Title: Behavior Support Intervention
1Behavior Support Intervention
Kimberly Thier, PhD Christopher De Jesus
- May Institute
- Hedgepeth/Williams M.S.
Trenton Public Schools Data Conference EST
June 3, 2004
- May Institute
- nonprofit human service organization founded in
1955 - focus on research, training, and service
- leading expert in providing behavior support
strategies to schools and individuals - validated, data-driven best practices
- consultation to more than 100 school districts
each year
- The Positive Schools program was developed to
help schools create an environment conducive to
learning - one in which students are ready to
learn, prepared to participate, and able to make
4Continuum of School-wide Positive Behavior
TARGETED Interventions for high risk students
UNIVERSAL Interventions for all students, staff,
and settings
SELECTED Interventions for Students with At-Risk
Sugai and Horner (2002)
5Positive Schools
Tertiary Prevention Individualized Interventions
A comprehensive systemic approach to positive
behavior support
Small Group
Secondary Prevention Selected Interventions
Primary Prevention Universal Interventions
6Positive SchoolsBehavior Support Plans
- Rules Expectations
- Lesson Plans
- Monitoring
- Recognition System
- Corrective Procedures
- Schedule for Staff Training Program Launch
7Primary PreventionSchool-wide and Class-wide
- Develop a data management system to effectively
design solutions and evaluate change - Develop an individualized PREVENTATIVE
school-wide behavior support plan - Develop with each teacher PREVENTATIVE
classroom-wide behavior support plans - Consult to individual teachers as necessary
- Monitor treatment integrity through data
collection - Train staff to evaluate outcomes
8Positive SchoolsSchool-wide Outcomes
- Improvements in the school behavioral climate
- Decrease in
- office referrals
- suspensions, detentions
- disruptive classroom behavior
- number of high risk students
- Increase in
- academic performance
- teacher time for instruction
- student on-task behavior
- parent, student and staff satisfaction
- staff retention and attendance
9School-wide Outcomes
10Estimated Increases in Instructional Time from
Year 1 to Year 2
- Decrease of 1455 referrals 232 suspensions
20 minutes/referral 6 hours/suspension
112,618 minutes or 1877 hours
313 days of additional instruction
11Estimated Increases in Administrative Time from
Year 1 to Year 2
- Decrease of 1455 referrals 232 suspensions
10 minutes/referral 45 minutes/suspension
24,989 minutes or 416 hours
52 days of additional administrative opportunities
12School-wide OutcomesDecrease in Violence
13School-wide OutcomesFewer Students Suspended
127 fewer students suspended this year
14Classroom-wide Outcomes
15Classroom-wide Outcomes
16Data-Based Decision Making
- School-Wide Information System (SWIS)
- Web-based system that provides school personnel
with accurate, timely, practical information
for making decisions about discipline systems - Design management of school-wide behavior
support systems - Target interventions for problem areas
- Individual student behavior support systems
17Data-Based Decision Making
- SWIS summarizes discipline referrals
- Per day per month
- By problem behavior
- By location
- By time
- By student
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