Title: Piecing Together the Green Fleet Puzzle
1- Piecing Together the Green Fleet Puzzle
- From a Fleet Managers Perspective
Presented by Philadelphia Nafa http//www.nafaphil
2(No Transcript)
3Why go green, what are the key drivers for this
10. Save the Planet Greenhouse Gases Air
09. Employee Satisfaction Employees Expect It
08. Corporate Citizenship Customers and
Stakeholders Demand It
07. Save Gas Lower CO2 Lowers Fuel Expenses
06. Save Money Lower CO2 Lower Overall Costs
05. Save the Dinosaurs Less Dependence on
Fossil Fuels
04. Big Brother - The Government Angle
03. The Time is Now Plan Ahead Win
02. It Starts with You! You Impact over 16
million pounds annually
01. IM Looking for a Raise It Costs a Fortune
to Fill the Tank of My One-ton SUV
Daniel Hannan
4What are some best practices around
environmentally friendly fleet management?
- What gets measured gets managed
- Focus on the outcome, not the technology
- Look for cost effective ways to improve
efficiency reduce emissions - Reduce what you can then offset what you cant
Karen Healey
5Aligning Fleet Greening with Corporate Strategy
- How far does your company want to go to be green?
- Suggest changes or make changes?
- Consult or set policy?
- Change the world or change an image?
- Does your green policy reflect corporate goals?
- Lifecycle Costs
- Vehicle Selection and Functionality
- Align with CSR Policy
Kris Bush
6What can I communicate to my drivers to make them
aware of how to make our fleet Green and
Environmentally friendly?
- Use multiple methods and resources
- Go beyond just your company fleet drivers
- Keep it brief, timely and up to date
- Focus on
- Starts
- Stops / Idling
- Loads
- Maintenance
- Speed
- Tires
Jim Creighton
7How do you measure greenhouse gases from your
Pick Data Source
Select Emission Factors
Select Metrics
Peter J. Sullivan
8How does green vehicle selection impact your
overall operating costs? Fuel Selection Fuel
Cost Reduction Improved Residual
Performance Drives Cost Effective Vehicle
Selection Enables More Strategic Cycling
Behavior Maintenance Cost Reduction
Avoidance Tax Credit Opportunities
Daniel Hannan
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10How do you create a Global Carbon Footprint?
- 4 Steps to a Global Carbon Footprint
- Country buy-in
- Data collection
- Data input into country calculators
- Compilation and presentation
Kris Bush
11What are carbon offsets and should I be buying
What Are They?
A carbon offset is a measure of reduced
emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) or equivalent
(CO2e). Measured in Mt.
Example Projects
Business Project Replace coal with wind
Biological Project Afforestation in fallow land
Key Concepts
- Carbon footprint
- Baseline
- Carbon neutrality
- Additionality
- Verification
- Permanence
- Registration
- Carbon neutrality
Peter J. Sullivan
12What kind of results ( environmental and
financial) are companies achieving when they
participate in a comprehensive program to green
their fleet?
- Our clients have achieved
- GHG as much as 21
- MPG as much as 20
- Cost as much as 9
- Factors in results
- Starting point
- Approach
- Constraints
Karen Healey
13Are there any real world case studies that show
where fleets have had success implementing
alternatives with a positive impact on internal
green initiatives?
- Profile- property management support fleet
- 1,000 compact SUVs and PUs
- Multi-tiered support for change
- Special / unique concerns on upfitting
- Driver behavior modification and training issues
- Implementation of test scenario
- Ready for widespread deployment
Jim Creighton