus Room Over the Garage Cooling Zoning
Example All Zones Open Airflow 850 CFM Room
Air 72.6 Wet Bulb Enthalpy
_________ Supply Air 62.5 Wet bulb
Enthalpy _________
Enthalpy Change _________ Delivered BTU
CFM x ____?ht x 4.5 ____________
31,212 TBTU
28Delivered Capacity
Great Room Over the Garage Cooling Zoning
Example What is the change in airflow? What is
the change in the ?ht? What is the change in
280 CFM
(49 increase)
(colder, dryer air)
15,214 TBTU
(96 increase)
29Maximizing System Effectiveness
When serving less than 50 of the duct system
- Push 50 more wheel barrels
- 6 round duct handling 150 cfm
- Load each one with 30 more btus
- 30 btus/cfm plus 30 40 btus/cfm
- Deliver 100 more capacity
- deliver ½ ton per 6 duct
- 100 x 30 3,000 btus delivered
- 150 x 40 6,000 btus delivered
30The 40-60-80 Rule
- If a zoned system is properly designed,
- a 40 zone should handle 60 of the cfm
- and deliver 80 of the btus
31Joes House
Zone 1 - 1st Fl Living Area (565 sq ft)
Zone 2 - 1st Fl Kitchen/Dinning Area (500 sq ft)
Zone 3 - 2nd Fl Bed Rooms (825 sq ft)
2nd Floor
1st Floor
1900 Total Sq Ft Two stage, variable speed, 70k
BTU furnace Single stage, 2 ton A/C Heat
PumPro-3 Zone panel
32Heat Cycle Data
Joes House
Data time range 16,522 min or
275 hrs or 11 days Min ODT 19
deg f Max ODT 55 deg f Avg ODT
36 deg f Total Run Time - 150 hrs 2nd
stg Heat- W2 20 hrs 13 (blower watts, low
speed 140, hi speed 420) Serving Zone 1 (1st fl
Main) 111 hrs 74 Serving
Zone 2 (1st fl kitch) 53 hrs
35 Serving Zone 3 (2nd fl Bd Rms) 36 hrs
24 Serving Single Zone 72 Serving Two
Zones 25 Serving All Three Zones 3
W1 Cycle data Total cycles 589 Avg
Cycle On time 16 Min Avg Cycle Off time 8
Min Avg Cycles/Hr 2
33Cooling Cycle Data Findings
Joes House
Data time range 72 Hrs or 3 days
Min ODT 71 deg f Max ODT 95
deg f Avg ODT 86 deg f Total Run Time
- 31 hrs 2nd stg Blower- Y2 6 hrs (blower
watts, low speed 180, hi speed 660) Serving Zone
1 (1st fl Main)
4 Serving Zone 2 (1st fl kitch)
45 Serving Zone 3 (2nd fl Bd
Rms) 64 Serving
Single Zone 62 Serving Two Zones 38
Serving All Three Zones Total cycles Avg Cycle On time Min Avg
Cycle Off time Min Avg
34Lab Demo Layout
5 Ton 2stg HP w/2stg VS Furnace (92k Input)
2nd Floor
Master Bd Rm
Childs Bd Rm
Childs Bd Rm
Master Bath/Clst
2nd Fl Trunk 50 of total _at_ 2.5 Tons
1 st Fl Trunk 50 of total _at_ 2.5 Tons
35Lab Demo Heating Results
Test CFM MB 1
CFM MB 2 Supply Static Blower Watts
36Lab Demo Cooling Results
Test CFM MB 1
CFM MB 2 Supply Static Blower Watts
37Bypass Ducts
- Bypass relieves excess static and velocity by
allowing some air to move directly from the
supply to the return
38Bypass Issues
- Many bypass ducts are designed and installed for
the wrong reason. - Oversize Bypass ducts diminish the positive
dynamics of a zoning system. - Bypass ducts are often sized using incorrect
logic to size it properly. - Many bypass dampers are improperly adjusted.
39Old Math Bypass Sizing(3.5 Ton A/C with 4-6
runs in smallest zone)
- 3.5 ton _at_ 400 CFM/ton Total CFM of 1400
- Smallest zone CFM _at_100CFM/6 run 400CFM
- Bypass CFM required 1000CFM
- Bypass sized at .10 friction (1000fpm) 14
40Bypass Laws
- Start with the end results in mind
- Maximum CFM to the smallest zone
- If a small zone is calling by itself, it is
probably at peak load - Minimum CFM Bypassed
- Objectionable Air Noise in smaller zones is
Eliminated - Maximum BTU transfer at the equipment
- Remember return CFM decreases as bypass CFM
41Blower Capacity Limitations
CFM Decreases as Static Pressure
Increases Typical Blower Performance Curve
42Bypass Laws
- Smallest zone should deliver up to twice the
typical delivered CFM - Increased throw will improve 2nd fl effectiveness
- Blower CFM will decrease as static pressure
increases. - Lower CFM and velocity across the coil will
increase dehumidification - Bypass ducts will move air at 1500 to 2500 fpm
- Minimal duct length and air being pushed and
43Understand the Dynamics of Zoning
- Velocity (Dual Personality)
- Increases in the duct that feeds the zone being
served - Decreases in the common trunk and through the
equipment - Friction Loss
- As the velocity in the branch run increases, the
friction rate multiplies by 4 times - To increase air delivery from 80 CFM to 160 CFM,
static press might have to increase by up to 400
(.06wc to .30wc) - Bypass Duct Capacities
- Bypass ducts move air at higher velocities (1500
to 2500fpm) with very little friction loss. - Enthalpy Factor
- As the CFM and velocity decrease across the coil,
the latent capacity increases.
44Ranch Home Floor Plan
45CFM Case Study
46New Math Bypass Sizing
- Reduce bypass cfm
- Increase cfm to zone
- Maximize Btu transfer
Less is More!
47Bypass Setup
- Start the smallest zone calling for cooling
- Adjust the pressure control or barometric weight
to close the bypass - Get homeowner input on air noise level!
- Make minimal adjustment to the pressure control
or barometric weight to reduce duct noise - Check air delivery and noise with home owner
- Readjust if required
48ModuPASS Bypass Control
Provides level of control required for Variable
Speed drives
(Eliminates Hunting) Adjustment range of .05
to 1wc static Modulates to maintain a constant
maximum static Truly Modulating (not
floating) bypass control Compensates for
slightly oversized bypass duct Self-adjust to
meet various bypass requirements in
system AirBoss HPPro panels are equipped for
ModuPASS connection Can be field installed in
200-MPS series panels
49Independent Capacity Control Duct capacity
determines blower FF stages (V-speed) LAT OAT
determine HP/Aux Capacity staging
50Education Training Partnership
- Promote the concept of equipping our educators in
the HVAC industry to teach about zoning. - Create a training partnership with HVAC
educators. - Create a transfer-friendly training environment.
- Conduct follow-up activities with training
51Education PartnershipOn The CD
- Instructor Resources
- Curriculum Overview
- Equipment Lease Program
- Continuing Education Scholarship Opportunities
- Train the Trainer Program
- Application Questionnaire
Arzel Thanks you for your time